
How to dynamically call accessor methods in Ruby

Regardless of whether it's good practice or not, how can I dynamically call accessor methods in Ruby? Here's an example class: class Test_Class attr_accessor :a, :b end I can use the Object.send method to read the variable... instance.a = "value" puts( instance.send( "a" ) ) # => value But I'm having a hard time trying to write ...

What is the easiest way I can create a 'beep' sound from a Ruby program?

I'm making a small ruby command line script and I wanted to know what the simplest way to have the program emit a beep is. ...

Identifying slow-running tests

In ruby's test/unit, the software indicates how long it takes for the tests to run, and the series of passes, errors and fails act like a pseudo-progress bar. Apart from using code profiling tools or running tests individually, is there an easy way of telling which test methods are fast and which ones are slow? ...

Getting Argument Names In Ruby Reflection

I would like to do some fairly heavy-duty reflection in the Ruby programming language. I would like to create a function which would return the names of the arguments of various calling functions higher up the call stack (just one higher would be enough but why stop there?). I could use Kernel.caller go to the file and parse the argument...

Quiting Ruby Ri

I feel totally stupid asking this but but I'm new to programming so here goes... When you run the Ruby ri command from an OS X term window to look at documentation for a particular command, how do you "quit" the documentation? At the end of the document, an (END) is displayed but I don't see how to quit this. I've tried CTRL-C, CTRL-D...

Ruby on Rails: How to store form data

I have a state field that stores the value as 2 characters. For example, Alabama is saved as AL, Alaska is saved as AK, Arizona is saved as AZ, etc. In the show.html.erb, how do I display the long name for the state such as Alabama instead of just showing AL? Is this possible or should I just store the long name in the database such as A...

Radio buttons on Rails

Similar to this question: What's the correct way of making radio buttons that are related to a certain question in Ruby on Rails? At the moment I have: <div class="form_row"> <label for="theme">Theme:</label> <br><%= radio_button_tag 'theme', 'plain', true %> Plain ...

modrails - rogue ruby processes consuming 100% cpu

I'm having ruby instances from mod_rails go "rogue" -- these processes are no longer listed in passenger-status and utilize 100% cpu. Other than installing god/monit to kill the instance, can anyone give me some advice on how to prevent this? I haven't been able to find anything in the logs that helps. ...

Add XML namespace to existing document in ruby

I need to add an element to an existing XML document which uses a namespace that doesn't exist in the original. How do I do this? Ideally I would like to use REXML for portability, but any common XML library would be okay. An ideal solution would be smart about namespace collisions. I have an xml document which looks like this: <xrds:...

Masks and transparency

Hi, I'm fairly new to Shoes and ran into two problems. First I want to set a mask using a partially transparent png, like this: mask do image "images/stencilMask.png" end Is this possible somehow or can only vector shapes be used? Apart from that, I noticed a small bug(?) when trying to set a transparent color as a stroke on ...

Is there a Ruby on Rails layouts/css archive?

Does anybody know a place with a bunch of Ruby On Rails Layouts/CSS combinations? I am starting new applications and would like to give them different look, but I am not a designer, so I would love to use someone's else free layouts/css for starters. ...

p method in Ruby hard to search for

I'm trying to find info on the p method in Ruby. It seems to produce internal info on the properties of a class but when I try to search for it I get every word that has the letter p in it. ...

aliasing a method results in different objects?

def foo "foo" end alias foo2 foo puts "foo2: " + foo2.object_id.to_s puts "foo: " + foo.object_id.to_s In the above example, I expected to see the same object_id output for each method call since they reference the same method. Why do I see different object_id's? When you alias a method in Ruby doesn't the alias refer to the origi...

Removing events in Shoes

The is any way to remove the events in Shoes? I searched around many websites and references but I can't found any way to remove a event... I minding that I will need to create my own event manager... its really nescessary? or there is a way to desattach event listeners? ...

Ruby library to generate graphics from text?

I'm working in Rails and I'm looking for a library/gem/plugin to generate a graphic from text. Google Maps doesn't allow you to overlay text, only graphics so I'm looking for a back door to overlay text. Suggestions? ...

Learning Insertion Sort in Ruby

I have just started the MIT Introduction to Algorithms course through the material posted online. Along with the course I have also decided to learn/enhance my Ruby skills by coding the algorithms in it. I am on the first algorithm given, which is Insertion sort, and I have the following code typed up but I am getting this error when I...

Ruby Reads Different File Sizes for Line Reads

I need to do something where the file sizes are crucial. This is producing strange results filename = "testThis.txt" total_chars = 0 file =, "r") file_for_writing = nil while (line = file.gets) total_chars += line.length end puts "original size #{File.size(filename)}" puts "Totals #{total_chars}" like this origina...

Programming TextMate in Ruby. Problem with TextMate.go_to

I'm modding a TextMate bundle even though I'm a complete beginner at Ruby. The problem I'm trying to solve is the issue of moving the caret to a certain positition after the command has made its output. Basically what happens is this: I hit a key combo which triggers a command to filter through the document and inserts text at the relev...

Embedding a Ruby interpreter in a C++ app

I'm hoping to use Ruby as a scripting language for my game engine. I've found the usual articles describing how to call Ruby classes from C++ code and vice versa (e.g. here) but I can't quite see how to do what I want with that way of working... My engine currently uses a little language I wrote myself with Flex and Bison, and a little ...

How to remove a URL's trailing slash in a Rails app? (in a SEO view)

In order to avoid content duplication, I would like to avoid the pages of my site being accessible by several URLs (with or without trailing slash). Currently, the URLs catalog/product/1 and catalog/product/1/ lead to the same page. My goal is that the second URL redirect to the first (redirection 301, of course). None page of my...