I am using TinyScheme (actually Script-Fu in GIMP), and cannot find a good way to open a file and append a line of text to it.
I am trying to log some info to the file for debugging, and transcript-on doesn't seem to be implemented...
Right now I am scraping along by reading the entire file (one character at a time!), concatenating tha...
Is it possible to copy guide lines from one image to another?
I need this because I have several images that need exactly the same composition, so I want to use the guide lines for this.
There's no option to select & copy a guide line, so I must add them manually.
It would be nice, if there's a little script-fu script.
Okay, there are ...
If I have an XCF file (or any other supported by Gimp) how can I convert it to, for example, PNG for display or further processing?
What's the best programming environment for programming in scheme for Gimp 2.6?
Does Guile integrate well with Gimp?
Using Gimp 2.6.6 for MAC OS X (under X11) as downloaded from gimp.org.
I'm trying to automate a boring manual process with Script-Fu. I needed to parse the image file name to save off various layers as new files using a suffix on the original file name.
My original attempts went like this but failed because (string-search ...) doesn't ...
(define (script-fu-create-camo image colA colB))
"Creates a camoflauge pattern on an image"
"Jeffrey Aylesworth <jeffrey@aylesworth"
"Copyright (c) 2009 Jeffrey Aylesworth"
SF-IMAGE "Image" 0
SF-COLOR "Colour 1" '(50 0 0)
I am frustrated with string-to-number and number-to-string conversion in GIMP scripting. I am runnning GIMP 2.6.8 in Windows Vista.
I understand that GIMP's internal Scheme implementation changes over the versions and I can't seem to nail down the documentation. From what I can gather GIMP's Scheme is a subset of TinyScheme and/or s...