
Which command would replace IDENTITY INSERT ON/OFF from SQLServer in Oracle?

Hello, I have to migrate this query (simplified here) from T-SQL to ORACLE SET IDENTITY_INSERT table ON INSERT INTO table (id, value) VALUES (1, 2) SET IDENTITY_INSERT table OFF id being an Identity field in SQLServer. I have the same table with a sequence in ORACLE, I couldn't find a snippet that shows how to disable the sequence ...

Sequence of the Events in Java

Hi, I have two events for two seperate components, but there is a problem. JTabbedPane's stateChanged event is fired before JFormattedField's focusLost event. Is there a way of making stateChange event to be fired after focusLost event. Thanks, Tuna ...

How to play sequence video continuously on iPhone?

I'm trying to play two videos continuously using MPMoviePlayer. I let the second video play when the MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification is posted. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(playSecondMovie) ...

Permutation algorithm without recursion? Java

Hi, I would like to get all combination of a number without any repetation. Like 0.1.2, 0.2.1, 1.2.0, 1.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.1.0. I tried to find an easy scheme but couldn't find so I drawed a graph/tree for it and this screams to use recursion. But I would like to do it without, if this is possible. So could anyone please help me how to do th...

Find value in sequence using XSL

I want to check if a value exists in a sequence defined as <xsl:variable name="some_seq" select="/root/word[@optional='no']/text()"/> In the past, I've had success with Priscilla Walmsleys function. For clarity, I reproduce it here as follows: <xsl:function name="functx:is-value-in-sequence" as="xs:boolean"> <xsl:param name="valu...

Replacing unversioned files in WiX major upgrade.

EDIT! Okay, further examination and experimentation is showing that the problematic file, the pathwaysMdf file, IS being installed! However, after being installed, it's being REMOVED, by a RemoveFiles action! I imagine it's doing this because that file is part of the original install, so it's doing it's job uninstalling and cleaning u...

Difference between list, sequence and slice in Python?

What are the differences between these built-in Python data types: list, sequence and slice? As I see it, all three essentially represent what C++ and Java call array. ...

Sequence Diagram Reverse Engineering Tool?

It's essential for me to find a tool that will reverse engineer sequence diagrams by integrating with the debugger. I suppose using the profiler could work also but less desirable. It's a key requirement that the tool in question will record all threads of execution since the app, TickZoom, is heavily parallelized. We just evaluated a m...

Python: is not sequence

In python is there an easy way to tell if something is not a sequence? I tried to just do: if x is not sequence but python did not like that ...

rake test not copying development postgres db with sequences

I am trying to develop a rails application on postgresql using a sequence to increment a field instead of a default ruby approach based on validates_uniqueness_of. This has proved challenging for a number of reasons: 1. This is a migration of an existing table, not a new table or column 2. Using parameter :default => "nextval('seq')" di...

Convert rank-per-candidate format to OpenSTV BLT format

I recently gathered, using a questionnaire, a set of opinions on the importance of various software components. Figuring that some form of Condorcet voting method would be the best way to obtain an overall rank, I opted to use OpenSTV to analyze it. My data is in tabular format, space delimited, and looks more or less like: A B C D E...

XSLT1.0 Rendering sequence of different elements stored in a variable as M x N table

Hello everyone, I have the following XML (it is simplified and most attributes are omitted): <Document> <Transfer Name="" From="" To=""/> <Transfer Name="" From="" To=""/> <OtherElement/> <OtherElement/> <Flight AirLina="" From="" To=""/> <Flight AirLina="" From="" To=""/> <OtherElement/> <Hotel Name="" Duration=""/> ...

Use LINQ to group a sequence by date with no gaps

I'm trying to select a subgroup of a list where items have contiguous dates, e.g. ID StaffID Title ActivityDate -- ------- ----------------- ------------ 1 41 Meeting with John 03/06/2010 2 41 Meeting with John 08/06/2010 3 41 Meeting Continues 09/06/2010 4 41 Meeting Continues...

Clojure: seq (cons) vs. list (conj)

I know that cons returns a seq and conj returns a collection. I also know that conj "adds" the item to the optimal end of the collection, and cons always "adds" the item to the front. This example illustrates both of these points: user=> (conj [1 2 3] 4) //returns a collection [1 2 3 4] user=> (cons 4 [1 2 3]) //returns a seq (4 1 2 3...

Sequence reduction in R

Assume you have a vector like so: v <- c(1,1,1,2,2,2,2,1,1,3,3,3,3) How can it be best reduced to a data.frame like this? v.df <- data.frame(value=c(1,2,1,3),repetitions=c(3,4,2,4)) In a procedural language I might just iterate through a loop and build the data.frame as I go, but with a large dataset in R such an approach is ineffi...

how to know on which column,the sequence is applied?

I have to fetch all sequences with their table name along with the column name on which sequence is applied .Some how i managed to fetch table name corresponding to sequence because in my data base sequence is stored with first name as table name from data dictionary(all_sequences and all_tables) . Please let me know how to fetch corres...

Calling next value of a sequence in jpa

Hello, I have a class mapped as an Entity to persist it in a database. I have an id field as the primary key so every time the object is persisted the value of the id is retrieved from the sequence "myClass_pk_seq", a code like the following one. @Entity @Table(name="myObjects") public class MyClass { @Id @GeneratedValue(strate...

R: generate a repeating sequence

I need to generate a vector of the following format using R: 1:10, 1:10, 11:20, 11:20, ... 121:130, 121:130 Is there an easier way than creating 12 vectors and then repeating each one twice? ...

Get the most repeated element in a sequence with XQuery

Hello, I've got a sequence of values. They can all be equal... or not. So with XQuery I want to get the most frequent item in the sequence. let $counter := 0, $index1 := 0 for $value in $sequence if (count(index-of($value, $sequence))) then { $counter := count(index-of($value, $sequence)) $index1 := index-of($value) } else {} ...

How can I randomize a sequence of characters?

I want to write a function which randomizes the order of a sequence of alphabetic characters. For example, the sequence: A B C D E F G . . . ...might be changed to: Z L T A P ... ...which, if passed to the same function again could result in: H R E I C .... Any suggestions? ...