
Scrolling to expanded DIV problem and links in expanded box

Hi, I'm working on the code for my new portfolio site and I'm using masonry for the expanding grid layout. I'm having problems with the code that makes it scroll to the expanded DIV. It doesn't always scroll to the upper part of the div .expanded... Here's a sample: Try to click box 1 and then box 5. You'll notice...

How could I set a div's position based on the screen using Jquery scrollto

I am using Jquery's Scrollto plugin to scroll up and down based on a menu but I would like the menu to stay with the scroller. So if I had a page that was 4000px high and someone clicks the link that takes them down to the 2000px point the menu would slide down there too. Not sure if this is a css or jquery issue. Any help is very app...

Jquery scrollTo issues in IE7

Hello, I have a page that uses jQuery's scrollTo plugin to manage some functionality. When you want to reset your password from the login page, it scrolls to a new form rather than taking the user to a new page. It all works fine everywhere but IE7, of course. Here's my HTML: <div id="blocksWrapper"> <div id="blocks"> <div...

jquery address plugin interferring with scrollTo values

Hi! I've built an ajax-based website that utilizes the address jquery plugin for back forward button browser compatibility. However, since pages are fetched via ajax page conventional page refresh is not obvious and rather disorienting in terms of user navigation etc. User clicks a link, ajax fetches the page, although successful and pa...

Auto-scrolling in jQuery.scrollTo / jQuery.serialScroll works like crazy

Hi, I used the following tutorial to make a parallax content slider for my webiste: I got it working nicely, but wanted to add auto-scrolling functionality. I did it by adding jQuery.serialScroll and using setInterval but it works like crazy n...

How to set jquery localScroll's offset dynamically?

jQuery(function( $ ){ var theOffset = ($(window).width()-900)/-2; $(window).resize(function() { var theOffset = ($(window).width()-900)/-2; }); $.localScroll({ target: '#content', // could be a selector or a jQuery object too. queue:true, duration:1000, hash:true, offset: ...

How can I update window.location.hash without jumping the document?

I have a sliding panel set up on my website. When it finished animating, I set the hash like so function() { window.location.hash = id; } (this is a callback, and the id is assigned earlier). This works good, to allow the user to bookmark the panel, and also for the non JavaScript version to work. However, when I update the hash...

How do I implement jQuery scrollTo for links on the same page?

I'm a noob with jQuery and I know about scrollTo, but not quite how to get it to function on my site. I did a quick Google search and found lots of results, but at a glance the most reliable one (or at least most popular) currently used is this one: However, again, being a total noob to scripti...

jQuery scrollTo plugin - shaky scrolling with some content - Problem

Hey Community out there - here comes a tough one, at least for me. Maybe there is some help out there.I am working on a full page vertically/horizontally scrolling website that is powerd by the scrollTo plugin. In general all is working good and smooth but with some content, like the Nivo Slider, the scrolling becomes a bit shaky, like h...

Problem mixing overflow-x, FireFox, and Javascript.

First of all, this problem only happens in Firefox. Check this example page to understand the problem: -removed- Select any page besides home. The window will scroll to page. You can then scroll down using the mouse wheel. This works fine. BUT if you grab the scroll bar on the right with your mouse it will jump back to the "home page" ...

jQuery ScrollTo: Multiple clicks on link = funky movement stacking

Here is the code: $('.next').click(function(){ $(window).stop(true,true).scrollTo('+=800px', 1000, { axis:'x' } ); }); $('.prev').click(function(){ $(window).stop(true,true).scrollTo('-=800px', 1000, { axis:'x' } ); }); Site can be previewed here: When the ...

jquery ScrollTo laggy perfomance in IE, Opera, FF

I am using jquery scrollTo plugin and I am having laggy performace. Animation is not SMOOTH!! Especially in IE! demo page: Animation looks great in Chrome!! And another problem is with resizing. When you resize the browser, overflow:hidden, doesnt work anymore. Can you just let me know where the problem migh...

Jquery scrollTo only scrolling up in small increments

I am using the scrollTo plugin to scroll to some headings. The problem it will only scroll upwards in small increments that is determined by the height of the browser window. It does not seem to recognise the id's I am using. Click here to view the page, you will need to scroll to the bottom of the page and select the item with two fing...

Having trouble getting Ariel Flesler's ScrollTo working

I've been trying to implement Ariel Flesler's ScrollTo plugin, but I can seem to figure out how to initiate it. This is his website: What I would like to do is have a static navigation, and when the user clicks a nav link, the content scrolls within a particular div. I have a pretty good understanding of jQ...

jQuery: method works correctly through .click, but not when run direct from document.ready

Hi folks, I have a piece of jQuery code which - in theory - scrolls down to a specific part of the window depending on what's after the hash in the URL tag (myaddress.html#wheretoscroll). The code called is this: $(document).ready(function() { anchor = unescape(self.document.location.hash.substring(1)) if (anchor) { $....