
adding series to chart control in runtime (because of postback problem)

after the postback the chart control's values is changing its design time values. even when i write page load actions in (!isPostBack) scope , the values resets. so i defined a "my series" static ArrayList and in runtime i added each series of chart to that ArrayList. And in the page load event i added each element of ArrayList to Chart ...

Monitor RunTime behavior of a DLL

Hi, I am using a self made dll using VC++ in C#. I wanted to ask, is there any way by which I could monitor the run time performance the dll. Like, once the C# code has made a call to the dll and once when it is loaded, can I monitor the behavior of the dll? I am in development phase and the dll code-logic when run independently, ru...

Dynamic RSL URLs. Is it possible?

Ok, so here's my problem. I have several SWFs pulled in at runtime from different domains (we're using a CDN). There are some shared fonts within the SWFs. I'm trying to minimize file sizes as much as possible, so that means either not embedding the fonts in any of those SWFs and setting all their TextFormats at runtime. That's very imp...

Junit test case - time elapsed is 0.00

Hi all, Time elapsed (time taken?) to run(and pass) my Junit test case is shown as 0.00. I have tried failing the test case (by doing assertEquals for a wrong value) and its still showing time elapsed as 0.00. The rest of test cases have non-zero time elapsed values. EDIT: Assumption - I assumed that it would surely take non-zero time...

Determine runtime system for process execution from java program.

I am trying to call native executables from java program. I have three exe files one for win32, other linux 32-bint and third linux 64-bit, now before I can call the right executable I need to determine which platform program is running on. I can determind Operating system by simply getting "" System property, but not sure how to ...

Runtime.getRuntime().exec("C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe") has no input to read

I'm trying to execute a new process and read from its input stream in Java. I have successfully used Runtime.getRuntime().exec(String) to start and receive input from several processes. However, when I try to use exec on some other processes, the input stream's read method blocks, and it appears that there is no input. What might be caus...

VS 2010 application requires VS runtime installation - how to avoid this?

Hello. I have written an application in VS C++ 2010 Express Edition which consists of some DLLs and also depends on some third party DLLs. The application itself is a DLL. As it turned out, to make it work on another machine, user has to install VS 2010 redistributable runtime. I tried to build my DLL with flag /MT instead of /MD - ...

Delphi 2010 - Rave Report runtime text change problem

Hi, I'm using Delphi 2010 and Rave Reports (comes built in, v. 7.7.0). I have been using this couple for 5 months without any problem. In my company i use two languages, first i use our primary language (Turkish) and when people wants to use another language i change the specific text and memo values according to their tag value. Thi...

Alternatives to including MS C runtime distro?

I use MSVS 2010 and MSVC++E 2010 to build my applications in C++ and I've notice a lot of my friends (who test my apps on their PCs) don't have the Microsoft C++ runtime library installed on their computers. I've started including the Microsoft C++ redistributable package with my apps, but this seems unnecessary. Would I be able to inste...

Can you make an object serializable at runtime?

Just like the title says, is there a way to check if an object is serializable, and if not, make it so at run time? ...

ClassNotFound launchig maps activity declared in Android library

I am getting this exception when trying to start an activity (TestLocationActivity) that is derived from MapActivity, and which is declared inside an Android library project: 09-08 09:29:45.357: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(7502): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 09-08 09:29:45.357: ERRO...

JVM based language without language runtime

Does anyone know of some alternative JVM language, however obscure it might be, which can compile to plain old java bytecode, without the need of a language runtime. I need this in order to try to develop android applications without startup or size penalty. Scala, Clojure and Groovy all require its own runtime library distributed with ...

Runtime resolution of webforms routes

I am trying to create dynamic routes using .net 4.0 WebForms. Imagine I need mappings like these: mySite/Canada -> country.aspx mySite/Canada/Ontario/ -> locality.aspx mySite/Canada/Ontario/Toronto -> town.aspx mySite/Canada/population -> country.aspx mySite/Canada/history -> country.aspx mySite/Canada/Ontario/weather -> locality.aspx ...

Compiled .NET application - get property value at runtime

I have a piece of software, which is obfuscated. I need to get value of a specific property it assigns to a control. EXE deobfuscation isn't an option. Is there any tool I can use to get the value at runtime? Can it be done in debugger, if yes, then how? ...

How can I add examples to rspec at runtime?

I am trying to write a spec were the number of examples i.e. 'it "should ..." do' are determined at runtime. I tried putting the 'it' method in my own method so that I could call it multiple times: def new_method(test) it "#{test} should... " do end end However, the 'it' method is not available from the current Spec::E...

Tool for Querying data at Runtime with LINQ

The more and more I use the LINQ the more and more I really enjoy it, and it's syntax. I do a lot of data comparisons on a day to day basis. What I would really enjoy is a tool that allows me to load a DataSet, and then query that DataSet at runtime with LINQ queries. I primarily just want a tool, and to be able to load my DataSets dynam...

What is run time environment ?

Can some one explain what it means in simple terms. Does it mean the environment (DOS, Windows, Linux, etc) where the application codes are run? Regards Balaji S ...

Get Java Runtime Process running in background

Hi there I'm writing a java application where I require to run a process in background throughout the lifetime of the running application. Here's what I have: Runtime.getRuntime().exec("..(this works ok).."); Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("..(this works ok).."); InputStream is = p.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader isr = new...

Is there a way to unload or reload the currently loaded runtime?

Ever since we started upgrading some of our projects to .NET framework 4.0, I've been running into a lot of issues regarding the following error: This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. It's now happening with our installer application. The installer goes through a list ...

accessing files created by java runtime process

I'm running a windows program from within java: String command = "cmd /C start "+fileName+".bat"; Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process pr = rt.exec(command, null, new File(currWD)); int exitValue = pr.waitFor(); The program completes successfully (exitValue == 0) and creates a file "fileName" in the worki...