
sIFR selected text background

It seems to me that sIFRed text when selected allways have black background. My site design is dark (mostly black). So when use select sIFRed text it looks like nothing happens, it is selected but no one can see that cause both site and selected text background are black. Normal text have white or some kind of dark-green color depending ...

jQuery remove selected option from this

Hi all, first post here, I come in peace :) I've searched but can't quite find what I'm after. I am trying to manipulate the selected option of a select box. Can someone please explain why this works: $('#some_select_box').click(function() { $('#some_select_box option:selected').remove(); }); but this doesn't: $('#some_select_box'...

selected checkbox in WPF

I have a lot of check boxes in my WPF form. I want to get the selected checkbox value alone. In Winforms we can use foreach(checkbox ck in controls), but I cannot use like that in WPF Forms. How can i get the selected checkbox in WPF? ...

Get selected text and its parentNode from an iframe

I've tried many methods to get selected text and its parent from an iframe but it did not work at all. Please advise... Thanks ...

How to keep an item selected? - ListView

Hello. I would like to keep an item selected, on a ListView, when the user clicks on a space which has no item. For example, the space below the items, but still on the ListView component. I've change the ListView property "HideSelection" to false, but that only works when the focus is changed to another component; not when the user clic...

JCrop - Cant move selection

I have a simple jcrop example and I cant seem to figure out how to move the selection. I thought that it might be the jquery library but i am using v1.3.2 which is what the demo uses. I have used jcrop in another site and everything works fine when i bring it up. I tried setting the "allowMove" option to true but it still doesnt work. Am...

Jquery binding event on selected class

Is it achievable in jquery to bind an event to a group of control that has certain class? It seems to me, it can't. I google a bit and all that came up are nothing to do with events. Here's how my code looks - $('.numonly').bind('keypress',function(event){ if (event.which > 31 && (event.which < 48 || event.which > 57)) return false;...

Grab SELECTED text on UITextView

Hello Everyone, How do I grab SELECTED/HIGHLIGHTED text on a UITextView. I already know how to do this on UIWebView using javascript. Now I am trying to figure it out for the UITextView. Thanks for your help. ...

How to call an event when the user "finally" selects an item in a list?

When a user clicks once on an item in a Grid or a ListBox, that item is usually selected, hence most UI frameworks have a onSelected event or the like for that. However, how can we generally call the next step when a user "finally" selects an item by e.g. double clicking an entry? You know when some popup might appear in the context of ...

Selected option in view when SIZE is greater than 1

How do you get the selected option to be in view on page load? <select name="whatever" size="5"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> <option value="6">6</option> <option value="7" selected>7</opti...

SelectedValue on html drop down list in MVC

I am new to MVC, so sorry if I am being a bit thick. I am using VB I am trying to fill an html drop down list using data from a db, but the first item is always selected, no matter what. What am I doing wrong? Here is my code - In the controller: ViewData("MatchTypeList") = New SelectList(_db.GetMatchTypes.ToList(), "MatchTypeID", "...

How to remove the selected element during a clone() operation

Hi All, I have a select box that gets cloned. I want to remove the user's previous selection from each cloned select box. Here is the method that does the clone() : function addselect(s){ $('#product_categories > .category_block:last').after( $('#product_categories > .category_block:last').clone() ); set_add_delete_links(); retu...

Replacement of text using JavaScript

i want to replace some selected character from my text-area with some string. To do this i wrote the following JavaScript code var old_tag = "["; var tag= " <xsl:value-of select = "; var endtag= " />"; var txt=''; if(document.selection) { txt = document.selection.createRange().text document.selection.creat...

advancedDatagrid multipleSelection: Was a row already selected?

Hi, after multiple Selection in a advanced datagrid, I want to check if the clicked row, was already selected. Anyway my idea below (in the nested if clause I want to check if the newly clicked item's processing data is already in the added Array Collection) is not working, but I assume there must be a better way to differiante if an cl...

JTree create new file make it selected

I want to make it like when I click a button, it will create a new file. Then the jTree will highlight the new file. Below are my code. Currently I create new file, i will show the new file but no highlight the file. class FileTreeModel implements TreeModel { private FileNode root; public FileTreeModel(String directory) { root = ne...

How to highlight the new created file in JTree

I want to make it like when I click a button, it will create a new file. Then the jTree will highlight the new file. Below are my code. Currently I create new file, i will show the new file but no highlight the file. class FileTreeModel implements TreeModel { private FileNode root; public FileTreeModel(String directory) { root = ne...

Android Button ==> Set highlighted image ???

How can i set the button to show a different image after it's been tapped? Either a different image, or maybe some kind of highlighting that shows the button was tapped/ Thanks ...

Android ==> ListView stay selected ???

I have a list view full of items, after the users selects an item it lights up, and then it goes normal. Is there a way to make it so after the users select an item in my ListView it stays selected, and highlighted? Thanks ...

NavigateUrl is not working with SelectedNodeStyle

I'm trying to get SelectedNodeStyle to work with NavigateUrl without success. The style is not applied when clicking on nodes. <asp:TreeView ID="treeviewSIP" runat="server" ExpandDepth="0"> <SelectedNodeStyle BackColor="Red" ForeColor="WhiteSmoke" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" Bor...

How to maintain selected rows in DataGridView when mouse is held down on a cell?

I am trying to implement row moving in a DataGridView. I want to be able to select multiple rows and click on any of the selected row's cells to begin the drag operation. The problem is that the rows become deselected when I hold the mouse down on a cell. How can I prevent this from happening? ...