
Selenium test doesn't like certain URL

I don't know if this is strictly a programming question but here goes. I have a test that looks like this: public function testNewCoupon() { $this->open("coupon/new/".$this->bank_code); $this->open(""); } When I run the test, I get this error: 1) Backend::testNewCoupon PHPUnit_Framework_Exception: Response from Selenium RC serve...

Storing html source or contents of a variable in selenium ide?

I am trying to build a macro in selenium ide that stores the page source to a file. I see there is a command storeHtmlSource() that stores the page source to a variable, but I can't figure out how to store the contents of the variable to a file. Is there some direct way to do this or do I need to somehow have it execute javascript to do...

How to present a Selenium test written in spec or PHPUnit on Hudson

Hi there, I am setting up Selenium tests on Hudson and looking for an easy way to present nice results such as Project summary and build summary on Hudson. Currently I have written Selenium test cases in Rspec and PHPUnit's extension for Selenium (I prefer working on Rspec over PHP). What is the best way to present detailed report for S...

Use selenium rc in my rails app, in dev mode rather than test mode?

Hi all. I have rspec and seleniumrc working normally in my test environment. However, I want to be able to use seleniumrc in a ruby app (not necessarily rails) so that i can click around a website (in a looped, generative sort of way) and permanently save data to the database, without it being rolled back at the end as in a regular rsp...

Refering a Parameter to another Parameter in testng.xml file

I have the following in testng.xml ... <parameter name="Empl_Name" value="Stephen" /> <test name="Employee Search test" junit="false"> <parameter name="Valid_Empl_Name" value="${Empl_Name}" /> <classes> <class name="org.EmployeeClass" /> </classes> </test> The above is not working. My requirement is that I want...

Parallel testing with Selenium Grid (using C# unit tests)

Following AutomatedTesters response: Is there any way to run parrallel tests with C# code, without using class libraries other than the Selenium Core? I have the following setup: Selenium Grid Hub: Selenium RC 1 : Selenium RC 2 : Both remote controls are running *firefox. If only 1 of the remote c...

Options for full stack testing in Ruby on Rails

There are quite a number of options for Full-Stack testing of Rails applications. Some use real browsers, some are headless, some don't run javascript at all. Which tools do you use or recommend and why? List of browser simulators or automators: Rails built-in support for integration and functional tests (no JS) Webrat Webrat::selen...

Collect a particular attribute from all matching elements in selenium client?

hi all. I'm using selenium-client to test a site. I want to get all a tags matching a particular selector, and then get the href attributes back in an array. Can anyone tell me how i can do this? For example, this returns the href of the first matching 'a' tag: browser.get_attribute "//a[contains(@id,'friendImageLink')]/@href" => ...

Testing your code programmatically: by the programmer or someone else?

So here is the situation-- a quote from my boss: "[...] we need to focus on programming. [...] At the end of the day I want to write good software and not get bogged down with testing." This is said after we have had 3 months of a daunting list of bugs and recently designating a non-programmer to write web tests with Selenium framework...

PHPUnit_Framework_Exception: Could not connect to the Selenium RC server when I run with Hudson

Hi there, I have set up Hudson CI Server and running PHPUnit test with Selenium (big thanks to this post!). Now I am running Hudson server and Selenium server on my localhost. I set up Hudson as port 8080 (default) and Selenium -port 1234 as it conflicts otherwise. However, every time I run Selenium test, I get a following error: P...

Selenium RC, on Linux, is there a way to make all browser instances run in the background?

I've been looking into this, as far as how I can run selenium browser instances in the background. I found some things about using a virtual GUI instance, or something like that, but it was all for Windows. I'm using Ubuntu linux so I'm wondering what the easiest way would be to suppress the actual browser instances showing up for the u...

Testing JQuery UI autocomplete with Capybara + Env.js does not work (with Selenium it works)

I do an RSpec integration test of the JQuery UI autocomplete functionality by using Capybara. When using Selenium (+ Firefox) as the web driver for Capybara everything works as it should, but when switching to Env.js as driver my tests fail. Are those known shortcomings of Env.js, or do I miss something? ...

How do you focus on new windows with selenium ide?

I am trying to use selenium ide to duplicate an action. The action is clicking on a link that open a new window. How do you make selenium ide focus on the new window instead of the other one? It has not been working for me. ...

Creating a test hub so users can trigger and watch Selenium RC tests running.

Appologies if this is a bit of a noob queston. I have Selenium RC setup on a server and a test hub application. When a user selects to run a test from the test hub, which browsers will the test be run on. Those on the server or those on the users machine? Basically I want my test hub app to serve 2 purposes, for a user to trigger and ...

Migrate selenium Nunit tests to MBunit for parallel execution

Hi, I am trying to migrate my existing selenium tests with Nunit to MBunit so that I can run the tests in parallel using selenium grid. I've added the attributes [assembly: DegreeOfParallelism(8)] [assembly: Parallelizable(TestScope.All)] to assemblyinfo.cs and added references to Gallio.dll and MBUnit.dll to the C# project. The pro...

Clicking links by regexp in python selenium

I've been looking around and trying to find a way to click on a link in selenium that's matched by a regexp. Here is the code that works; from selenium import selenium sel = selenium("localhost", 4444, "*chrome", "") sel.start()'/pubmed') sel.type("search_term", "20032207[uid]")"search")...

selenium+junit+ jmeter

any one using selenium scripts with jmeter for performance testing ...

How do I make a Selenium test for a page with a textbox whose name constantly changes?

I am trying to create a test that can enter a username and password into a login form on a page. However, the textbox name changes on every load of the page, and so the test stops each time I run it. How can I set up Selenium IDE so that it can identify the text box across refreshes? ...

Selenium RC and PHP for beginners

I am running a ubuntu server with apache/php/mysql. I want to use selenium on one of my php projects. Basically, I want a setup where I can more or less copy paste code from the Firefox Selenium IDE (format set to php) into my php project, like this: <?php require_once 'PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase.php'; class Example extends P...

Selenium: how to find the number of childNodes of a div

I have been banging my head on this for the better part of a day; I need to count the number of childNodes in a parent div. It basically is acting like a list and each childNode is a row I want to count. The html looks like: div<@class="list "> div<@id="list-item-01"> div<@id="list-item-02"> div<@id="list-item-03"> div<@id=...