
Autonomous transaction in TopLink

Hi, I am facing a problem, I want to implement autonomous transaction in TopLink, but I am not too sure about if it is possible or not. I have a also worked on hibernate, as we have stateless session there... do we have something same in TopLink... Please help. ...

[CakePHP] How to use session defined variables in controller?

hello, how can i use session variables in my controllers? do i need some specific helper, or component? i need to use some of Auth defined variables, like $session->read('Auth.User.user_type_id') ... etc. tnx in adv! ...

PHP secure Session Check ?

Example, i have a session that i gave to users that have maching password = stored password, like all simple login system : if ($pSys->checkPassword($AccountData['password'], $StoredData['password'])) { // Checks Password and Username $_SESSION['login'] = true; } so the question is, is this secure enough? function loginChec...

Rack::Session::Pool with Sinatra

I have a Sinatra webapp I've built using enable :sessions where I access my session data with session[:mything]. I now want to store data on the server side (ie. with database based sessions) and I can't figure out how to use Rack::Session::Pool, which appears to be the thing I need to use. How do I o about converting my webapp for use...

How do I save value in my own session variable in Magento?

Hi, I am using Magento and tryin to save a value in session as follows in its index.php file, but value is not being retained. $_SESSION['myvar'] = '1'; How do I do it? Thanks ...

Python SESSION (like php) class

Hi All, is there any class to handle a SESSION (like php) in Python? not in django, but I want to use it with PyQt thank you ...

Check Sessions in an array ?

hmm i got a homework, its 2 hours and i still have no clue on it :| like this $sessions['lefthand'] = 'apple'; $sessions['righthand'] = ''; $sessions['head'] = 'hat'; $sessions['cloth'] = ''; $sessions['pants'] = ''; // here is the homework function CheckSession('lefthand,righthand,head,cloth,pants'); we have some string "lefthand,r...

Is this a secure authentication system for an ajax-driven app?

I apologize ahead of time, becuase I'm neither great at explaining things nor flow charts. This is not a specific code problem, but a general question on session security. I'm trying to eliminate as many potential problems as possible at once. I think this takes care of: CSRF Session fixation Session prediction Cookie theft (through b...

Magento : How to check if admin is logged in within a module controller??

Hi everybody, I'm creating a Magento Module. Within the controller, I want to check if an admin is logged in or not. So the controller only will be accessible if there is a logged in admin. I'm trying to use this code on my controller. Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name' => 'adminhtml')); $session = Mage::getSingleton('ad...

ASP.NET Session won't expire

Hey all I have the following in the web.config <sessionState cookieName="ASP.NET_SessionId" cookieless="false" mode="InProc" timeout="1" regenerateExpiredSessionId="true"/> however, after 1 min, the session won't expire. what can cause this? thanks ...

MVC2 and Session Start Event

The Setup: Account controller with the typical logon / logoff stuff that comes baked in from the template. Not much modification here on the logon page. Using a custom membership provider (SQL), but I don't think that is impacting what I am trying to do here. The Requirements: The client wants to handle licensing by limiting concurr...

Session overlap, 2 users logged in somehow the system sees them as one.

Hello guys, Rarely our system mixes logged in users and I can't figure out why. Here is the scenario: 2 users log in (A and B) normally each one has his own ID, at some point one of the users (A) takes the ID of the other user (B) and contribute to the website as if he is B. Technically that's what is going on: 1- 2 users logs in: ea...

Possible to redefine the SessionID in a ColdFusion session?

I'm trying to redefine the SessionID of a ColdFusion session, is this possible? ...

Remembering text resizing across different pages on a web site using PHP SESSIONS.

So after reviewing some tutorials on how to change text size and creating my own using PHP I was wondering how can I have my text size remembered across many different pages on my web site using PHP SESSIONS? Here is the PHP text sizer code below. $size = 100; if(isset($_GET['i']) && is_numeric($_GET['i'])) { $s = $_GET['i']; } i...

Check session and cookie not working in PHP

I have this code that makes sure your are logged in, and then making sure you are on the right page by checking a cookie set at login. This code works on a page in a directory underneath the login in script, however in a page in a directory below that it always takes you to accessdenied. Any ideas? <?php session_start(); if(!isset($_...

.net mvc & ajax forms - how to handle session expired

I have a customer filter attribute to check for expired session in my .Net MVC application which works fine on a standard html form. However, when I apply the attribute to an action that is called by an Ajax form and the session is expired, it reloads the login page (where the filter attribute redirects the context) into the ajax update ...

PHP session garbage collection becoming an annoyance, i need some help to modify this behavior.

I have been having this problem for some time now, I dont exactly know that if this is the issue but I am pretty confident that it is, I have my remember me session set too expire after 1 week, but when I go to my site after a few hours of inactivity my remember me session is gone, i check my servers tmp dir and the session flat file is ...

Clear session variable after use

Is it possible to use a session variable, then unset it directly after? Example: //==== //Process Form if ($_POST['Submit']) { $update = $userSettings->update($_POST); //If there are form errors if (!$update) { //Load the errors into an array $errors = $update[1]; } else { //Set the session ...

security issue: php login/logout script + back button

I am using a login script that stores a session value $_SESSION['logged_in'] = 'yes' when user enters correct user/password. On logout, this session value is set to blanks. However user can hit back buttin a few times and get logged back in. I have also tried $_SESSION = array(); and session_destroy(); but with same results. ...

It wont set the session?

Hi SO. I have this php login system, I had it working great on localhost, I bought a webhotel and now it doesn't work no longer, and i can't find where it goes wrong. I get no errors. The login page is in index.php, and when you sign in, and if everythings ok (no errors/wrong pw etc.) then you will be redirected to home.php. This is ...