
Concurrent ASP.NET session best practices

User A logs into a ticket management system to edit content on "SomePage.aspx" User B logs in 30 seconds later to edit the same ticket on "SomePage.aspx" What are some of the best known practices(in a 3-tier architecture) for notifying each of the users that someone else is modifying the same content? ...

App Domain per User Session in IIS

Hello, This question is about App domains and Sessions. Is it possible to have IIS run each User Session in a seperate App Domain. If Yes, Could you please let me settings in the config file that affect this. Regards, Anil. ...

Is a Session ID generated on the Server-side or Client-side?

This web page states that a session ID is generated on the ServerSide. If this is the case, then how does a server know it's still the same client on the 2nd request response cycle? Surely the SessionId would be generated on the ClientSide so that the client would be sure of passing the ...

What is the best way to determine a session variable is null or empty in C#?

What is the best way to check for the existance of a session variable in ASP.NET C#? I like to use String.IsNullOrEmpty works for strings and wondered if there was a similar method for Session. Currently the only way I know of is: var sSession; if (Session["variable"] != null) { sSession = Session["variable"].ToString(); } ...

Can you programmatically change session time out in ASP.NET?

Can it be done or the only way is to configure it on IIS? ...

How to effectively implement sessions in GAE?

I was wondering about implementing my own sessions (more for an exercise than anything else) for a GAE app I'm working ... at first I was thinking of using the datastore to store the session data. However, every time something needs to be added to the session 'bucket', it would require saving to the datastore. Obviously that's bad since ...

How to lookup django session for a particular user?

I am writing an application where I will be accessing the database from django and from a stand alone application. Both need to do session verification and the session should be the same for both of them. Django has a built in authentication/session verification, which is what I am using, now I need to figure out how to reuse the same se...

How to provide a Session/Host object for use in both a windows and web application?

I have a web application that makes heavy use of the Session state to store information about the current user, their personal settings, record their session history and so on. I have found myself retrieving this session information in my business layer, like so: ((UserSession)HttpContext.Current.Session["UserSession"]).User.Info Th...

WCF sessions or pass username/password per call?

Hi, For an enterprise type WCF service, where potentially 10K's of thousands of clients will be authenticating and sending data to central servers, what is 'best' practice when it comes to sessions or authentication? does WCF support a session, if yes, should I use it? or should I simply pass username/password on a per call basis? ...

How to disable PHP session cookie?

I am writing PHP code where I want to pass the session id myself using POST. I don't want a cookie to store the session, as it should get lost when the user gets out of the POST cycle. PHP automatically sets the cookie where available. I learned it is possible to change this behaviour by setting session.use_cookies to 0 in php.ini. Unfo...

nHibernate session and multithreading

I had a method with a lot of persistence calls that used a nHibernate session, it worked, was alright. But I needed to refactor this method, extracting a method from a content inside a loop, for multithread reasons. Then I created an class with this method. It is like a normal refactoring, but the nHibernate session inside this method ca...

ASP.NET Session State Server - Saving Unserialized Data

As you know, in ASP.NET, you can store session data in one of following three modes: InProc Session State SQL Server For InProc mode, you can store any kind of data objects even it's not serializable. However, in Session State and SQL Server modes, you can only store serialized data. In my project, I have a ready made portal which...

How do I maintain PHP sessions across multiple domains on the same server?

Hi, I am looking for a way to maintain PHP sessions across multiple domains on the same server. I am going to be integrating my sites with a Simple Machines Forum so I will need to use MySQL based sessions. Thanks! ...

ASP.NET Session Scope: where can it be accessed from?

This seems trivial, but I've never had to worry about it before and my Google skills are failing me. How far-reaching is the in-process session bucket for ASP.NET/IIS6, in the sense that you can call Session["whatever"] and get the same value back? Obviously it can't stretch across different servers or application pools (I think). What a...

What options are there for sharing data across subdomains?

I have and also (Yes they are subdomains of the same parent domain) is on ASP.NET 1.1 is on ASP.NET 3.5 I want to know what options are available for sharing 'session' data between the two sites. I need some kind of shared login and also the abiltity to track user ac...

Considerations for updating a 'SiteVisit' row many times over a session

SQL Server 2005: I have a SiteVisit row which contains information about a users visit, for instance HttpRefer, whether or not they placed an order, browser, etc. Currently for reporting I am joining this table with SiteEvent which contains information about each 'section' visited. This then produces a view which shows statistics about...

php observer pattern to log user out when session times out

I'm trying to log users out when the user's session timeout happens. Logging users out - in my case - requires modifying the user's "online" status in a database. I was thinking that I might be able to use the observer pattern to make something that would monitor the state of the user session and trigger a callback when the session expi...

How can web form content be preserved for the back button

When a web form is submitted and takes the user to another page, it is quite often the case that the user will click the Back button in order to submit the form again (the form is an advanced search in my case.) How can I reliably preserve the form options selected by the user when they click Back (so they don't have to start from scrat...

Can callback methods in PHP's session_set_save_handler be private?

I am writing a custom session handler in PHP and trying to make the methods defined in session_set_save_handler private. session_set_save_handler( array('Session','open'), array('Session','close'), array('Session','read'), array('Session','write'), array('Session','destroy'), array('Session','gc') ); For exampl...

Is session information stored in a cookie?

If I write Session["asdf"] = 234; In my web app, does this mean the client will have a cookie stored on their browser? ...