
ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken ocurring only in Firefox and in production mode on apache+passenger

Hello, With one of my forms, the ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken is occurring after the form is sent to the proper controllers "create" method. The thing is that there actually is a valid authenticity token included and the error only occurs in Firefox. Other browsers work fine. I tried to skip the verification of the auth t...

HTTPHandler : IRequiresSessionState halts execution of pages

I have ASHX HTTPHandler which implements IRequiresSessionState. When I call this handler, and call aspx page of same application in another window, aspx page does not start processing until ashx page finishes processing. Even call to same ashx page from two different windows show that page which gets called first executes and then the ne...

saving checkbox state on reload

how do i save checkbox state through sessions? i'm using this jquery code to toggle the options: $('div.check input:checkbox').bind('change',function(){ $('#''txt').toggle($(this).is(':checked')); }); but when i reload, the checkboxes are back to their default state. i know i'd have to use sessions, but how do i make the ...

Using Cucumber with Authlogic

I recently upgraded cucumber to version 0.8.5, but I'm getting some unexpected errors with Authlogic. As a precursor to many of my user interface tests I have a default 'Given I am logged in' method that logs a user in through the standard login interface and asserts that they were redirected to the home page. Prior to upgrading cucumber...

Session and threads

Not been able to find a definitive answer to this, when a client session is established to an ASP.NET MVC2 application I assume a particular thread from a thread pool handles that request. Does the same thread always handle all subsequent requests for that session? So in theory if somehow the session id were messed up and the wrong thr...

How pass the session token from page to page?

best and secured way to pass the session token from page to page. 1. cookies (not secured) 2. url (not secured) 3. hidden fields ? using hidded fields is right way to pass ? how to pass using hidded fileds? how to disble the session token in cookies and also in url (session state conguration)? ...

What are session_id, session_regenerate_id and session_name used for?

ok im a newbie on sessions lets imagine that we have a little login site, heres a logic login if password right = use $_SESSION[isaloginuser] = 1 check session to see menus with if $_SESSION[isaloginuser] = 1 show the menus the user want to logoff unset session destroy session system what it use session_register session_destroy ses...

How to find information about all sessions for a web-app/site.

I am trying to create an admin screen that will give me details about all open sessions in an application/site. I would also like to know how many session objects are active for each of them Session object gives me info about my current session. How do i find info about all open sessions. How many sessions are active, etc. Thanks, SK...

is there a way to manually create the HttpSessionState object?

There's probably plenty of good reasons why you can't do this, but as work around for a donut caching issue I'm trying to figure out if there's a way i can manually instantiate the HttpSessionState object. Any ideas? ...

Simultaneous AJAX Requests and PHP Sessions

I'm having a peculiar problem with making simultaneous AJAX requests that modify a PHP object stored in the session. I'm having problems with race conditions but I don't understand why they're happening... only one AJAX call can have the session open at a time, so if they keep the session open while making modifications, shouldn't each c...

Losing ASP.Net Session in popup window from Windows Forms Web Browser Control

I'm using Web Browser Control in a windows form ( to display one of our website (ASP.NET) as a part of the windows application. Everything works fine, but when I've a popup window from the website page, I'm loosing the ASP.Net session. I've used extended version of web browser control to have Navigate2 event to catch the popup win...

How do I create a session on a server in PHP?

Hi, I am trying to make a WDTV Live plugin in linux, which plays a video from a web url. I have a url that is parsed from html source code. The problem is that the url is playable in XBMC, but it can't be play in all the media players. I checked xbmc log, and it looks like that XBMC creates a session to the movie url. Below is log from...

what is the functionality behind the gmail and orkut login?

When I sign in in gmail and I open orkut in the new tab or new window then automatically I am signed in in orkut without entering username and password. How this functioanality works..? And when I sign out from either site, I am signing ou from other site also.. is it done by session handeling or by cookies..? what is the mechanism behi...

How can i use HTML5 local storage along side PHP, use that for php sessions, and store other information that php uses.

I have been looking on the web for some time now and HTML5 local storage seems to look like something useful to me and a solution to my problem that I am having with PHP sessions, the problem is that they are not consistent even if I set them to remember me the next time I come to my home page I am taken to the login page, this is not al...

Help on changing the page language without changing the current page (PHP)

Hello I have a multi-langauage web. I set 3 links, Français... (href=changeLanguage.php?lang=fr,es,en) changLanguage.php session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['bckTo']) && isset($_GET['lang'])){ $lang = preg_replace('/[^a-z]/','',trim($_GET['lang'])); #TODO #More vlidation ... $full_url = $_SESSION['bckTo']; $ful...

Get SessionId in jQuery Post

I am doing a jquery $.post('/Home/jQueryRateForumItem', but when I get to my controller the session id is always different on each post. I have tried; string g = HttpContext.Session.SessionID; string session = base.Session.SessionID; I'm pretty sure The session id shouldn't change but can't for the life of me think h...

How to print all sessions currently set in PHP?

Without having to call each session by name, is there a way to display the contents of all sessions currently set? ...

Storing ASP.NET MVC 2 session data on login

I've got an implementation similar to this: for quick access to frequently-needed user data... but i have two questions: 1) will there ever be a time when a user is logged in, but the session would be invalid or reset? I always thought th...

How to read session values form another session instance in PHP?

Hello guys, I am doing something in PHP where I have to read session values for another session instance. example Browser1: $_SESSION['value']="user1"; Browser2: $_SESSION['value']="user2"; Browser1 will need to get "user2" value from certain request. The request will also include cookie(key, value). How can I do that? Thanks, Wa'e...

PHP session and multiple mixed PHP/HTML sections in one page

If I have a page with multiple <?php ... ?> sections interspresed with pure HTML sections. I notice that a $_SESSION varible set in one <?php ... ?> section is not available in another on the same page. So, what's the best practise? 1) call session_start() as the first line of each <?php ... ?> section? 2) only have one <?php ... ...