
"Introduction to Computer Science and Programming" for a beginner.

Hi everyone! Im new here and also new to developing software and programming, and with new I mean 0 experience or schooling for it. As Im currently studying medicine via internet and I use a computer on an average of about 8-9 hours a day, this has lead me to get very interested in programming. I got a link from a fellow Redditor and I ...

Will being self-taught limit me?

I'm 21 and am pretty efficient in html/css, python, and javascript. I also know my way around lisp languages and enjoy programing in them. My problem is that I'm extremely self-taught and not quite confident that I could land a job programing, but I really need a job soon as I've just become a father. I haven't even created a resume yet...

N-gram split function for string similarity comparison

As part of excersise to better understand F# which I am currently learning , I wrote function to split given string into n-grams. 1) I would like to receive feedback about my function : can this be written simpler or in more efficient way? 2) My overall goal is to write function that returns string similarity (on 0.0 .. 1.0 scale)...

How does one advance in programming?

Possible Duplicate: How to become a better programmer? I really have the felling as if I'm stuck in my own craft. I've been developing and learning for a while now and keep having the feeling that I should advance more, or even be more knowledgeable. I've started projects I didn't finish because I thought I lacked the knowle...

Could I be writing this code better?

Is there any website out there somewhere where a programmer such as myself might be able to post pieces of code to be looked at by more experienced people? I am thinking of something that programmers could use to have advice given on how to improve their ability. I really like the atmosphere here, but am not sure that posting code for ...

What is a good starter-project in Perl?

A buddy of mine wants to learn Perl. He asked me how to go about it. I told him: To learn Perl, you must first write Perl code. This was seconded by another buddy of mine who writes a lot of good Perl code. It's very zen, but not helpful. The problem is that this is exactly how I learnt to write Perl. At my very first job I had to imp...

software engineer self improvment

hi all , i am a 4th year student at software engineering department , at my faculty we study software engineering basics (unified process , uml , design patterns ) , so : what about these techniques ? do i need to learn another (or new such as agile) ? what about programming languages (frameworks) ? what i need to learn ? why ? than...

learning the Lower levels of computing

I am a software developer with four years experience in .Net development, I always like to keep up to date with the latest technologies (.net related normally) being released and love learning them. I didn't however go to university and learnt all I know through helpful colleagues, .Net courses, the internet and good old books. I feel th...

How do you figure out your peak productivity hours?

In working on side projects, I typically write code best around 7pm-8pm, with a good cup of coffee, and I find that I tend to be more productive than I do at work during this time. What is the best way to find your peak productive hours? ...

Android development

Hi, I plan to work with android. Please point me some good books and blogs/discussion/tutorials/ forums for getting vast and in depth knowledge quickly about this android technology. ...

Java (or possibly other languages) learning path

I am familiar (as a self-learner) with C, python and php such that i can solve some problems involving simple steps (for example, i easily do calculations for physics lab reports with python which normally would take 4x-5x times longer with a calculator). The point here is, as doing such things, i learnt the idea / concepts of programmi...

Improve my Haskell implementation of Filter

I have recently been teaching myself Haskell, and one of my exercises was to re-implement the filter function. However, of all the exercises I have performed, my answer for this one seems to me the most ugly and long. How could I improve it? Are there any Haskell tricks I don't yet know? myfilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] myfilter f ...

Becoming a professional PHP programmer. How?

Hello there, I'm working on my first professional project. The fact is that I don't know which are the best tools to produce something serious (I'm talking about web-develop through PHP): Are template engine like Smarty mandatory? Which one is "the best" (the most used, complete, documentated) At the moment I'm developing on Notepad++ ...

Roadmap for Architecture

Ok, I am a developer for 6 years now and I came from a hater to an enthusiast about technology. I am a senior developer, almost all focused in web applications,, quite experienced and very, very focused in develop myself. I come to a crossroads in my area, I want to become an Architect, not an analyst or a project manager. I like...

How to improve programming knowledge, and how to test the current state of it?

Hey guys, I'm very excited about how experienced I am in programming. The first, working program that I have written, was in 2004 with C. Since this I have tried many programming languages, now got stuck with php. Currently I'm working as a web-developer, and everyones pleased with the work I do. Except me :) Thats the reason why i wan...

Where can a self-teacher learn general good programming habits and conventions?

A few mistakes and general childishness in early adulthood have left me in a situation where I work a menial job, with no possibility (in the near future) of attending school. I aspire to one day work in the programming field (gaming specifically), after proving myself on the indie end of things. I've gotten very confident in C++, ja...

Ask StackOverFlow : Canny a LightWeight Authorization library in Java

In the course of my work i need to develop an authorization engine ( i'm already authenticated and i check access of a user to an action ) in order to store all the authorization logic inside a same place and be able to reuse it and i have created the mini library. (updated) what do you think about it? W...

Well written Perl Open Source to learn from ?

Hi, is there any well written perl open source out there (not using any kinda of framework) that i could use as sample for learning and good pratice of the perl... I've searched around and found many things for PHP, but nothing in perl that uses no framework. Thanks in advance. ...

Java certification roadMap

I am a .net programmer for sometime, and I was thinking about getting a Java certification, but unlike .Net, Java is a mystery to me. What are good certification books? What is the roadmap for the certifications? Is that the best path, or the only path? Thank you very much ...

Resources for learning C, Unix, Linux and embedded systems

Hi, I want to learn C , UNIX and LINUX, and more about embedded systems. Very much interested in them. Are there any online courses or websites which can guide me. And please suggest books to read in learning them. Thanks for your time. Ya please lets your answers and comments come in , they are invaluable to me..!! ...