
Ruby on Rails Automatic Signin after Signup leads to blank users screen.

Hello, I am currently doing the Ruby on Rails tutorial by Michael Hartl. Currently, I am on this part of the PDF, My problem is this... When signing up a new user the code function correctly by creating a new user and automatically signing that user in. However I run i...

`rescue in load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant Sass::Script (NameError)

Hi, I am trying to run Shapado (A rails based Stackoverflow clone). While running the script I get the following error - `rescue in load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant Sass::Script (NameError) I have haml installed - Haml/Sass 3.1.79 (Bleeding Edge) I do not understand how to get around this error. Can you give some pointer...

rails Column cannot be null:

I noticed that my application was automatically setting all my processes to having been completed as soon as they were created. I looked through it, couldn't find why the date was being updated without being told to, but I found that one of my views was looking for a field that didn't exist. I created the 'complete' field, set it as a no...

Rails ActionMailer with SendGrid

Hello, I'm using SendGrid to send emails on Heroku... The problem so far is while it works great on Heroku, on my local host it fails. Right now I have SendGrig install here, config/setup_mail.rb: ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = { :address => "", :port => "25", :authentication => :plain, :...

Rvm, please tell me if I understood this correctly!

So with RVM, you can run different versions Ruby i.e. 1.8.7 or 1.9.2 Within each ruby version, you can create as many gemsets as you want. What does the '@' symbol represent in the name? does it do anything special? i've seen people use: rvm gemset create xxxx@rails3 or [email protected] that is just a naming convention correct? ...

What's rails convention 'username' or 'user_name' ?

SHould it be 'username' or 'user_name' when creating a property for a model? 'userstatus or 'user_status' Are all datetimes ending with '_at' ? what other ones are there? ...

Where is the documentation page for ActiveRecord data types?

I can't find the active record documenation page that has a list of all the data types. Can someone help me out? ...

Help with 1st migration, want to rename fields and make them not nulls.

My current schema looks like: create_table "users", :force => true do |t| t.string "username" t.string "firstname" t.string "lastname" t.datetime "loggedin_at" t.datetime "created_at" t.datetime "updated_at" t.integer "user_status" end I want to rename "username" to "user_name", and make all the fi...

Ruby On Rails User Model for multiple types

I am learning RoR coming from many years of c# and MSSQL. I have picked a project to build a web site for my brother who is a rental property manager. I figured this should be fairly easy as the models should be straight forward, but it think I may be over thinking everything or I’m having trouble letting go of the ‘old’ way. Anyway h...

Rails 3 ActiveRecord validation based on user permissions

I'm shifting code from an application built in a non-standard custom PHP framework into Ruby on Rails (version 3). In the PHP version all the controllers are really fat, with thin models, which I've always disagreed with, so I'm enjoying the way Rails does validation at the model level, which is probably 90% of what's happening in these...

Removing Rails/Spree image upload limit?

My client called today because they couldn't upload their images to their shopping site, and I have absolutely no idea where the upload file size limits are configured. So here's my server configuration: Ubuntu 10.04LTS, Spree on Rails 2.3, Nginx. Basically I want to remove the file-size upload limit. Anyone know where I should go to ...

jRuby Glassfish v3 dispatcher error

hi all. i have ubuntu 8.10, running glassfish v3 (not prelude). first deployment of any jruby on a glassfish v3 SERVER (not the gem). i have deployed the app using the 'choose folder' method, rather than the asadmin deploy method, though i have also tried that. i get the following error message: #|2010-10-18T16:48:01.643+1100|SEVERE...

MySQL statement convert to pretty Rails AR Statement?

Hi Guys, I have a MySQL statement that took me all night to come up with. I'm wondering if this thing can be converted from a direct call to something pretty like Object.find(:conditions) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(" SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM scores AS temp2 WHERE temp2.score >

Ajax call in rails 3

I had a link in the page. I am using jquery to call an action in rails 3. For that i had given <%= link_to "Publish",'',:id=>"view_code#{counter}",:remote=>true %> <%= javascript_tag do %> jQuery(function($) { $("#view_code<%= "#{counter}" %>").click(function() { $.post("/yanas/publish/<%= id %>", function(dat...

How can I uninstall Ruby on ubuntu?

How can I uninstall Ruby on ubuntu? Need to reinstall - please help ...

How Do I get searchlogic to work with rails 3?

I put searchlogic in my gemfile... and now my rails server won't start :( this is the errormessage gems/ruby-1.8.7-p299/gems/activesupport-3.0.0/lib/active_support/core_ext/module/aliasing.rb:31:in `alias_method': undefined method `merge_joins' for class `Class' (NameError) from /Users/omiohoro/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p299/gems/activesup...

RVM, Rails Errors

I installed RVM, then used it to install ruby-1.9.2 and then used rubygems to install rails 3.0. It lets me create a new app but then when I change to the app's root and attempt to generate a scaffold I get this error: Could not find gem 'sqlite3-ruby (>= 0, runtime)' in any of the gem sources. Try running `bundle install`. So then I ...

problem with bundle

I try command bundle install --local but it show issue: -bash: /usr/local/bin/bundle: /usr/local/bin/ruby: bad interpreter: No such file or directory. please help me. ...

Continuous Integration for all version ruby?

I'm know CruiseControl.rb used for Continuous Integration but it Prerequisites ruby 1.8.6. please sugguest me a lib sloved for all version ruby. Thanks ...

Is there any options to customize stroke_bounds? (Rails Prawn)

I want to draw borders for all the pages in my PDF. But while using stroke_bounds, I can only draw single dark lined borders alone. I couldn't customize anything? Does anybody have any idea on how to change the style of my stroke_bounds borders? ...