
Is there a fast way to check if a variable belongs to a set?

Hi, I have a form and I need to check if a input belongs to enum(0,1,2,3,..,n) Is there a simple way to check if my variable belongs to the set [0:n] ? Or do I have to write each condition (basically n<10, so it's feasible but not that practicle...)? If there ain't native function to do that, could you give me a hint on how to make a f...

Django how to set main page

hello, i want to set a main page or an index page for my app. i tried adding MAIN_PAGE in and then creating a main_page view returning a main_page object, but it doesn't work Also, i tries to add in the a declaration like (r'^$', index), where indexshould be the name of the index.html file on the root (but it obvio...

Heterogeneous sets in OCaml

Hello, suppose I have a type defined as type value = None | Int of int | Float of float | Complex of Complex.t | String of string | Char of char | Bool of bool and I want to be able to work with Sets of these values. From what I understood I have to use the functor to concretize the Set module with a conc...

no match for 'operator<' when trying to insert to a set (c++)?

I'm using gcc 4.3.3 to try to compile the following code: struct testStruct { int x; int y; bool operator<(testStruct &other) { return x < other.x; } testStruct(int x_, int y_) { x = x_; y = y_; } }; int main() { multiset<testStruct> setti; setti.insert(testStruct(10,10)); return 0; } I get this error...

Get X unique numbers from a set

What is the most elegant way to grab unique random numbers I ponder? At the moment I need random unique numbers, I check to see if it's not unique by using a while loop to see if I've used the random number before. So It looks like: int n = getRandomNumber % [Array Size]; for each ( Previously used n in list) Check if I've used n...

What is the real purpose of get,set properties in c#?

Possible Duplicates: Properties vs Methods C#: Public Fields versus Automatic Properties What is the real purpose of get,set properties in c#? Any good ex when should i use get,set properties... ...

Android ImageButton setImageResource from variable

I want to setImageResource for an ImageButton programatically, based on a variable. For eg: if size=5, I want to setImageResource to R.drawable.five if size=6, I want to setImageResource to R.drawable.six Unfortunately, I have too many of these, so an if-else or switch gets tiring. Is there a way to achieve something like: R.dr...

how to optimizing boolean function?

hi im facing the challange of optimizing a database design by an automated mechanism. the database will include tables which relates arbitrary data to an attribute e.g. Table A contains all id's of persons who clicked the buy button, Table B contains all id's who have no chargeback, .... so given are some very basic MainTables e.g. A,B...

Selecting an optimum set according to ranked criteria

I am given a string, and a set of rules which select valid substrings by a process which isn't important here. Given an enumeration of all valid substrings, I have to find the optimum set of substrings according to a set of ranked criteria, such as: Substrings may not overlap All characters must be part of a substring if possible Use a...

Difference between these two accessor/getter/setter methods?

Whats the difference now between doing this: public string Title { get; set; } and this: public string Title; Back in the day people always said use accessor methods with private variables called by the public accessor, now that .net has made get; set; statements so simplified that they look almost the same without the private vari...

How to calculate difference between two sets in C?

I have two arrays, say A and B with |A|=8 and |B|=4. I want to calculate the set difference A-B. How do I proceed? Please note that there are no repeated elements in either of the sets. Edit: Thank you so much everybody for a myriad of elegant solutions. Since I am in prototyping stage of my project, for now I implemented the simplest s...

Fastest data structure for contains() in Java?

What's the data structure in Java that has the fastest operation for contains() ? e.g. i have a set of numbers { 1, 7, 12, 14, 20... } Given another arbitrary number x, what's the fastest way (on average) to generate the boolean value of whether x is contained in the set or not? The probability for !contains() is about 5x higher. Do a...

Java: SortedSet "cursor"-style iterator

I need to iterate both forwards and backwards in a sorted set. If I use NavigableSet, I get a strictly-forward iterator and a strictly-backward iterator (iterator() and descendingIterator()) but none that can move forward and backward. What's the time complexity of NavigableSet.lower() and higher() ? I can use those instead, but am relu...

Magento: getting attributes from an attribute set without a product

I have set an attribute set in my Magento shop which has several binary attributes. For a pulldown I need a list of ALL the attributes inside this one attribute set, including their internal name and their label. Since this pulldown should appear in places that not necessarily have a product selected I can't go the usual route of "getti...

Private or Protected Set for a MustOverride Property

I'd like to have a Private or Protected "Setter" for a property that also happens to be an abstract (MustOverride). I'm porting some code from C# to VB and in C# this is pretty straight forward. In VB not so much (for me anyway). Some code... In C#... public abstract class BaseClassWithAnAbstractProperty { public abstract int AnAb...

erase max element from STL set

This is a follow-up on a previous question I had ( ). I want to basically pop the max element from a set, but I am running into problems. Here is roughly my code: set<Object> objectSet; Object pop_max_element() { Object obj = *objectSet.rbegin(); set<Obj...

fastest way to compare two Set in Java

Hello, I am trying to optimize a piece of code which compares elements of list. Eg. public void compare(Set<Record> firstSet, Set<Record> secondSet){ for(Record firstRecord : firstSet){ for(Record secondRecord : secondSet){ // comparing logic } } } Please take into account that the number of recor...

cycle and erase elments from std::set

I have a std::set and I need to erase similar adjacet elements: DnaSet::const_iterator next = dna_list.begin(); DnaSet::const_iterator actual = next; ++next; while(next != dna_list.end()) // cycle over pairs, dna_list is the set { if (similar(*actual, *next)) { Dna dna_temp(*actual); // copy constructor dna_lis...

.net windows application with sql database + create a setup

Hello, I have created one windows application in .net 2.0 and it uses SQL database in back end. I want to create a setup file for this application so that I can install it and run it on any machine which does not have either .NET framework or SQL Server. Please give me some useful link for this. ...

How to search in a Set (using a Comparator)

Hi, I want to search in a Set without iterating manually over the elments but there does not seem to be a method to do, target, new ComparatorThing()). Am I not seeing something? Thanks. Edit: I am searching for another field than the natural order of the elements. As a manual workaround I used the following...