
Fighting perfectionism - is it just me?

While I'm not a bad programmer (well, err, by MY standards :D), I'm never really content with the code I produce. I always think about better ways to solve this or that problem, I search the Internet for similar problems, read books etc.. While this improves my coding and is fun, it consumes far more time I have at my disposal. Sometime...

Semantics of the Boolean and comparison operators in the context of three-valued-logic

Hi People! Professor ask me this question: What is the semantics of the Boolean and comparison operators in the context of three-valued-logic? I'm not sure what he meant by that. What is comparison operator? Is that the same as relational operator? Semantics? He asking about 'meaning' of those two terms in context of three-valued-log...

Where to find code bases for starting software archeology?

I am successfully working through some code katas, but I want to try another new learning technique for programming - software archeology. The problem is I don't know where to find a relatively small code base forthe start, which will contain well written code. Can you help? ...

Best way to store a PHP App's Settings?

What is the best approach to storing a group of global settings for a custom PHP application? I am working on a personal project (first major one really), and need a method of storing key-value pairs for recording overall settings for the application. Things to store as... Website's Global Name. Theme (just a variable, or path to them...

Writing a basic PHP MVC, not sure how to start...

I am working on a personal project based in PHP and MySQL, and I am doing a bit of research and playing around with rewrites. Say I have a site... And I want to have an index.php, or bootstrap, in the root of the domain. So if you access... It will still load from the

How do you usually take notes for reading source code of a big software

For big software, take notes is useful for understanding the big picture. How you take notes? With pen/paper, or just a notepad; and what you usually will write for note? ...

Why does this code not output the expected output ?

This can be a good question for finding bugs. No? Okay for beginners at least. #define SIZE 4 int main(void){ int chars_read = 1; char buffer[SIZE + 1] = {0}; setvbuf(stdin, (char *)NULL, _IOFBF, sizeof(buffer)-1); while(chars_read){ chars_read = fread(buffer, sizeof('1'), SIZE, stdin); printf("%d, %s\n", chars_read,...

newbie resource for sharing code and getting other peoples solutions?

I'm just diving into learning programming-mainly focusing on Java. I have learned a lot here when I have had a problem I couldn't figure out and posted it here and received great solutions and advice. One of the most rewarding experiences for me is when some whiz comes and approaches the problem from a different angle and solves it in ...

how to regain my confidence of programming?

Unfortunately I am a CS graduate. I have the working knowledge of algorithms and stuffs like that. But my confidence in programming is becoming littler every day. The problem is not that I don't know how to code. I have significant knowledge of the syntax of a couple of languages - C, java, python, ruby etc. But the problem is that I see...

What direction should I take to improve my programming skills?

I've been attempting to learn programming (in C#) for a few years now. The problem I've had is that I'd know what I want to do (or what I want the program to do), but no idea on how to actually implement it. So I often wonder what it is I'm lacking. Is the mindset of a programmer somehow different, and I've yet to condition myself to tha...

What is the plan you would suggest for a novice to learn web services?

As I plan to switch my career to a 100% web services development company(using open source Java technologies), I need to build a thorough knowledge in the foundation concepts and then related technologies. But I'm pretty confused by the thousands of jargon and technologies. What study/development plan would you suggest for a novice? A li...

Is Game Programming very different from normal programming?

By normal programming, I'm referring to application programming (which is all I'm familiar with at the moment). My goal is to make games, and I wanted to know if the path was different than other programming paths at the beginner level. Or perhaps it's too early for me to worry about that at this stage? ...

What would you put effort in this learning-matrix?

Given two dimensions, time and target, forming the following learning-matrix, what would you put (anything related about being a developer) in the following four regions? limited time continuous with 1   2 target without 3 4 target for example, b...

What sorts of things should I build when teaching myself a new language?

Possible Duplicates: Projects for learning a new language What would you write if you wanted to learn a new language? I'm a rather junior programmer. I did a program in college on programming, so I've been exposed to a bunch of different languages (C++, Java, VB.Net, even COBOL) and I understand the basic concepts of buildin...

Creating Javascript function called ReadName()

Hey guys, I want to create a form which has a text entry box where a user can enter their name and then I want a button as well. But what I want this button to have a function called ReadName() where what will happen is when the user clicks on the button it will come up with a message saying "Hello user name will appear here I have trie...

How do you spell/pronounce all the special characters and symbols

English is not my first language and when programming I sometimes need to look for information for a special portion of code. When this code concerns or contains a special character (°, *, #, ... etc), that is not always recognized in search engines, I often end up having to ask a new question because I do not know how to write these cha...

How do I properly close a winforms application in C#?

I ran the .exe for my program from the debug folder. It worked, but when I closed it, I discovered that it was still listed on the processes list in the Task Manager. I figure I must've forgotten a step, since it's my first winforms program. ...

What are some good learning/test/quiz sites for programming languages / SQL?

(Maybe best for a community wiki, can someone convert please?) I'm interested in the idea of online learning communities such as Java BlackBelt, for those that haven't heard of it, you create a profile, take "exams" and earn "ranks", similar concept to StackExchange sites except exams/quizzes are substitued for questions My question is...

indentation preference and personality

This question is similar in spirit to : But it is based specifically on indentation (spaces vs tabs and the number of spaces). The reason I am asking here instead of searching is because I remember seeing a specific document w...

Infix to Postfix and unary/binary operators

I have a piece of code that converts an infix expression to an expression tree in memory. This works just fine. There's just one small trouble. I just connect work out how to involve the unary operators correctly (the right associative ones). With the following infix expression : +1 + +2 - -3 - -4 I would expect an RPN of: 1+2++3-4...