
jQuery.ScrollTo / jQuery.SerialScroll Horizontal Scrolling

Hi, I am looking to implement horizontal scrolling using jQuery.SerialScroll (based on jQuery.ScrollTo). I currently have a continuous horizontal scrolling working with liScroll as I discuss in this post. However, now I need discrete scrolling and I have SerialScroll working perfectly for vertical scrolling. For some reason, if the '...

scrollTo doesn't scroll to correct position

I'm trying to use jQuery.scrollTo plugin with accordion (where one block expands after clicking on it and another contracts), but it doesn't scroll to the right position. Here is a demo: As you can see, the first click scrolls correctly, but every next one goes further than it should. It seems to...

jQuery ScrollTo Disabling <a>nchors on animation

Hi Everyone! I am using Ariel Flesler's ScrollTo jQuery plugin. Everything is great except when scrolling, the animation drags the cursor over some links which, having :hover triggers, cause a momentary hang up in the animation. Any chance anyone knows how to disable elements :hover functions while the animation is happening? ...

How to scroll the window using JQuery $.scrollTo() function

Hi, I'm trying to scroll down 100px every time the user gets near the top of the document. I have the function executing when the user gets close to the top of the document, but the .scrollTo function isn't working. I put an alert after and before to check to see if it actually was the line or not that was stopping it and only the fir...

Scrolling to the previous div in jQuery

I'm using the scrollTo plugin for jQuery on a website. I made a vertical scrolling div wher I can scroll to different div by clicking on buttons. And now I need to make a back button to return to the previous div. what I want is the opposite of I tried this.prev() but it doesn't work. $('#tabs').click ( function(...

Use jQuery plugin scrollTo with a new DOM element

This is in relation to the jQuery plugin "scrollTo" from this here: link text The plugin works fine except when you want to use it with a newly created DOM element. Is there any method to using this plugin with DOM elements that are created after the page has loaded (from other user interaction). This would be similar in application ...

Using the scrollTo jQuery plugin with the Fancy Zomm jQuery plugin

I'm trying to use the Fancy Zomm jQuery plugin to show multiple images in the same lightbox by using the scrollTo plugin to switch to the next of previous image which are all in different divs. The problem is that it seams that I can't use jQuery inside the div displayed by the lightbox Does anyone know how I could use the Fancy Zoom p...

Scrolling down to next element via keypress & scrollTo plugin - jQuery

I am using jQuery's scrollTo plugin to scroll up and down my page, using UP arrow and DOWN arrow. i have a bunch of div with class "screen", as so: <div class="screen-wrapper">...</div> What I am trying to do is, when i press UP or DOWN, the window scrolls to the next, or previous div with class of "screen". I have the keypresses take...

IE8 problem with scrollTo in a RTL site

Hi, I'm working on a site in hebrew (rtl) and I'm using the jQuery plugin scrollTo for navigation. The strange thing is that it works in FF, Safari and IE6 but it freezes inside IE8. The scroll is displayed correctly (set #wrapper to overflow:scroll) but it won't nudge. Any ideas? The js part ...

How to scroll to an element after expanding with slideToggle?

scrollTo is not scrolling to a div that expands past the bottom of the page... any suggestions? (jQuery 1.3, scrollTo 1.42) function toggleCollapsible(ownerDiv) {".Collapsible").slideToggle("fast", $.scrollTo(ownerDiv, "slow")); } ...

How can I scroll to a specific location on the page using jquery?

Is it possible to scroll to a specific location on the page using jQuery? Does the location I want to scroll to have to have: <a name="#123">here</a> Or can it just move to a specific DOM id? ...

ScrollTo, SerialSroll Help! Dreamweaver behavior? Plug-in 'How-to' for newbs?

Pretty comfortable with html, CSS, Dreamweaver. Just begun learning Javascript but really, just. Have been trying in vain for more than 1 1/2 weeks to dissect the ScrollToLeft function in the product pages of this site: www_dot_alvr_com (then click on "jewelry" then "necklaces" for example and you see these cool scrolling columns of ima...

jQuery.scroll "listener" problem

Hey guys, I'am scrolling through a page witch jQuery scrollTo. If the page reaches ssome pixels for exaple y= 300 a div slides in. If i scroll manually i want to slide that div in too. how do i achieve that? I've thought about something like a event listener. jQuery.scroll exists but does'n make a difference between "manual" scrollin...

jQuery.Colorbox after jQuery.scrollTo

Hi my friends. I am working with two plugins in jQuery: jquery.scrollTo and jquery.Colorbox and I'm having an issue, quite simple I think. What I want to do is to fire colorbox just after the scrollTo event ends. ScrollTo actually supports callbacks with the setting onAfter and it works with simple alert() messages. But when I write a...

JQUERY: scrollTo: On page load goto 'x' div tag to the right

Hi all, I need help. I have got a scroller working with next back buttons scrolling the div tags within 'scrollable' but I need to automatically jump to a div tag when the page is loaded or reloaded i.e. start at the 5 div tag along. is this possible? my code/example link below $(function() { $("div.scrollable").scrollable(); });...

cancel a submit in jquery?

Hi all, im doing a form validation and I want to validate the input fields when "on submit" if error Im using jquery.scrollTo to go to error: $('#form_inscripcion').submit(function() { //se traen todos los inputs del formulario var $inputs = $('#form_inscripcion :input'); $inputs.each(function() { var encontro_error = validar($(th...

remove default tab selection and also add scrollTo effect

var tabLinks = new Array(); var contentDivs = new Array(); function init() { // Grab the tab links and content divs from the page var tabListItems = document.getElementById('tabs').childNodes; for ( var i = 0; i < tabListItems.length; i++ ) { if ( tabListItems[i].nodeName == "LI" ) { var tabLink = getFirstChild...

div scroll to in javascript

I have several divs with content. Some of the context is wrapped with, content <a name='SomeName'> cool content </a> more content In Javascript how do I force the SomeName name to scroll into view for that DIV only. The catch is that there are many DIVs on the page with content. I have the Div's object known. The Div can contain oth...

Conditional Function for Start: setting in Ariel Flesler's SerialScroll

Site is Located @ I'm using serialScroll to animate a number of divs containing dancing characters, and using LocalScroll to animate the content divs. My issue is that when you try and load a URL with a hash ( for example the character divs do not animate to the correct...

Fancybox - Scrolling / page position

I am trying to automatically scroll to a anchor when opening a fancybox iframe like so: It kinda works but it scrolls to the wrong position, either too far up or way too far down (mostly way too far down). I tried using the jQuery ScrollTo plugin but it also scrolls to the wrong position and additionally "...