
Returning to Programming - thoughts

This has probably been answered before in various incarnations, but I think there's enough uniqueness to this question to warrant a new one. If not, please vote to close as a duplicate :) I spent several years as a developer/programmer in my younger years. A couple of years professionally in COBOL, a few more years professionally in D...

Book that teaches functional programming

Is there a book that teaches functional programming, without being a tutorial for an FP language? I am looking for more theoretical stuff. ...

How can developers get out of the learning "void"?

As a programmer of any level, I have found that at times our programming knowledge comes to a halt. Some tend to dismiss this halt and that we are in it. We say things such as: "Well I know this, therefore I must know that." We use the words like: easy and simple; Without really looking at the problem in a greater detail. So my question...

Developing my own RDBMS

I've always been fascinated by how these huge RDBMS servers can work for months, shuffling data all around without losing it, perform all kinds of queries and generally being very complex beasts. I understand how much effort it takes to create even something as "simple" as SQLite, but I cannot resist the desire to try and develop my own...

What should I do to improve my code/style of programming?

I am sure you guys know me. I am the person from your offshore team whose code puts you off and at times makes you pull your hair (bcoz you can't pull mine). My programming concepts are quite okay (and I continuously try and improve them by reading blogs, articles). But, my code isn't up to the mark. It has got better with experience, bu...

C++ Linked list copy and clone function

Hi,this is also a continuation from my linked list questions I did not get the answer regarding delete. When delete is called is the actual value deleted or is it just the pointer to it? For my question this time is about the clone() and list_copy() functions. What I want to do with those function is to; first call the list _copy() t...

Where can I find materials about indexing and page ranking?

I'm working on a large search engine system. However, I'm not familiar with the background. Where can I find materials about indexing and page ranking? ...

Clientside going serverside with node.js

Hello, I`ve been looking for a serverside language for some time, and python got my attention somewhat. But as I already know and love javascript, I now want learn to code on the server with js and node.js. Now, what books and what subjects do I need to learn to understand the serverside world better? (let me know if Im to vague) ...

How do you maintain discipline when doing TDD?

When I get excited about a new feature I'm just about to implement or about a bug that I've just "understood", there is the urge to just jump into the code and get hacking. It takes some effort to stop myself from doing that and to write the corresponding test first. Later the test often turns out to be trivial 4-liner, but before writin...

Personal code repository for further consulting

I've started as a developer a few months ago (c#/ and I am keeping a folder in my "pendrive" (not really a pendrive) of all the sourcecodes that i modify, with all problems i solve, and solutions i create (profissionally). That may somehow violate the policy of where i work, because everything i do is their legal and intellectual ...

How to start a career in Java? Java SCJP Certificate?

Hi Stackoverflowers! I am planning to write the SCJP exam soon, and I wonder if that will be helpful to get Graduate/Junior Java Programmer job. Exam seems to be easy to pass for some people. What is the minimum scope of knowledge to start thinking about career in Java field? Do you think that SCJP will be enough to dive in to Java wo...

Develop a line of business application in silverlight 4

Currently as my job profile i am more working on asp .net application but i also wanted to have my hands on silverlight application. so, i just decided to build one silverlight 4 application in my spare time and on weekends. We are having a team of around 4 people. We also tried for commercial application but as we can only develop it i...

swt tutorials or guides

Hi, I have some years experience with swing and feel comfortable that I understand the architecture. Now I need to get up to speed on SWT rather quickly. What would you recommend I study from online sources or books so I can get my head around the SWT architecture quickly ? I'm really starting from scratch. ...

How can I become good at assembly?

The answer to this question is, of course, "write some assembly code!" But I can do that: I know basic x86 syntax, the types of registers and how to use them, subroutines, etc etc. When I took an assembly class, each assignment had a maximum number of instructions that we were allowed to use. If we went over, then we would lose points ...

What language to learn as per curiosity?

I use ASM (some), C, js, lua, Python, Ruby, Perl, Objective-C, Java and a couple of shell variants on a daily basis. I also know, or have looked into golang, C++, PHP and maybe others I forgot. I have been coding for 15 years now, and I'm looking at something fun to learn, I don't mean something useful for business, but something inter...

Videos for Lunch and Learn sessions

We are starting Lunch and Learn sessions at my work. The format we have is - we collectively watch a video from infoQ and then discuss what the presentation or whatever we watched I am looking for suggestion on some good videos that are out there. We are a Java shop- so Java and related technologies would be good and also on Architect...

Devaluation of knowledge over time

I read somewhere the following statement: In Information Technology related jobs 60% of learned knowledge is not useful after one and a half years. I'm not sure if I remember numbers correctly (but I think they are close to original) and the author of this theorem. Also I'm not sure if this was about general IT knowledge or domain...

Looking for ideas for a fun project to learn WCF

Starting next year, I'll be working on the WCF services area of our SOA application at work, so during the xmas break I want to learn WCF. I would like to create a fun, useful project to work on in which I use WFC to make it work. But since WCF is a bit dry, I'm having a hard time thinking of a cool project, but I can imagine something ...

What are the best ways to increase productivity?

Possible Duplicate: What tricks do you use to get yourself in the zone? I am most productive when there are no distractions and absolute silence! But unfortunately with family this is never possible. I have heard that most programmers work early in the morning or late at night when it is silent. I was listening to Jason Fried f...

How do I learn C# fast(er), already knowing C, Java, C++, etc.?

I want to learn C# (on Linux, so using Mono), and I'm looking for some guide that taps into the knowledge I already have of other languages; most notably C, C++ and java (but also python, Haskell, lisp, and perhaps a few others). So far all I've found on the web are combined introduction-to-programming and introduction-to-C# texts, but ...