
Find an element's sibling in a list of elements

Ok, so here's what I've got: I have a list of elements cached in a variable: elementList = $(".list-of-elements-with-this-class"); I also have a dynamically generated element from that list cached in another variable: function() { cachedItem = $(this); } ); What I want to do is locate cachedI...

Multiple contact selection in Android

Is it possible to get a multiple contact selection activity in Android? ...

How to enable depth testing for the GL_SELECT buffer?

I am using the GL selection buffer to implement mouse picking. Unfortunately, OpenGL is returning hits in the selection buffer even for objects that are entirely occluded. For example, if there is a man hidden behind a wall, the selection buffer will include a hit record for the man even though he is not visible. Selection is implemente...

excel 2007 macro select records

I would like to write a macro in vb to select all rows where values in column B contain the characters 'via'. This is my first attempt at macros and not too sure how to begin. ...

How to format the selected text in a QTextEdit by pressing a button.

I want to format a selected text in a QTextEdit by clicking a button. For axample I want to make it bold if it is not-bold, or not-bold if it is bold. Please help me with an example. EDIT: Actually I have found already a code - qt demo for text editor which does what I need: void MyTextEdit::boldText(bool isBold) //this is the SLOT fo...

How to get Flow document elements from the richtextbox selection

Is there a way to get the flow document element object (etc Paragraph, Image,) from the wpf richtextbox selection? If not, is there a way to do it? ...

How do I remove a selected date from a jQuery UI Datepicker?

Hi, After selecting a date on a jQuery UI Datepicker, how can this selection be programmatically removed? I'd like to remove/change the selected date, not the current date! Many thanks! ...

How to change ListBox selection background color?

It seems to use default color from Windows settings which is blue by default. Let's say I want to change it to red permanently. I'm using Winforms. Thanks in advance. ...

How can I select adjacent rows to an arbitrary row (in sql or postgresql)?

I want to select some rows based on certain criteria, and then take one entry from that set and the 5 rows before it and after it. Now, I can do this numerically if there is a primary key on the table, (e.g. primary keys that are numerically 5 less than the target row's key and 5 more than the target row's key). So select the row with ...

Change the background color of the magnifying glass of cut/copy selection on iPhone?

Hello, is there any way to change the background of the magnifying glass of cut/copy selection on iPhone? I've got white text in a transparent webview and under the webview there is an imageview with a pretty dark image, if I select the text for copy I can't see almost nothing. Regards, Andrea ...

how to create a chain select form in cakephp

Hello My business directory application calls for 3 chained select boxes, and I'm using cakephp to build this application. The hierarchy and order of choices for the sections is this: 1 - business group 2 - business type 3 - city (included in table customer) The relationships are: customer HABTM business types business groups hav...

JavaScript getSelection() in certain pane?

hi, I'm trying to change the code of query-tool "Technology Explorer for IBM DB2", so only selected query will be run... I already got some help from the developer himself,but this only helped me find the right parts of code, not with coding new functionality... I...

add something to Jquery selection and format

Ok, so i'm trying to create an address out of some bits of code from another spot on the page. The code i'm trying to create the address from is this: <div class="adr"> <h3 class="name fn">Boardwalk Audi<div class="separator">|</div></h3> <h4 class="street street-address">5930 West Plano Pkwy</h4> <h4 class="city"> <span class=...

Jquery: possible to change the text selection color in a textarea with jquery? css doesn't work :(

textarea::selection { background:#0099ff;} That's how you specify a text selection color for chrome in CSS, i know it's different for different browsers but I wanted to know if there's a way to change the selection color inside of a textarea, because the code above wont work for chrome, now, in the code above if i changed textarea to p...

Remove highlight color but maintain image highlight in Custom UITableViewCell

I am searching this for some time but I never found a solution. I have a UITableView with custom cells, those cells have an image and I place the labels on it. The thing is, when I select a cell, the whole cell frame is selected using the default highlight color. I tried changing the style, but if I use cell.selectionStyle = UITableVie...

How to implement custom select feature in webview in ipad?

Hi, I am displaying a pdf or a pub file in web-view.I want to implement custom feature of selecting the text and be able to copy and paste it.I want to select the text by dragging the fingers over it.I want to implement the same way implemented in opera app .For bringing the cursor at that point is there any default method.I detecting t...

highlight the text in webview when figer moves over the text in iphone?

I want to highlight the text when i drag the finger over the text in webview.I am able to detect the gesture and the coordinates at the point touched,But i am not able to highlight the text when i drag my finger over the text.Please help me out.Any sample codes would be more helpful. thanks. ...

IE9: radio button selection fails with Infopath forms

After upgrading to IE9, InfoPath forms consistently fail on radio button selection. This occurrs even when using compatibility mode. ...

Select range in contenteditable div

I've got a contenteditable div and a few paraprahs in it, as the code below. <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> </head> <body> <div id="main" contenteditable="true" style="border:solid 1px black; width:300px; height:300px"><div>Hello world!</div><div><br></div><div>This is a...

Enhance ItemsControl or tweak ListBox Selection

I have a number of items which I wish to be contained in either a ListBox or an ItemsControl. The size of the control is fixed, but the size of its contents are not. It is possible for this control to have 13 items inside, but if the user wishes, only one is displayed at a time, and takes up the entirety of the available space. Two items...