
Unable to select a Window thats forced open in Selenium RC

Please find below the code used selenium.getEval("this.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().open('', 'Window')"); (opens a new window)"A link"); (This is done in the Parent Window, and the Pop up opens in the window opened in the above statement) BaseClass.selenium.selectWindow("Window");(This does not report any error) Syste...

Selenium/PHPUnit tests always run twice, fail on second pass

The problem I am having is that I have setup runners for my Selenium/PHPUnit tests and they are always being run twice, per test, one after the other. And then it will move onto the next test. I found that bug seems to be exactly what is happening to me -- so I removed all references to PHPUnit_MAIN_MET...

Selenium - checking image validity

I'm creating a suite of Selenium tests for an web album application. I would like to test whether an image is actually displayed (it contains valid image data). Is such thing possible? Thanks for help. ...