
Selenium: Exporting test results

Hi When running test cases in Selenium IDE I see that each step result is logged in the Log tab. Example: # [info] Executing: |store | //html/body/div[3]/table/tbody/tr/td[3]/a/img | | # [info] Executing: |store | | | # [info] Executing: |verifyText | //td[1]/div | Recommended for you | # [error] Actual value 'Recommended items' did no...

Selenium can't launch firefox without sudo in Rails cucumber testing

I have a weird bug when trying to run selenium with cucumber testing in Rails 3. (This is under an RVM running 1.8.7) My colleague's dev environment works just fine but when I try and run "AUTOFEATURE=true autotest" or "rake features" I get the following error: unable to start Firefox cleanly, args: [] (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebD...

Pass parameters to Junit Class from Ant

Hi, I'm using Junit under ant to perform Selenium Test.My test cases need to read files which contain test data(in order to accomplish data driven test). I don't mind embedding the file names in the test cases, but I'd like to have the name of the directory where the data files are stored parameterized in the build.xml file. What's the...

clicking on link fails but selenium does not report

Basically we have link using span $('#desc').click() { //do somehting } <span id="desc"> This is Link </span> And this <span> is made to look like link with style. now, In selenium i have code which clicks link. But, due to some javascript, which gets loaded at page load, It takes time for making those link clickable. So click ...

Migrating to Selenium 2

Selenium 2/Webdriver has all sorts of great benefits but there is one big drawback: it doesn't support running on a grid out of the box. Has anybody switched from using a SE1 grid to using SE2 serially and been satisfied with the results? I'm wondering if the benefits of SE2 make up for the expected loss of speed due to running serially...

Selenium RCs Taking a Long Time to Load

Sometimes the Selenium RCs that I start on my test server take a long time to fully start up and begin listening on their designated port (upwards of 15 min.) It is a powerful system and they usually start up with a couple of minutes max, so I don't think it is a system resource problem. Has anyone experienced this or know why this may...

TestComplete Evaluation

How would TestComplete compare with Selenium RC for automation testing web applications? ...

How would you verify that a certain css element on a page is a certain image with selenium

I have a page that I want to check with selenium that uses a certain background image for one element. I want to ensure that this image still exists on the page connected to the element. How would I do this with selenium. If this changes anything I am using to do the testing once I get it running through selenium ide. ...

Selenium--The error message is: table.rows[row] is undefined

Please see the below example. Whenever I use the i counter in the row then I see the below error message: ERROR: Command execution failure. Please search the forum at for error details from the log window. The error message is: table.rows[row] is undefined public static String verifyLinkedSubmissions(St...

Why doesn't Selenium return from this internal HTTPS URL?

Can someone please tell me why Selenium can't return from opening this internal HTTPS URL? After a call to""), Selenium hangs and after a very long while, it terminates with server error. Help please. ...

Has anyone successfully used selenium-ide to enter data into google docs? If not is there another option?

I am trying to use selenium to enter data into google docs so that it is accessible to other selenium scripts. If not can anybody think of a way to accomplish this? ...

How to generate custom Nunit Report?

Hi All, I am posting this query with lot of hope. I have created a framework using Selenium RC with C#,Nunit and NANT. and Implement Nunit2Report for converting XML report output from Nunit to HTML format. But the HTML report are not clear as we used to get using TestNG and LoggingSelenium (Selenium Java Framework). My Query: ...

Geb functional web tests + cookies

I've been having issues with testing my Grails application's authentication. It appears that the browser won't accept cookies, so I created a simple grails application as a test. <html> <head> <title>Welcome to Grails</title> </head> <body> <g:each in="${request.cookies}"> <h1>${} = <span class="value">${it.value}<...

In a multi-monitor display environment, how do I tell Selenium which display to open a new window in?

Sorry if this has been asked and answered. I did a search but came up empty. ...

how to handle save file dialog of firefox in selenium using c#

Hi... i am using selenium for testing website which has functionality for downloading online video. i am using as language in selenium,each time i press download button save file dialog appears which cant be handle by selenium, how can i handle save file dialog(without using autoIt exe file). is there a way to call autoit script...

Selenium and Python: remove \n from returned selenium.get_text()

When I call selenium.get_text("foo") on a certain element it returns back a different value depending on what browser I am working in due to the way each browser handles newlines. Example: An elements string is "hello[newline]how are you today?[newline]Very well, thank you." When selenium gets this back from IE it gets the string "hel...

Looking to validate the presence of a hidden tag with the HTML source

I'm looking to validate a (hidden) tag, which is nothing but some javascript, in a webpage. This tag is present and visible, in the Page Source. I have used selenium's selenium.getHtmlSource(); command before. However, this time around I need assert the presence of absence of the tag, without unnecessarily having to slice and dice the so...

Selenium, Using multiple firefoxProfileTemplates at once / specifying from selenium object rather than at server launch?

I am using Selenium RC for website testing and I need to use multiple proxies at once and am doing this using: firefoxProfileTemplate when I start the selenium server. This, however, doesn't allow me to multi-thread selenium as each selenium object still uses the same firefoxProfileTemplate, and therefore the same proxy, (I am using Pyth...

Simple PHP Selenium test doesn't work

I have the following Selenium test in PHP: <?php require_once('PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase.php'); class Example extends PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase { protected function setUp() { $this->setBrowser("*chrome"); $this->setBrowserUrl("http://change-this-to-the-site-you-are-testing/"); } public function tes...

IE and Selenium: window.createPopup()

Hi! I've been playing with Selenium lately, trying to create tests for an IE only application. Things were progressing (though slowly as without the recorder plugin I had to resort to trial and error to try to find the appropriate element paths), but now I'm stuck with a problem related to popup menues. Most of the application actions...