
How to push further as a programmer?

For the last, hmm, 6 months I've been reading into Programming in C, I got myself K&Rv2, BEEJ's socket guide, Expert C programming, Linux Systems Programming, the ISO/IEC 9899:1999 specification (real, and not draft). After receiving them from Amazon, I got Linux installed, and got to it. I'm done with K&R, about halfway through Expert ...

Programming activities for high school kids who have no idea what CS or programming is

I work at a small high school that's in a very high poverty area. There are only a handful of seniors that are thinking about applying to be an engineer of some sort in college and only 1 kid that applied for Computer Science (he has a couple acceptances so far!). He's been talking to me a lot as I majored in Computer Science as well and...

Criticize my code, please

Hey, I was applying for a position, and they asked me to complete a coding problem for them. I did so and submitted it, but I later found out I was rejected from the position. Anyways, I have an eclectic programming background so I'm not sure if my code is grossly wrong or if I just didn't have the best solution out there. I would lik...

Very difficult SQL query

For the following table definitions: Name Null? Type Comments ------------------------------- -------- ---- ------------------------------------ ENUM NOT NULL NUMBER(4) ENUM should not exceed a length of 4. ENAME CHAR(15...

On studying web programming

What are the best resource to study the following: JavaScript, AJAX, CodeIgniter Smarty? ...

Visual packages in c++ for windows (i know i shouldn't use windows =( )

I use visual studio in several of my programming classes for c++, but after extensive searching on line i can't seem to find any decent graphics packages that are compatible with the software. i would hate to need to go out and buy Linux (Gnuplot is amazing i know) and this issue is frustrating. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated....

How long a desktop programmer able to convert himsleft on mastering PHP ?

i know it depends on many thing. But can anybody tell me how long it should be ? I just want to draw a boundaries between successful and failed attempt to convert myself ? ...

How to Design Programs: An Introduction to Programming and Computing -- teacher guide access

Hello -- I'm a biologist switching careers, and trying to learn programming as a result. I stumbled upon the aforementioned book on Amazon, which jived with my liberal arts background. Despite my great satisfaction with the didactic approach, I was frustrated to see that the answers to the exercises are restricted to teachers only. A...

What beginner options are available for someone wanting to get into game programming in C#?

I know about XNA, but while my PC meets the minimum requirements, my friend's PC lacks a sufficient video card so he has issues with it. I was wondering if there were other options outside of XNA for someone learning programming in C#. I hope I worded that properly. ...

Once I know the basic elements and syntax of Python, what should I do?

Well, I have read several user guides and watched dozens and dozens of video tutorials on how to program with Python, and feel pretty confident about writing simple applications for it. My main point in my question is, where would I be able to learn more advanced programming knowledge about Python? ...

Should I be worried if I don't get any internships by 3rd year's end?

I am in some mediocre college in some corner of India. Am about to complete 3rd year C.S. in a month and a half. I have no idea how to go about "finding an internship" as everyone seems to put it. Looking at online advice, I find that a primary way is to "use your contacts". I am sad to say that I don't have many friends(those I have, I...

A simple augmented reality application in C#

Hi All, I would like to start a personal project that will give me a lot of new concept to learn and understand. After some thought, I figured that an Augmented Reality related project will be the most beneficial for me because of the following reasons: I haven't tried interfacing a program with a live video/camera feed I haven't don...

Metaprogramming - self explanatory code - tutorials, articles, books

Hello everybody, I am looking into improving my programming skils (actually I try to do my best to suck less each year, as our Jeff Atwood put it), so I was thinking into reading stuff about metaprogramming and self explanatory code. I am looking for something like an idiot's guide to this (free books for download, online resources). A...

How would I shorten this If... Else... statement to check the state of a Date?

I am a C# programmer but dabbling in VB.Net because everybody else in my team uses it. In the interests of professional development I would like to shrink the following If... Else... statement. If cmd.Parameters("@whenUpdated").Equals(DBNull.Value) Then item.WhenUpdated = Nothing Else item.WhenUpdated = cmd.Parameters("@whenUpda...

How to learn geometry for programming?

What's the best way to learn the essentials of geometry (and other types of math) used in drawing/graphics programming - e.g. curves (like bezier curves), transformations, matrices, etc.? ...

Python progression path - From apprentice to guru

Hi all, I've been learning, working, and playing with Python for a year and a half now. As a biologist slowly making the turn to bio-informatics, this language has been a the very core of all the major contributions I have made in the lab. I more or less fell in love with the way Python permits me to express beautiful solutions and also...

What kind of knowledge do you need to invent a new programming language?

I just finished to read "Coders at works", a brilliant book by Peter Seibel with 15 interviews to some of the most interesting computer programmers alive today. Well, many of the interviewees have (co)invented\implemented a new programming language. Some examples: Joe Armstrong: Inventor of Erlang L. Peter Deutsch: implementer of Sma...

Question about improving/upgrading your programming skills

Would you say are these kind of questions good way to improve your skills or just waste of time since they have no application in real life(or not)? ...

What's the most comprehensive and comprehensible overview of statistics for programmers?

I'm looking for a book (or other media) which provides an overview of statistics that is both comprehensive (covering all the basic/intermediate concepts) and comprehensible (which, for me, means not being weighed down with unnecessary and especially un-introduced mathematical symbology). Can anyone offer suggestions? ...

What's a good starting point, tutorial, or project, to learn database programming?

I've been a Software Developer now for over 10 years. I've mostly worked in Embedded C with some time spent on C++ (limited) and Java. I'm looking to learn some new technologies and skills. I thought that database programming may be interesting to learn. I would like to make my own pet project in order to learn these things. My plat...