
jQuery Scroll to bottom of page/iframe

How do I use jquery to scroll right down to the bottom of an iframe or page? ...

Firefox jquery scrollTo flicker bug

I've seen quite a few threads here talking about flickering in Firefox, but none that quite describe the problem I'm having. I've got a horizontal scrolling website, fixed position menus, and the jquery plugin .scrollTo handling next and previous buttons. This works great in Chrome and Safari (don't know about IE), but in Firefox there...

Scroll window after timeout

I would like to be able to use jQuery's scrollTo plugin to animate the window scroll down to a div when Google directions are loaded. Could someone please help me convert the setTimeout line to jQuery and use scrollTo to animate the scroll? Here is the javascript that doesn't scroll: GEvent.addListener(gdir, 'load', onGDirections...

From scrollT to fadeTo

My task is to gracefully change the scrollTo function to use fadeTo from inside serialscroll.js taken from eleganttheme's ePhoto Wordpress theme. I simply tried changing the single scrollTo to fadeTo inside of serialScroll.js only for the scrolling featured section on the homepage to disappear entirely. I have found:

jScrollPane auto ScrollTo

I am using jScrollPane on this Wordpresspowered site at the right for the logo thumbnails. Now I want to use the functionality to vertically align the thumbnail of the current project so that peo...

Need to scroll to bottom of a slideToggle when the animation is complete

I am using a slideToggle to display or hide contents of a discussion box. The problem is the discussion box is at the bottom of the page so when it expands through the slideToggle I need it to scroll down to the bottom of the page so the user actually sees the discussion box expanded. Here is my code: var content = $('#discussion_co...

Using arrow keys with jQuery scrollTo

Hi, I have successfully implemented the scrollTo jQuery plugin which scrolls to the next div with the class "new" when a link is clicked. However, I would also like to be able to use the arrow keys to scroll up and down to the next/previous divs of the same class. I have looked all over the internet but have been unable to find out how...

vertical scrolling on hover instead of click? jquery api

Hello. I am using jquery scrollTo to scroll contents within a DIV that is overflown. When I click the links, the DIV will vertically scroll its contents... However, I would like this effect to occur when I HOVER over the links, instead of click them. I don't believe this is an option with jquery's scrollTo. However, there is a jque...

UI Modification to jQuery scrollTo: Fade Prev/Next controls when nothing left to scroll. I am trying to create a function that will fade the Next and Prev controls for a scrollTo function when the slideshow has reached either end. I have a good start but it doesn't work how I want it to. I need the controls to fade out the click BEFORE it reaches the end. Right now it reaches the en...

Negative Positioning with JQuery scrollTo / localScroll

I'm working on a project and using Ariel Flesler's jquery.scrollTo.js & jquery.localScroll.js ... I have local links that scroll to various divs on the page. The trouble I have is that I have a fixed position navbar at the top of the page and ScrollTo is calculating the window position (correctly) without factoring that in. Below is t...

jQuery: move window viewport to show freshly toggled element

I have a simple bit of jQuery in doc ready which toggles a div containing a textarea: $('div#addnote-area').hide(); // hide the div $('a#addnote-link').click(function() { // click event listener on link $('div#addnote-area').toggle(); // toggle the hidden div }); The toggle works fine when clicking the link. The problem I'm havi...

What is wrong with this jquery function?

I am using jquery to scroll to an anchor.... It works fine with a html button calling the function... But when i call it from server side i get the id but it doesn't seem to work for me... LinkButton lb1 = (LinkButton)sender; ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(lb1, typeof(LinkButton), "scroll","goToByScroll('myAnchor')", true); ...

jQuery scrollTo Problem with scrolling two DIVs

Hey, I've got problems with the jQuery scrollTo plugin. I've got 2 DIVs (nav2 and content) and I'm filling them via ajax calls: var myJs = { ... getWithAjax : function( targetFile, targetDivId, anchorId ) { // get is jquery function and wraps ajax call $.get(targetFile, function(data) { $('#'+targetDivId).html( data );...

How to get actual image position after jquery scrollto?

I'm using jquery scrollto between 2 images. How to get which one is curently visible? I cannot use any temporary values because it sets dynamicaly for many doubles by parent's elements. ...

scrollTop value not reflecting actual position of div at beginning and end of scrollable distance

Hi folks, I am using jQuery's scrollTo to make relative adjustments in the position of content inside a div. Works fine: However I also want to show and hide the control elements when they aren't relevant. Eg no Up button when scrollTop is zero and no down when scrollTop == scrollHeight. The adj...

scrollTo scrolls to the top of the page

Hi, I have the following Javscript code. When the page is loaded it is scrolled to the right position. When I click on the link to run the function the page scrolls to the top of the page. Has anybody any idea how to fix it? <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function scroll() { windo...

Javascript scrollTo(x,y) not working for me.

I am trying to position the page to a specific location after user clicks on a link. I am using javascript scrollTo(), but it is not working for me. Need advice or alternative way of doing this. I think the GEvent.trigger function is causing conflict or firing after scrollto. Try this link. select Edmonton o...

How to correctly add the .scrollTo plugin?

I have this script, running on a links list: $('li#linkcat-25 a').bind('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#preview').load($(this).attr('href')); $('#loading').show('fast'); $('#preview').hide('fast'); $('#preview').show('fast'); $('#loading').hide('fast'); }); How can I easly add a .scrollTo effect,...

Is it possible to use the JQuery ScrollTo plugin with the JQuery Cycle plugin?

Is it possible to use the JQuery scrollTo plugin to create a transition when using the JQuery Cycle plugin? (i.e. when using a pager in the JQuery Cycle plugin the transition to the next slide scrolls past all intermediate slides) ...

javascript: is there any reason scrollTo() would fail to scroll properly while INSIDE the iframe itself?

From within an iframe, is there any reason window.scrollTo(0,0) wouldn't work? In other words, the client code for the iframe itself wants to scroll to the top of the iframe's client area whenever it is loaded. I thought the logic was window.scrollTo(0,0) but it's not working. Any ideas? (To be perfectly clear: if the situation is ...