
How can I make PHPUnit + Selenium run faster?

Hi, I'm using PHPUnit's Selenium extension to do web testing. I'm finding it very slow, taking seconds for a single test method. Part of the issue appears to be that its starting a new Selenium session between each test method (getNewBrowserSession), as part of runTest(). This is expensive. I'm ok with running a class or even a whole...

How do I make Selenium RC to not move the browser window?

hi, Is there a way to specify where Selenium RC spawn the browser window? When I run my test script, Selenium RC opens 2 windows in the browser, the Selenium RC window and the AUT, and the Selenium RC window takes up most of my screen space. Ideally, I want to control where their location and size separately, but if not, it would be nic...

Selenium Keyword Driven Testing

Is keyword driven testing something that could be implemented using Selenium? If so, how exactly and where can I learn more about it? A simple example might help me get started :) Thanks! ...

phpunit and selenium: run javascript and check return

I need to run a javascript function from a phpunit test with selenium and check the javascript returns true. I've looked into using runScript but it never seems to run (I've tested this by adding an alert to the code, but it never shows..). My javascript needs to check the opacity of an element is 1, if not use setTimeout to run the fun...

Error in sample functional tests with Yii

Recently I've discovered Yii framework and started learning it. I've generated app skeleton using yiic tool, installed PHPUnit, SeleniumRC and attempted to run functional tests provided by skeleton app (I didn't change anything). > phpunit functional/SiteTest.php Report said following: There was 1 error: 1) SiteTest::testLoginLog...

get element by name by selenium IDE

I'm trying to get element by name, and I have a problem This is a element from amazon site: <input type="text" style="width: 100%; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" title="Search for" size="50" value="" name="field-keywords" class="searchSelect" autocomplete="off" id="twotabsearchtextbox"> and this is how I'm trying to get this...

Selenium 2 window switching: Java

Hi basically I am trying to switch to a popup window then press a button on that popup window but from somereaon I am getting erros. Here is an example of the webpage and here is my code for (String handle : driver.getWindowHandles()) { driver...

Selenium, Nunit Best Practices?

Hello, I would like to learn more about how to use Selenium IDE and RC for creating good automation tests. Is there anybody who is interested in sharing info. or discussing this? Especially for things like: 1) What's a good way to organize the UI tests? Right now I am executing these tests thru NUnit and that executes the tests in the ...

Click testing on rails 2.3.10 site works under mod_passenger, selenium tests fail when running under mongrel. Why?

So I'm working on a large rails app that has a bunch of selenium tests. Running a local dev instance of the site (apache w/ mod_passenger) works fine, but when I run the selenium test suite I get a bunch of failures, particularly on re-directs. The HTTP response header comes back poorly formatted. Among other problems the Set-Cookie h...

How do I run PHPUnit Selenium tests over a ssh connection?

I'm using the yii framework and trying to get its unit tests running while connected over ssh on a CentOS server. When I run phpunit, it tries to launch Firefox, which fails with the error "no display specifiied" ...

Selenium RC and Internet Explorer

I am trying to create a fully-automated test suite for a web application, using Selenium RC and test cases written in Java. However, I have encountered a few problems that I have not been able to solve. Please let me know if you have a suggestion about any of these issues. Single window mode. I would like to run single window mode beca...

Testing javascript pops iwth Selenium

The website has a link for bookmarking the page and when this link is clicked a JavaScript pop-up opens. Is there a way to verify the contents of this pop-up. I've tried getalert() but it looks like the alert isn't even recognized. Another link opens a totally different going to a different URL. I sit possible to test whether clicking t...

Selenium Click method not working on an Xpath locator

Folks, My first time on Stack Overflow. Hope y'all can help ... I'm trying to use Selenium to click on the 'Buy Now' button on an html page. Here's the HTML snippet: </div> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="buttonCheckout">Buy Now</a> <a href="#" class="buttonSoldout">Sold Out</a> </div> I used the Selenium IDE to get the ...

selenium remote control vs webdriver

I'm not sure I quite understand the difference. WebDriver API also directly controls the browser of choice. When should you use selenium remote control (selenium RC) instead ? Right now my current situation is I am testing a web application by writing a suite with Selenium WebDriver API and letting it run on my computer. The tests are g...

Selenium2 with EC2 on Windows Platform

Hi all, This is the first post on this community. I couldn't find a similar post, so thought of posting here. I'm a newbie to Selenium2 and EC2. I successfully ran few selenium tests in Windows NT 5.1. I'm supposed to perform the same steps in EC2 (it's on linux). I have all the necessary details connecting to EC2. the official settin...

Selenium RC memory leak

Im trying to run Selenium RC with Nagios3. Everything works ok up to 3h... then selenium engine takes sometimes even 1.4G RAM and stop responding. I'm starting selenium by: java -server -Xss64k -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Xverify:none -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:MaxPermSize=160m -XX:+UseParallelGC -jar /usr/local/selen...

selenium.attachFile(String fieldLocator, String fileLocator) method

String fileLocator here is actually a file URL. I define a file URL to 'file:///D:/images/pic1.jpg' but selenium for some reason i don't get tries to load it from c:\Temp (where the TEMP variable difined dir is located for my user) adding this sequence to the original location, so java returns an exception. com.thoughtworks.selenium.Sel...

CHECKPOINT-FAIL com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleniumException: this.waitForCondition is not a function

A simple function defined in the user-extensions.js : Selenium.prototype.doGetThis = function(){ var errors = ""; if (browserVersion.isChrome) { errors = true; } else { throw new SeleniumError("TODO: Non-FF browser..."); } return errors; } The file: String getThis() { return this....

Selenium, xpath to match a table row containing multiple elements

I'm trying to find a Selenium/PHP XPath for matching a table row that contains multiple elements (text, and form elements) example: <table class="foo"> <tr> <td>Car</td><td>123</td><td><input type="submit" name="s1" value="go"></td> </tr> </table> This works for a single text element: $this->isElementPresent( "//table/tbody/...

Get the test that's about to run in the @Before for Selenium

Does anyone know if you can get the name or some information about the test will run after a @Before method? I want to put a conditional breakpoint inside the @Before method that stops before a certain test in the series is run. ...