What are the practical benefits of using microformats for every possible thing?
What practical benefits can my client get if I use microformats on his site for every possible thing? How can I explain these benefits to a non-technical client? ...
What practical benefits can my client get if I use microformats on his site for every possible thing? How can I explain these benefits to a non-technical client? ...
Hi, I am very new to working with semantic data and have a quick question that i cant find an answer to. When creating an rdf schema are you essentially creating a class as per OOP i.e. declaring all properties etc that are valid. If this is the case then say I want a property called 'title' which I actually intend on using dcterms:tit...
Im trying to create a Sqarql query using Jena to query dbpedia. The query is working when I use it with standalone tools (Twinkle) but when I plug it in this java code it returns an empty set. String sparqlQueryString1= "PREFIX dbont: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/> "+ "PREFIX dbp: <http://dbpedia.org/property/>"+ ...
i am a cs student and i need a project for fourth year using : semantic web and xml and web services so what the best (and new) project idea i can find from these technique ...
I'm setting up a tourism website and wish to use semantic web in it. I'm also interested in using RDF ontologies. So, I was wondering if anyone could tell me, if exists anything for this, that says "This Hotel is located in Foo" or "This Restaurant has a 3 points rating in the Foo community" or "This itinerary it's for three days and it...
I'm looking for a general purpose API/web service/tool/etc... that allows convert a given HTML page to an RDF graph as specific as possible (most probably using a back bone ontology and/or mapper). ...
Can I represent ontology by using XML? Why it is considered better to represent ontology by RDF? ...
When using the skos vocabulary, is it possible to provide a descriptive label to describe a relationship between two concepts. for example you can have two concepts linked by skos:related but hwo do you say exactly how they are related. ...
I've read several documents on the merits of the different HTTP redirect status codes, but those've all been very SEO-centric. I've now got a problem where search-engines don't factor in, because the section of the site in question is not publicly viewable. However, we do want our website to be as accurate / helpful with meta-data as po...
how to use Virtuoso's FCT with our own instance data and ontology ? as it has inbuilt , for dbpedia. ...
Hi Guys, I got interested in semantic technologies after reading a lot of books, blogs and articles on the net saying that it would make data machine-understandable, allow intelligent agents make great reasoning, automated & dynamic service composition etc.. I am still reading the same stuff from 2 years. The number of articles/blogs/s...
I have this query. It match anything which has "South in its Name". But I only want the one whose foaf:name exactly matches "South" SELECT Distinct ?TypeLabel Where { ?a foaf:name "South". ?a rdf:type ?Type. ?Type rdfs:label ?TypeLabel. } ...
I have a database that acts like a triple store, except that it is just a simple MySQL database. I want to select all triples that have a common predicate and object. Info about RDF and triples I can't seem to work out the SQL. If I had just a single predicate and object to match I would do: select TRIPLE from TRIPLES where PREDICATE...
Hello, Actually i think that i have an strong knowledge of SEO, but im having some doubts about the following: I will have to increase the position in Google of certain product pages of a company in the next months. I supposed that not only will be sufficient the following tasks: Improve usability of those pages. Change the pages ti...
It seemed a trivial matter at the beginning but so far I have not managed to get the unique identifier for a given resource using SPARQL. What I mean is given, e.g., rdf:Description rdf:about="http://..." and then some properties identifying this resource, what I want to do is to first find this very resource and then retrieve all the tr...
I am currently constructing an OWL ontology, which - until very recently classified rapidly using the Pellet reasoner. However, since the introduction of several new classes, the reasoning performance has slowed to a crawl. Although the reasoner completes and the ontology does not contain any unsatisfiable concepts etc, the time the reas...
Hi all, I am searching for an example of SKOS Vocabulary. Is there anybody who knows a site, a link for a SKOS voc? Thank you in advance! ...
Is ROWLEX 2.1 an OWL 2 or OWL 1 framework? ...
Do you know of any OWL 2 tools/libraries implemented in C#? There are some in Java, but am I to rewrite them to C# or invent my own ones If I prefer .Net? ...
I am doing (want to do) some experiments with Linked Open Datasets particularly those put out by governments. I have a RDBMS (more specifically MySQL). I designed it with semantic web ideas in mind i.e. I have a information stored as objects, predicates and classes which define objects. In turn all objects are related to each other thou...