
Problem with ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock and jQuery in Internet Explorer 8

I want to use jGrowl plugin for jQuery ( to display some messages on a page. To do this, I call the ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock method like this: ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(Page), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "$.jGrowl('" + message + "');", true); ...

Problem calling ASP.NET AJAX WebServiceProxy.invoke() Javascript method

I'm having a problem with some code I've written. I've had to anonymize it, but I can give the problem. This javascript runs inside an iframe, and is part of an object that gets instantiated. The problem in particular is that I get a repeating error every time that "Type 'Object' Cannot be converted to type 'Function'" in the invoke()...

How do I disable chunked transfer-encoding when using compressed dynamic content?

I want to disable chunked transfer encoding on my web server, in order to avoid this bug: . Unfortunately, I need to support IE6 on Win2k, so they cannot install the patch. I found instructions to set AspEnableChunkedEncoding to FALSE, but this does not seem to solve my problem. I believe this is b...

Is ScriptReference order always conserved at runtime?

I've been bitten in the past by Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock-registered JS not being emitted in a stable order from machine to machine in the bad old .Net 1.1 days. Now, I'm writing a set of user controls that use <asp:ScriptManager/> to reference JS, and although I haven't had any problems so far - order always seems to be conserved ...

How can I update the ScriptManager from a .ascx Web User Control in DNN?

Hi, I've created a Web Service that I need to use in my .ascx page. I can't just add this: <asp:ScriptManager ID="OWUScripts" runat="server"> <Services> <asp:ServiceReference Path="~/OWUDashboard.asmx" /> </Services> </asp:ScriptManager> Because then I have multiple ScriptManagers on the page. So I did a little resear...

Disable ScriptManager on certain pages

Hi I have a script manager on my Master page. There are one or 2 content pages that I need to remove the webresourse.axd from, as it is causing issues with other javascript on the page How can I disable the script manager on these pages? The ScriptManager object doesnt appear to have any properties that would seem like they would do t...

UserControl with UpdatePanel programmatically create ScriptManager possible?

I'd like to use an UpdatePanel in my UserControl. The problem is the .aspx page the control is dropped on will NOT have a ScriptManager. I will need to create the ScriptManager in the UserControl. However if the UserControl is used, say twice on the page, then placing a ScriptManager won't work because you can only initialize ScriptManag...

Need Help with ASP.NET (3.5) ScriptManager to call WCF JSON Data via AJAX

Hi. I am trying to get ASP.NET (Framework 3.5), AJAX, and JSON to work. I have two questions along those lines. This first is, when I add the below tag as required by ASP.NET: [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)] I find that I cannot add it above an interface declar...

How do I detect if a scriptmanager is on the page?

How do I detect if a scriptmanager is loaded on a page? Some aspx pages have it and others don't and I need a user control to understand this so that it can either load it if needed and also for dealing with viewstate. ...

Move generated javascript out of rendered html

One SEO advice we got was to move all javascript to external files, so the code could be removed from the text. For fixed scripts this is not a problem, but some scripts need to be generated as they depend on some ClientId that is generated by Can I use the ScriptManager (from Ajax or from Telerik) to send this script to...

Call javascript code afer postback from an update panel.

Hello, I read tis post but my problem still there. I try to execute a javascript multiple time on post back, and the script only execute the first time the page load. To make sure the script is register after each post back i use a guid for the javascript key name. var xyz = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(); string script = @"Brok...

Auto post back on page load

I need to autopostback my page on the first load, and i need to wait the entire page have finish loading before post back the page. I use in the page load if (!IsPageWasPostBack) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "forcePostBack", "Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_endRequest(post...

Limitations of ScriptManager in AJAX Calls

Hey Guys. Is there any limitations on AJAX Calls with ScriptManager to Web Services? I have an application and I need an AJAX enabled form in it. After every Insert or Delete, I have to get a list from database and show it on page. So I call two server methods from my JS. Isn't too many AJAX calls gonna cause any errors(eg. timeouts, tr...

disable/hide script manager

I am using scriptmanager on a mobile site but due to massive amount of data page gets from couple of script sources it loads slow on older phones. I have a class where I deduct phone capabilities and set page target. What I am after is to remove links to ScriptResource.axd or some other Ajax method to post retrieve data with partial upda...

Unable to RegisterStartupScript from an execution other than Page_Load

I use ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScrit from Page_Load and it works perfect. When I move the same line to the Page_Unload event, it doesn't work; the script is not registered. Any suggestions?? ...

Update panel not showing errors in ASP.NET 3.5

In Visual Studio 2008 if you create a new "Ajax 1.0 Enabled ASP.NET 2.0 Web Application" and paste the following code: <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" /> <div> <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:Button runat...

Use of $get in C# ASP.NET AJAX

What is the use of $get('').value in ASP.NET AJAX? Is it different from the usual C# get and set properties of the same?? ...

Methods for dynamically building JavaScript within an ASPX page?

I have a page that is referenced via a <script> tag from a page on another site. In the script src, I pass in the form I want my script to build (from a db table), and the div where the dynamically built form should go. The calling page looks something like this: <div id="FormContainer"></div> <script type="text/JavaScript" src="http:...

getting javascript 'Sys' is undefined error

On the developement machine my website is working fine but I am getting javascript 'Sys' is undefined error on hosting server and my AJAX is not working. I have make a sample page and scriptmanager on it, Please look into this. button and textbox is in AJAX updatepanel, but when hit to button page is fu...

Adding an ScriptReference Dynamically which is a page request to ScriptManager

Hi! I use ScriptManager in my ASP.NET page, and want to add a ScriptReference which is a page request like this: var id = 10; tsm.CompositeScript.Scripts.Add(new ScriptReference("~/Response.aspx?action=test&id=" + id)); but it raises an error: '~/Response.aspx?action=test&id=10' is not a valid virtual path. I should add this scr...