
jQuery Selected

Hello! Im trying to see if a special option in a select-menu has a value equal to 1, and then hide another object. Ive been trying all day but cant figure it out (probably because im a total beginner at jquery) I have a select-menu that i populated from a db. If the option with the id="1" have "selected=selected" then i want another di...

Select row after refreshing DBGrid

Well, some kind of n00b question from me. I've surfed the net and similar questions here but haven't found any right answers for such simple (as I thought) problem. I have a DBGrid. I select one row and make some actions with another data linked to this row. After I finished, my DBGrid being refreshed and selected row resets to first. I...

DropDownList item not selected

I'm obviously still missing something about how to bind the selected item in a DropDownList. I set up the SelectList like this in a repository: public SelectList GetAgencyList(System.Guid donorId, Int32 selected) { AgenciesDonorRepository adRepo = new AgenciesDonorRepository(); List<AgenciesDonor> agencyDonors...

Keeping a UIButton selected after a touch

After my user clicks a button, I'd like that button to stay pushed during the time that I perform a network operation. When the network operation is complete, I want the button to return to its default state. I've tried calling -[UIButton setSelected:YES] right after the button push (with a corresponding call to -[UIButton setSelected:N...

extract html table information based on radio button checked

What combination of selectors could I use to get the html text that contains Price information in the example below. (Assume user has clicked a radio button and the Submit button) <table border="1" id="modal_table"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <input type="radio" name='sub' value="509"/> </td> <td> 509 </td> <td class='price'> Price is...

jquery treeview highlight selected

Is highlighting the selected item supported in jquery treeview? Can you point me at sample code demonstrating? ...

VS2005: How can I print a selected piece of code without the highlighting?

When I want just one piece of code printed, I can select it, and press the "print" menu command; what follows is a printout of the correct piece of code, but with a highlighted background. Any tip on how to get a selected piece of code printed as I would see it, unselected? ...

Jquery - Change dynamic dropdown selected element

I have a dynamically generated Dropdown for which I need to change the selected value using Jquery. <select class="txtfield country" id="ctl00_MainContentAreaPlaceHolder_personalInformation_country" name="ctl00$MainContentAreaPlaceHolder$personalInformation$country"> <option value="FJ">FIDJI</option> <option value="FI">FINLANDE...

For each line in selected lines (

how can I get the lines which are have selected text in them? For example: The selected lines would be 1, 2,3 and 4 (0 being the first line) How can I get to code like: For Each line as string(or integer) in textbox1."SelectedLines" 'Do something here for each line Next Thanks ...

How Can I Add a "Selected" Class Based on URL with jQuery?

I have a sidebar list of links, code shown below... <div class="WikiCustomNav WikiElement wiki"><a href="/" class="wiki_link">Home</a> <a href="/Calendar" class="wiki_link">Calendar</a> <a href="/Science" class="wiki_link">Science</a> <a href="/Language+Arts" class="wiki_link">Language Arts</a> <a href="/Video+Page" class="wiki_link">Vi...

jQuery: Check if jQuery object contains exact DOM element

I have a reference to a DOM element, and a jQuery object which is the result of a selector, and I want to check if that specific DOM element is in that jQuery object. Short of looping through the whole jQuery object and checking for equality, is there a straightforward way in jQuery to do this? I have tried .contains, :contains, .has an...

How to make vertical menu like a new facebook on the left ?

How to make vertical menu like a new facebook on the left ? important point is selected tabs.. ...

jQuery DatePicker: Get Selected Date

I need to be able to grab the selected date from the datepicker and populate another textbox with the selected value. I am currently using the onClose function like this: $('#defaultDate').datepicker({ onClose:function(theDate) { $('#txtEntry1').text = theDate } }); ...

TabBar Controller Selection color

Hello, Ia there any one who have implemented for the TabBar Controller application in which on selection of tab item it shows different colour other than gray and blue color. ...

.NET MVC MultiSelectList and selected values

I am trying to set the selected values for a MultiSelectList but the page does not display any values as selected. I have tried every practical way to do this and still get the same results. I am currently trying to pass a list of selected objects in via the constructor. What gets me is that when i inspect MultiSelectList object, the se...

Getting selected text win CKEditor Plugin

I have made a plugin for CKEditor, but it relies on the currently selected text. In FF and Chrome I can use: var selectedText = editor.getSelection().getNative(); but this doesnt work in IE and I only get [object Object] Any suggestions? ...

How can see always selected tableView row? (iPhone)

Hello, I have i problem with tableView selected row. When i select the row it selected, but when i back in the previous navigation controller the row deselected. Can i do that iPhone remember what row was selected and when i push controller it remember selected row and can it be blue? ...

Issue with selected Value Combo box, Listbox

Hi, I am binding same data Table to Combo box and List Box on the WindowsForm Load. When I select a value in Combo box automatically that value is also getting selected in List Box and same thing when I select a value in List Box that value is also getting selected in Combo Box. Selection should be only for that particular control, ho...

Multiple Selected Values of ListBox as Parameters to SELECT SQL Query

Hello, I want to pass the Multiple selected values from ListBox as parameters to my Select SQL Query. I am using VB.NET, how can I achieve this ?... ...

ComboBox / ListBox selected item

is there a more simple way to get combobox (WinForms) selected items text? string result = comboBox1.Items[comboBox1.Selectedindex]; And in WPF's ComboBox? ...