
<section> or <article>, which is contained in which

Trying to get my head around the new semantic elements in HTML5. Does a <section> belong inside an <article> or is it the other way around? Does it even matter? I'm looking at structuring a wordpress blog something like this: Is this reasonable, or am I missing something? ...

Unexpected behavior of write operations when creating a custom section in EEPROM using GCC

Hello all, Here is my question, I work on an application embeded in a board we manufactured ourselves for a space project. The board uses a LEON2 Processor which is a derivate of SPARC v8 and we also use RTEMS as OS. In this application we have to save default value for various tables for the FS in the EEPROM, so the user can modify t...

Enumerating sections to start with §-sign

Is it possible to enumerate sections in latex not just to show 1/2/3 but rather §1/§2/§3 at the beginning? ...

OpenGL, remove sections from a shape

In OpenGL, how can one cut a triangle shaped hole from a square? making the hole transparent. I'm also using SDL, maybe it can be achieved with an SDL surface? ...

in UITableView, can I have two sections with the cells of each section to be variable length?

and also, by doing that, does it align to the iPhone UI guidelines? ...

UISearchBar Table Section Index Titles Overlap

How do I change the width of the UISearchBar when it is inside a table header so that the section index doesn't overlap the textfield? I want to recreate the same layout you find in the contacts view of the phone app. ...

iPhone: add an image to grouped uitableview section header?

I know I can change the way the section header looks by implementing viewForHeaderInSection: The thing is I want to add a UIImageView to the right of the header text without modifying the look of the already existing label. I can create my own view and add a UILabel and a UIImageView, but then, I'd have to setup the label color and fo...

numberOfRowsInSection starts with last section

Hi guys, actually I'm have a very simple problem (that's for sure) I just can't find the root cause. The problem is, that after calling the numberOfSectionsInTableView Method to get the number of Sections (24 in my case) the method numberOfRowsInSection gets called but with the last section (23). This causes an out of bound index when...

How to display table in COBOL's SCREEN SECTION?

Hey everyone, For learning purposes I am trying the following: I am trying to display a table via COBOL ... I want to define the way it is all displayed in the SCREEN SECTION. Following happens or is supposed to happen - all without multiple screens opening: (1) User enters ENTRY-SCREEN (2) User has to type in a password (nothing hap...

section uitable by current date?

hey everyone, i want the user to input a row into the table...and the row to automatically make a table section for the day it was added and keep it in order by day.. aka the user added a row to the table today...put it under feb 22...tomorrow they will add another cell put it under create another section feb 23, and add the row to it...

iphone dynamically add a section to a tableview

I have a tableview actings as a settings or preferences panel (see below). The name of the setting (for example Address) is the header of the section the setting is part of. My question is if I want to allow the user to add her own setting how should this be done? I was thinking of adding a "+" button on a toolbar and having a modal v...

Crossing section of a 3d mesh object in an arbitrary coordinate point

Hi All, Could one explain me how to have the cross section of a 3d mesh object in an arbitrary coordinate point on the mesh surface. Regards J.Jack ...

Infopath - Repeating sections

I have struggled with this for 2 days and posted this question at a couple of other sites but with no luck. I am creating a form as follows. I have an "outer" repeating section in which the user enters a work item id and then selects as many names as he/she wishes from a series of drop down lists. When the user clicks a button (also in...

Getting memory section information

Can somebody explain me how the following code works? # if defined(__ELF__) # define __SECTION_FLAGS ", \"aw\" , @progbits" /* writable flag needed for ld ".[cd]tors" sections bug workaround) */ # elif defined(__COFF__) # define __SECTION_FLAGS ", \"dr\"" /* untested, may be writable flag needed */ # endif asm ( "....

Memory section handling error

I'm getting a link time error: WARNING: /home/gulevich/development/camac-fedorov/camac/linux/k0607-lsi6/camac-k0607-lsi6.o (.ctors): unexpected non-allocatable section. Did you forget to use "ax"/"aw" in a .S file? Note that for example <linux/init.h> contains section definitions for use in .S files. The code causing the error (assemb...

How to colorize section headings in LaTeX like this?

Hi, Accidently I created this nice colored effect on my LaTeX TOC: Which I like and want to keep, I created this effect like this: \definecolor{Section1}{rgb}{0.09,0.21,0.36} \section{\color{Section1}Introdução} However, as you can see on the TOC sidebar, there was a nasty side effect. I tried to f...

Latex renewcommand not working properly

Why is this not working: \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} \usepackage{a4wide} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[portuguese]{babel} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage{indentfirst} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage{url} \usepackage[compat2,a4paper,left=25mm,right=25mm,bottom=15mm,top=20mm]{geometry} \u...

UITableView is getting interaction when changing rows with animation

Hi, I have a tableview on a nib file with the interaction setting turned off. I'm animating a section change like this: [myTableView beginUpdates]; [myTableView deleteSections:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0] withRowAnimation:YES]; [myTableView insertSections:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0] withRowAnimation:YES]; [myTableView endUpdate...

LaTeX: How to change one of section numbers to a custom letter?

Hi, I have something like this: Section 1 ... Section 2 ... Section 3 Subsection 3.1 ... Section 4 ... And I would like to have something like this: Section 1 ... Section 2 ... Section A Subsection A.1 ... Section 4 ... In other words - change one of section numbers to something else 3 == A I need this for my thesis which is writte...

UITableView: Juxtaposing row, header, and footer insertions/deletions

Consider a very simple UITableView with one of two states. First state: One (overall) table footer One section containing two rows, a section header, and a section footer Second state: No table footer One section containing four rows and no section header/footer In both cases, each row is essentially one of four possible UITable...