
Selenium run as a Windows service to take screenshots on errors

I would like an automated web tests suite based on Selenium RC to take screenshots of pages when some errors are encountered. The test suite is a part of the continuous integration process and technically is executed by CruiseControl running as a Windows service. The selenium.captureScreenshot() method is called to trigger the actual s...

Selenium to do automated smoke testing on an interval.

I've actually looked through Selenium questions on here and didn't find quite what I was looking for. Basically I have about 10 "use cases" for smoke testing my site. Basic things such as, can a user log in, can they register etc.. I want to set this up on an interval such as every 10 minutes run these tests. Is this possible with ...

Auto-Starting Selenium RC on Windows XP

Greetings, I have completed developing a suite of tests using Selenium RC and Java and I'm trying to integrate them with the build system so I can run the tests overnight. The process runs like this: Cruisecontrol does a full build A cron job on the Cruisecontrol server installs the build on a specific test cluster. When the build in...

Using Selenium to Test jQuery element data()?

Is it possible to use selenium to test whether a jQuery data() is set on an element? In my app, the user enters information about several orders. Each order gets appended to an overview table so they can see their progress as they're going. In addition to the visible order information, we store some additional information that we need...

Is there anything similar to Selenium IDE that would run on Internet Explorer 7?

I need to develop Web functional testing for an application that currently supports only IE 7+. I'd also like to have my tests exported in Java so that I can have them integrated with my Java codebase ...

Maven Selenium HTTPS

Hi all, I am testing my web application's security and all of my pages are served over ssl. The issue I am having is the certificate is not trusted as firefox starts in a new profile each time. I was reading on OpenQA's site about a jar and importing the certificate, but that is only for Internet Explorer and Firefox should automatica...

Questions about Selenium with nunit

Hi I want to write some tests for my website using Selenium but before I begin I have a couple questions. Note I have not looked at Selenium yet these are just pre questions How can I write my Selenium tests in nunit that would first say load up firefox do the set up of tests. Then next load up IE and do the tests again just in IE th...

How to disable Javascript when using Selenium?

Hi I am wondering how do I disable javascript when using selenium so I can test server side validation. I found this article but I don't know what to really do. Like I make this javascript file then what? ...

Parametrize with Selenium

I'm learning selenium these days. Can someone tell me how to parametrize a web application for testing in selenium? ...

Selenium's wait_for_condition in Internet Explorer

I'm trying to get Selenium to wait for all of the AJAX requests on a page to complete before proceeding to the next command. I'm using wait_for_condition and the following JavaScript: function(){ var wait = function() { return == 0; } return; }(); This works fine in F...

Good pattern for running automated Selenium tests in HTTP and HTTPS?

Hi, I have a set of Selenium tests which run via HTTP - I'd like to run the same tests under HTTPS aswell as HTTP with as little duplication as possible. I guess other people must already be doing this? I use the Java Selenium Remote Control - but I can probably translate a method from another language. ...

Silverlight testing: Watin vs Selenium comparison

I was wondering how well these web test frameworks (Watin and Selenium) work for silverlight UI testing. Have anyone tried it on a project?, are Watin or Selenium well suited for silverlight?. Thanks, ...

Can i test my FLEX2 application with SeleniumFlex-API_0.2.5?

I am in trouble compiling my Flex2 application with the library SeleniumFlexAPI.swc. This is the error: Error: unable to load SWC SeleniumFlexAPI.swc: unknown element script found in keep-as3-metadata section in catalog.xml ...

Performance testing for existing web app - Useful tools?

I'm maintaining a web app that has performance problems. I want to record a series of actions, then play back those actions once I've made changes and compare page load times so that I can quantify the performance improvement. The Selenium IDE does what I need for recording and playing back the actions, but I haven't found an easy way ...

How to run Google Chrome with Selenium RC?

Hi I am trying to test my site with Selenium RC + Nunit + I can get my tests to work in Firefox,Safari,opera,IE 8 but not google chrome. I put this in for the browser arugment selenium = new DefaultSelenium(Server, ServerPort, "*chrome", DomainURL); This always loads up Firefox tho...

How to close a browser on a selenium RC server which lost it's client

suppose a client starts a selenium session on an RC server, but at the middle of the session the client "went away". The browser will remain open, and eventually, after enough such dropped sessions, there will be enough "orphan" browsers to slow down the computer. How can I make sure those browsers are closed? Why isn't there a "keep-a...

How to create structured automatic testing with selenium (junit or testng)? What is your best practice for this?

I have written tests that are using selenium for functional testing. I'm using Java. I would like to be able to create structure between tests. Is it possible to do it with jUnit or TestNG? Would like to be able to create test structure that will produce report like this: Top test FAIL - Module1 test PASS -- Module1Class1 test PASS -- ...

Selenium doesn't register button press

Hey all, I have a problem running Selenium IDE over one of my AJAX pages. There is a HTML button with a javascript onclick submit that causes a new form element to appear once the button is clicked. The button also only appears through AJAX after a select value has been selected on a previously displayed drop down. Selenium sees the ...

Selenium RC drops error when it tries open the popup

Hi all When selenium tries to open popup window I'm getting JS error permission denied in file file:///C:/DOCUME~1//LOCALS~1/Temp/customProfileDir8708f7f69e14482ba857f4b2e74775c1/core/RemoteRunner.hta So this break script execution, could you assist? I saw a related topics at msdn and openqa but didn't find resolution that could help m...

Use of 'ClickAt ' selenium comand

I'm confuse with the difference between 'Click' & 'ClickAt' command in selenium. & need to know where i can use 'ClickAt' command ? ...