
I have learned the basics of PHP. So what's next?

I heard of frameworks like Ruby and cakePHP (correct me if I'm wrong). So should I proceed to learn them? If so, which one is the more preferred among PHP developers? ...

Programming Mentors Over Skype

I know there's been a few questions asked similar, and plenty of advice that might lead one to doing more reading, trying out things on ones own, getting involved in groups and such. However, I've been having particular success, in a different field, with a Mentor delivering his services over Skype, and particularly now, with Skype's ab...

Do most people go to college to learn something like C# ?

I never went to college as I always thought they didn't teach anything relative to what I wanted to learn, that is until now that I am older and I see what they actually do teach, I really regret not going as I only deal with PHP pretty much and looking at something like C# seems impossible for me to learn on my own now. I am just wonde...

Learn Very Fast The PHP Basics

I'm needing to help my friend with his big phpBB board, but I want first to learn the basics of PHP very very fast. I just want to learn the basics to go and improving with some more time. In the books you need to take time to read, but I need to learn more faster, there is any suggestion? ...

Simple, but can this be better?

This is just a simple check to see what letter grade to output. Is there any faster and more efficient way to achieve the objective? if ( $grade >= 90 ) { echo "A"; } elseif ( $grade >= 80 ) { echo "B"; } elseif ( $grade >= 70 ) { echo "C"; } else { echo "Failed." } ...

Learning PHP Class

I have some serious issues understanding PHP class from a book. It seems so difficult. I guess I am more of a visual learner. Can anyone recommend me a great resource to help me learn this better? ...

What are efficient ways to (re)familiarize yourself with a language?

I've been programming in .NET C# almost exclusively for the past 7 months or so. Before that, most of my programming had been in C++ (from school). At work, I will likely be needing to do a whole bunch of C in the next few months. Most of my exposure to C comes from micro-controllers and stuff I find on the internet. I understand the syn...

Good Overview, Introduction and Education of the Zend Framework?

Where is a good starting point for learning the Zend Framework? The introduction from left me wanting more, and really wasn't enough for me. ...

What are features considerd as advanced python?

I do basic python programming and now I want to get deep into language features. I have collected/considered the following to be advanced python capabilities and learning them now. Decorator Iterator Generator Meta Class Anything else to be added/considered to the above list? ...

how should I think in object or how to make the most out of objects?

Hey there, I know the concept of OOP for couple of years and I'm aware of using it and creating lets say not too complicated objects. but I want to understand the OOP way better than the place I am stand right now and use it just like a real pro. actually I'm an independent programmer I have to deal with several languages and platfor...

Resources To Learn REXX

I want to travel in the past and learn REXX, but I don't know where to start, then I want some help from someone that can point me to the right place to start. ...

Want to learn to program, what is an easy language for a non programmer to learn online?

Possible Duplicate: What is the easiest language to start with? i want to have another crack at learning programming. I tried learning c++ a few years back but couldn't get my head round it for some reason. Maybe it was to hard to begin with but the fact that i was doing it on an online course with no tutor to be able to ask q...

What are ten really good, short programs you can write to help become fluent with a new language?

Hello! I'm about to begin learning C# and ASP.Net and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for ten really good, short programs (i.e. Hello World, Towers of Hanoi, etc.) to write to help become fluent with a new language . Thanks in advance for your suggestions! ...

Patterns / Design

I do C# programming as a hobby mostly. This means I write certain amounts of code but lack the insight of other programmers, senior or not to provide insight into alternative, more useful or cleaner code patterns or habits. Even design of a library itself. How do others deal with this situation to get decent code review? Some site? Maki...

how to begin learning oracle forms and reports ?

i have complete sql and plsql course and , i want to begin learn oracle forms and reports so i want to know how to begin and what i need (books , websites ..) thanks ...

How to self-evaluate one's own progress in terms of learning in programming?

After a few years of commercial or non-commercial programming, how can we evaluate ourselves to know where we stand? Is our learning over the years / progress satisfactory or do we need to strive for more (Ofcourse, I agree there is no end to learning, it continues on forever)? Please note that my question is not related to success in o...

Easy Rundown, Comprehensive phpDocumentor Tutorial?

I find the one available at the website to be very overwhelming for a newbie at this. Is there a better tutorial out there, one that takes it a little slower, instead of throwing 3 long php source files at you? Edit: Is there really nothing else besides the manual??? D: ...

C++ - Two Basic Questions.

1) I checked out the C++ recommended reading list. I'm probably still a beginner. So, would I still start with a beginner book, and go from there? And, do you recommend reading one book for each level, or all of the books in one level before moving up? Obviously, I can only start on one book. Which one should I begin with? 2) What kind...

Dealing with mistakes in a resource constrained environment

There's pat advice about the recommended practice of code review/pair programming, allocating budget for testing, writing unit tests, using design by contract, and on and on. Some environments are so resource constrained or historically idiosyncratic that practices like these are not welcome as suggestions. For most of my working life,...

How much time in a week a programmer should spend on coding and learning

Hello all I am final year college student. I am trying to figure out how much time i should spend on coding and learning. ...