
Beamer Presentation: Sneak in slides for each bulleted element

So, I am doing a presentation using Beamer. In my earlier presentation, I used the list elements auto unhiding one each time. : using the following code: \begin{frame} \begin{itemize}[<+-| alert@+>] \item Admin Interf...

How do create a sectioned sidebar view?

I want to create a sidebar inspector-type view with collapsable sections, similar to what is seen in the right sidebar in Xcode 4. I have experimented with a combination of button types and views, but nothing seems to behave in the manner I desire. Here is a screenshot of the section for reference. ...

How to make two slideable sections on android device screen?

How to create custom view with two independent sections, each slideable? Example would be iPad Zillow -> I was wondering if this can also be done on the home screen and not only in new app... ...

Separating UITableView data into sections from one source

Hi All I have one table in my core data source which holds some articles with NSDate's. I basically want to separate the NSManagedObject into days, so you can scroll through and separate articles by date. What is the best way to approach this? My context is queried out in descending date order, so just need to split that up into days f...

Multiple UITextFields grouped together like a UITableView section

Hi all, I'm looking for a clean way to implement a login screen in my iPhone application. I'd like it to appear as a grouped UITableView section with rounded corners and a separator line below between rows (like e.g. the sections in the Settings app). However, I'd like to give it a slightly smaller cornerRadius than the default setting ...

ListView with section header problem

Hi I'm adding section headers for my listView, there are few methods on the web. Since I'm using simpleCursorAdapter to manage my listView, I adopted phil bogle's method. The error occurred at this part of the code: listAdapter.setViewBinder( new SimpleCursor...

Customizing DocBook XSL NS section title styling

I have "section.autolabel" set to 1 with a max.depth of 2. So, my section (sect1, sect2, sect3, ...) titles are as follows: 1. Introduction 1.1 All about it 1.2 Some more all abouts These are generated as pure text (ie: "1.1 All about it") without any formatting specifically for the numbering and the title separately. What I would li...

How to draw a section header in Android listview just like the Contacts app did ?

I know how to display it in the screen, but when I use the Contacts app in my phone, I found its alphabet section header can be fixed in the top when I scroll the list. How to make that happen? ...

How to get a pointer to a binary section in MSVC?

I'm writing some code which stores some data structures in a special named binary section. These are all instances of the same struct which are scattered across many C files and are not within scope of each other. By placing them all in the named section I can iterate over all of them. In GCC, I use _attribute_((section(...)) plus some ...

Core Data: changes to section

I am quite familiar with regular usage patterns of Core Data, but recently stumbled upon a problem: Imagine a simple case where I have an Entity of person, with 2 string attributes name and company. I want to make a UITableView sorted by names and divided into sections by company name. Sound simple enough: ... personFetchController_ = [...

[iPhone app] Dynamic expandable UITableView with sections

Hello, I am currently creating a UITableView with expandable/collapsable sections. I get data from the Internet in JSON format, storing it in arrays just like this : {Section 1 {s1 data 1, s1 data 2, ... }, Section 2 {s2 data 1, s2 data 2, and so on}} Sections can be alphabetical letters, year number or whatever. I create my table v...

Create a timetable with CoreData

Hello everybody!! I'm new to Stack Overflow and have my first question. I want to develop an application with a timetable. I've one UITableViewController and one CoreData entity called 'SchoolClass'. With arrow buttons I can switch between the days of a week. My problem is that I want to have all classes in the entity 'SchoolClass'. When...

Determine the section of the tabbed UITextField

This is a tricky one: I have: - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { ... //Textfield: UITextField *theTextField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(200, 10,self.tableView.frame.size.width - 250, 30)]; theTextField.adjustsFontSizeToFitW...

Intersect polygon with rectangle and create lines (section cut)

I need an algorithm to intersect a (potentially non-convex) polygon with a rectangle. The rectangle will be parallel to the xy-plane, but the polygon could be any orientation. Furthermore, I don't just need a true/false result, but also the exact points where the polygon intersects the rectangle, so that I can draw lines where the poly...

Iphone tableView index position/setting

Hi all, Sorry if I missed anything about this but I have a table view with 2 large sections and an index to navigate between sections: - (NSArray *)sectionIndexTitlesForTableView:(UITableView *)tableView { NSMutableArray *listArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; listArray = [NSArray arrayWithArray:[@"S|H"componentsSeparatedBy...

How do I make one nsi section depend on another?

In NSI, how can I make one section depend on another? Our installer has four visible sections (components): * Client * Database * Server * Interface All components depend on Client, so it is mandatory. In addition, Server depends on Database and will fail to install if Database is not present. ...