scriptmanager ajax scriptmanager problem: The control with ID 'SomeControlId' requires a ScriptManager on the page. The ScriptManager must appear before any controls that need it (but it does) ajax scriptmanager problem: I get a Yellow Screen of Death with: The control with ID 'SomeControlId' requires a ScriptManager on the page. The ScriptManager must appear before any controls that need it. BUT - there is a scriptmanager on the page, and it does work on the dev box (the error appears only on the live production s...

call js confirm from code behind

codebehind Protected Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click Dim ResourceObject As Object Dim js As [String] = (vbCr & vbLf & " if(confirm('Esta Seguro de eliminar de la lista')==true)" & vbCr & vbLf & " document.getElementById('" & txtRespuesta.ClientID & "').va...

Scriptmanager remove javascript

Hi, The ASP.NET ScriptManager control automatically inserts all kinds of inline javascript like PageRequest initialize. Is it possible to remove or move this to an external js file? Also, the scriptmanager always adds __DoPostback even when not used on the page, how can this be avoided or also moved to an external file? ...

JScript intellisense with ScriptManagerProxy

Hi I've got a problem making my ScriptManagerProxy expose registered scripts. When I add a ScriptManager, everything works as expected and the scripts are reflected correctly, but whenever I change it to a ScriptManagerProxy, every script, even the MicrosoftAjax.js, dissapears from the intellisense. I believe there is some sort of bug ...

Javascript Script manager in a widget environment?

I'm creating a website that could potentially contain many widgets. These widgets are rendered using external javascript code in external js files. Some of these widgets require the same external javascript files but i obviously dont want the browser including (ie: ) a javascript file whenever a widget requires one; instead it will only...

ScriptManager adding script multiple times to page

So I've got a script that I'd like to add to a page using a ScriptManager, but the script gets added multiple times. The script I'm trying to add plus the call to register it (in the C# code behind) are as follows: string buttons = @"var overflowEls = getElementsByClass(""descriptionBox""); for (var i = 0; i < overflowEls.leng...

ASP.Net ScriptManager globally setting ScriptMode in Machine.Config

All of our applications have Debug="False" in the web.config and Release DLL's. We have a number of Applications that use ScriptManagers now for .net Ajax implementations. The ScriptManager has a ScriptMode that is set for Release and Debug modes. The default for this is Auto and when it is set to Auto it's value is set based on the Dep...

XML Tags in asp:TextBox prevents other controls working?

I have a series of controls on an ASP page. Some are inside an UpdatePanel and some are not. If I put an XML tag in one of the text boxes (eg, "<foo>") then all the controls within the UpdatePanel don't work. As soon as the tags are removed, everything is fine. My 'submit' button is in the UpdatePanel and the breakpoint on btnSubmit_C...

Client-side validation breaks in IE because of PropertyProxyValidator and ScriptManager cooperation.

The specific of the project is in using Enterpise Library for Server side validation and jQuery for client-side validation. So I have the next simple form for example: <asp:Content ID="_mainContent" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server"> <script src="../../../Scripts/jquery-1.3.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script> ...

How to execute javascript once an update panel refreshes (Can't get Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_endRequest(); to work)

I'm trying to run javascript once an update panel has refreshed. I've read a few places that you can use code similar to this: function codeToRun() { //Code Here } Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_endRequest(codeToRun); But it doesn't seem to be working... any ideas? I've tried putting the code inside the Content...

Sharepoint with ASP.NET Ajax

I'm running a MOSS2007 Sharepoint website with .NET 3.5 Ajax. I'm using the SmartPart webpart to host a user control that contains an update panel. I've added the script manager to the /_catalogs/masterpage/default.master file and it works fine when I log in as myself. But when I log in as a normal user I get the error message The contr...

ScriptManager1.AsyncPostBackErrorMessage not showing error message

I've always used the following two bits of code (which use to work) to catch Ajax asyncPostBackErrors. <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" OnAsyncPostBackError="ScriptManager1_AsyncPostBackError" /> and protected void ScriptManager1_AsyncPostBackError(object sender, AsyncPostBackErrorEventArgs e) { ScriptManager1... forms ScriptManager __doPostback

Hi, Why does the ScriptManager ALWAYS insert the __doPostback method in javascript, even on an empty page where no controls can cause a postback? Thank you ...


Hi, I'm trying to add a composite scriptreference like this; ScriptReference scriptReference = new ScriptReference("CSSFriendly.JavaScript.MenuAdapter.js", "CSSFriendly"); scriptReference.NotifyScriptLoaded = false; scriptManager.CompositeScript.Scripts.Add(scriptReference); In the CSSFriendly assembly the script resource is defined; ...

problem with scriptmanager and xfbml tags

Hi all, I've built a small facebook app to run inside an iframe. I am using xfbml tags. I've noticed that when I use the script manager the xfbml tags disapear. I have no idea why, and I really need that script manager. Do you have any ideas how to solve this issue? Thanks ! ...

ScriptManager emits ScriptReferences after ClientScriptIncludes. Why?

I have an application that uses a lot of javascript in a lot of different .js files. Each page can have any number and combination of different controls and each control can use a different set of js files. Instead of including all possible js files as <script src="xxx.js"> in the head of my master page, I thought I would reduce the ...

SharePoint AJAX implementation: ScriptHandler being added twice

I am currently in the process of setting up AJAX capabilities in a SharePoint environment to support web parts I'm creating with C#. I am using Microsoft's walkthrough as a starting point just to get up and running, and I am running into what I believe is a strange error. The problem is occurring in CreateChildControls(): protected ...

ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude does not work in UpdatePanel

I've read through the net but haven't found a solution to the following problem. I have this example page (_ScriptManager.aspx) with a ScriptManager, an UpdatePanel, a MultiView with two Views and two LinkButtons two switch between the views. The second view contains some functionality which I want to load a JavaScript file for (_ScriptM...

Client method called by ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript not firing

Hi. Can somebody look at the below code and tell me what I am doing wrong. for(i=0;i<=Request.Files.Count;i++) { int percentComplete = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(i + 1) / (double)Request.Files.Count * 100); string message = string.Format("{0} of {1} uploaded", i + 1, Request.Files.Count); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, t...

Adding a ServiceReference programmatically during async postback

Is it possible to add a new ServiceReference instance to the ScriptManager on the Page during an asynchronous postback so that subsequently I can use the referenced web service through client side script? I'm trying to do this inside a UserControl that sits inside a Repeater, that's why adding the ScriptReference programmatically during...