As a Ruby/Rails dabbler, one of the things that's long bothered me is this constant sense that I've just got gem clutter all over the place. Chalk it up to developer OCD, perhaps, or even my novice status as a Ruby/Rails dev, but not knowing where stuff is used, even if it's used, where it lives in my file system or whether it's part of ...
I have the following array:
a = ["CH3", "CH2"]
and I'd like to split this between two capital letters using a reg expression to display: a= ["C", "H3", "C", "H2"] How do you do this?
so far I've tried:
a.each { |array|
x = array.scan(/[A-Z]*/)
puts a
Thanks in advance!
Delayed::Job's auto-retry feature is great, but there's a job that I want to manually retry now. Is there a method I can call on the job itself like...
or run, or something. I tried a few things, and combed the documentation, but couldn't figure out how to execute a manual retry of a job.
I have the following method:
def speciate
chem_formula.each { |chemical|
@chem_species = chemical.scan(/[A-Z][^A-Z]*/)
puts @chem_species
that produces:
@chem_species = ["S", "O4"]
from: @chem_formula = ["H2" "SO4"]
How do you set the array to include all iterations? That is how do you output ["H2", "S"...
I have a class with a date. If the user doesn't change it in the view, Rails saves today's date (the default values in the drop downs). I would like it to be saved as a null value instead. How do I do this?
I want to be able to return quickly from a networking call that times out (having seen that my code can hang forever if the network is down, or similar)
My code looks like:
s =,port)
s.puts msg
ret = s.recv(1024)
I'm pretty confused at the documentation for TCPSocket, for example, doesn't even MENTION ...
Is there an easy way to get all attributes of a Mongoid document, including those of embedded documents?
For example, if I have the following documents:
class Person
include Mongoid::Document
embeds_many :phone_numbers
field :name
class PhoneNumner
include Mongoid::Document
embedded_in :person, :inverse_of => :phone_numb...
Why there is an error in the following example?
class ClassA
class ClassB
class ClassC
def test
p # => #<ClassA::ClassB:0x0000010103f860>
class ClassA
class ClassD
def test
p # => #<ClassA::ClassB:...
I'm wanting to make use of the new modularity prospects offered by the architecture changes in rails 3. However, rather than just mount an engine as in the majority of examples...
Rails.application.routes.draw do
match "/blog" => Rack::Blog
...I'd like to mount multiple versions of the same engines, and have those instance...
is it possible to create / update a locale language yaml file from with a rails application ?
If so is would it be automatically pulled into the load path somehow as i dont want to have to restart to pull in the new changes ?
Is this possble and if so how ?? or is there a better way ?
I am using mongodb as a db.
There are two large text files (Millions of lines) that my program uses. These files are parsed and loaded into hashes so that the data can be accessed quickly. The problem I face is that, currently, the parsing and loading is the slowest part of the program. Below is the code where this is done.
database = extractDatabase(@type).chomp(...
I've got a view which looks like this:
<p><%= stage.end_date.strftime("%A, %d %B %Y")%></p>
Sometimes stage.end_date returns null and that's ok, but Ruby throws a NoMethodError.
I'm quite new to Ruby so I want to know how I should I deal with missing/null varibles in views
Do I need to test for stage.end_date in the view? because t...
In trying to run Rails under Cygwin, the ./script/server command is producing a load error that I can't find a solution for searching on Google. I can reproduce this error in irb as follows:
irb(main):001:0> require 'rubygems'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> require 'digest/md5'
LoadError: No such process - /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-cygwin/digest...
I have feeling, that if one defines a method
def test
puts 'Hi'
then there is a class to which this method belongs to (i.e. Unknown#test). So one probably has a possibility to list all methods defined "outside" of other classes. Or there is another way to do such listing?
I recently ran into an odd error that only occurred in production mode.
I was using the paths of glory gem that defines the class Achievement (
In the base class, level is defined:
def level(level, options = {})
levels << {:level => level, :quota => optio...
Is the following possible?
puts # => [:A,:B], or even [A,B]
I have a datastore with a cache and a db, simple. The tricksy part is that I want a way to control if the the datastore hits the db in a real-time way. That is to say while the process is running I want to be able to toggle if it's connected to the db or not.
I looked into env variables, but it doesn't seem like those get updated as t...
def Object.const_missing(name)
puts self.class
class A; end
A::B # => Class
How can I get A in Object#const_missing?
Using JRuby from RVM and the GlassFish Ruby gem.
I haven't been able to reproduce this in other projects. However, in one project of mine, regardless of what's in the, if I run $ glassfish, then it loads up the server and the output is from when I first launched GlassFish many days ago, even if I uninstall and reinstall the ge...
I'm trying to iterate through an array, @chem_species = ["H2", "S", "O4"] and multiply a constant times the amount of constants present: H = 1.01 * 2, S = 32.1 * 1 and so on. The constants are of course defined within the class, before the instance method.
The code I've constructed to do this does not function:
def fw
x = @chem_specie...