Game Maker Language new line
I am writing a game maker script and wanted to know how to make a message appear on the following line. ex. show_message("Hello" something +"World") outputs: Hello World ...
I am writing a game maker script and wanted to know how to make a message appear on the following line. ex. show_message("Hello" something +"World") outputs: Hello World ...
Here is my code: var num, totalNum, averageNum, numItems, msg; msg = ""; totalNum = 0; numItems = 0; while(true) { num = get_integer("Please enter a number. Enter -99 to quit.", "type here"); totalNum += num; numItems += 1; if (num == -99) { totalNum += 99; msg += "Total is: " +string(totalNum) +"#"; averageNum =...
I heard about in ASP.NET AJAX in Action book. ...
Hi, I kwnow how to retrieve the version of an exe using jscript, but I can't find any way to retrieve other info like "Company", "Internal name" or "Product name". function version_of( file_name ) { var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var f; try { f = fso.GetFile( file_name ) } catch( e ) { ...
I am looking for a way to launch multiple scripts in a separate process from my main script, but in such a way that they can access copies of variables I've declared. Consider the following example: Serializable.js: // Represents serializable data. function Serializable() { /* ... */ } SecondaryScript.wsf // Serializable is not defi...
I'm not running cygwin, but I have the cygwin ash.exe in my %PATH% as sh.exe and have cygwin1.dll in %PATH% I am trying to invoke some shell scripts (named with no extension) using sh -c shell-script-name but I get a "permission denied" error. If I run sh and run ./script I also get this error. I have a proper #!/bin/sh shebang line ...
To embed some IronPython Code into C# I want to use the ScriptEngine using IronPython.Hosting; using Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting; I found the reference for IronPython, but where is the necessary reference for Scripting.Hosting? I can't find it within VisualStudio 2008, targeting .Net 3.5. ...
I need to be able to read list of variables that follow certain parameter(similar to say mysqldump --databases db1 db2 db3) Basically script should be invoked like this: ./ --notify --target aig wfc msft --amount 1bln In the script itself I need to assign "aig wfc msft" either to a single variable or create an array out of t...
I am thinking of using sed for reading .properties file, but was wondering if there is a smarter way to do that from bash script? ...
I'm trying to put together a wrapper around a console application using StandardInput and StandardOutput. I'm getting stuck where the console application would prompt for input such as a password. I'd like to read from StandardOutput, prompt the user using the read text, and write the user's input back to the console application using ...
Localizable strings file which are used for Apple/iPhone apps localization have the following format: /* COMMENT */ "KEY" = "VALUE" Note that KEY is unique in a given strings file. COMMENT is optional however it can help the translator with some additional info. Example: /* Menu item to make the current document plain text */ "Make ...
I'm trying to write a bash script that will process a list of files whose names are stored one per line in an input file, something the likes of find . -type f -mtime +15 > /tmp/filelist.txt for F in $(cat /tmp/filelist.txt) ; do ... done; My problem is that filenames in filelist.txt may contain spaces, so the snipped above will exp...
I am looking for a JavaScript to submit a page after 30 seconds from when the page is loaded. Does jQuery offer this functionality or does someone have regular javascript for this? Thank You ...
I've seen here that what sets a programming language apart from a scripting language is the scripting engine. But I don't understand how it works, so I don't know the difference. For example, I see code in Java calling methods in imported libraries, but it doesn't seem "different enough" from Python or Ruby code - both are scripting lan...
Forgive my ignorance, but I am somewhat new to shell scripting and the use of environment variables in Linux. I have a script that performs a backup of a MySQL database. I have the following lines in the script that are used to log a successful dump of the database: output=`date; echo "Database export successful from $ENV_HOSTNAME to ...
I am looking for a helper tool/ script that can be used to power an application that presents some randomized content periodically eg once per day. Example applications are "One a Day Bridal Prep", "Daily Quotations", "Daily Programming Tips" etc etc It is simple enough to code one up myself but I am wondering if I don't need to reinvent...
When I invoke my Perl scripts in the Windows environment without invoking perl first, the parameters are not passed to my script. For example, C:\> C:\my-perl-scripts\ bar invokes but doesn't recognize bar as a parameter (@ARGV is empty). However, C:\> perl C:\my-perl-scripts\ bar works as expected. Is this a ...
For an automated setup build that generates the setup for an application which uses Microsoft SQL Server, I am currently evaluating whether the following is possible: I want to programmatically (CMD script or C# code) execute the function "Generate Scripts" on a database that is accessible from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 200...
I want to write a simple bash script that will act as a wrapper for an executable. How do I pass all the parameters that script receives to the executable? I tried /the/exe $@ but this doesn't work with quoted parameters, eg. ./myscript "one big parameter" runs /the/exe one big parameter which is not the same thing. ...
When deploying my Rails app via Capistrano, the very last thing it tries to execute is this: sudo -p 'sudo password: ' -u app /home/user/public_html/ Then it throws this error: failed: "sh -c \"sudo -p 'sudo password: ' -u app /home/user/public_html/\""...