
Extract the SHA1 hash from a torrent file.

I've had a look around for the answer to this, but I only seem to be able to find software that does it for you. Does anybody know how to go about doing this in python? ...

SHA1 Password returns as cleartext after DB query

Hi. I have a SHA1 password and PasswordSalt in my aspnet_Membership table. but, when I run a query from the server (a Sql Query), the reader reveals that the pass has returned as its cleartext equivalent. I am wondering if my web.config configuration is causing this? <membership defaultProvider="CustomMembershipProvider" ...

Python - Why ever use SHA1 when SHA512 is more secure?

I don't mean for this to be a debate, but I'm trying to understand the technical rationale behind why so many apps use SHA1, when SHA512 is more secure. Perhaps it's simply for backwards compatibility. Besides the obvious larger size (128 chars vs 40), or slight speed differences, is there any other reason why folks use the former? Als...

Is there a size restriction on signatures in Java (

I am trying to sign a token object using SHA1. I am using bouncycastle as the security provider. Whenever the program tries to sign something it gives me this error. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: input data too large. What is the maximum size for signing something? Do you have any suggestions ab...

Split Entire Hash Range Into n Equal Ranges

Hello. I am looking to take a hash range (md5 or sha1) and split it into n equal ranges. For example, if m (num nodes) = 5, the entire hash range would be split by 5 so that there would be a uniform distribution of key ranges. I would like n=1 (node 1) to be from the beginning of the hash range to 1/5, 2 from 1/5 to 2/5, etc all the wa...

What hash algorithms are parallelizable? Optimizing the hashing of large files utilizing on multi-core CPUs.

I'm interested in optimizing the hashing of some large files (optimizing wall clock time). The I/O has been optimized well enough already and the I/O device (local SSD) is only tapped at about 25% of capacity, while one of the CPU cores is completely maxed-out. I have more cores available, and in the future will likely have even more...

Is calculating an MD5 hash less CPU intensive than SHA-1 or SHA-2?

Is calculating an MD5 hash less CPU intensive than SHA-1 or SHA-2 on "standard" laptop x86 hardware? I'm interested in general information, not specific to a certain chip. UPDATE: In my case, I'm interested in calculating the hash of a file. If file-size matters, let's assume its 300K. ...

Is SHA-1 secure for password storage?

Conclusion: SHA-1 is as safe as anything against preimage attacks, however it is easy to compute, which means it is easier to mount a bruteforce or dictionary attack. (The same is true for successors like SHA-256.) Depending on the circumstances, a hash function which was designed to be computationally expensive (such as bcrypt) might be...

openssl, sign (sha1) a message AND make s/mime

hi! I'm new to openssl and all this crypto-stuff and would need a little help. I need to sign a message (digest sha1) AND put it in a mime-part. a) digest and signing it I get with: openssl sha1 -sign mycert.pem -passin pass:1234 data > signed_sha1 b) mime and signing (but the whole message instead of only digest) I get with: ope...

what sha1() will do to russian or any other non english letters?

what sha1() will do to russian or any other non english letters? Will sha1() always return english letters? ...

How can I use Perl to get a SHA1 hash of a file from the Windows command line?

I have a file called secure.txt in c:\temp. I want to run a Perl command from the command line to print the SHA1 hash of secure.txt. I'm using ActivePerl 5.8.2. I have not used Perl before, but it's the most convenient option available right now. ...

How is the DataHash value calculated for files in an iphone backup?

iTunes creates a file, Manifest.plist, in the backup directory which amongst other things contains a list of files and a data hash values for each file. The data hash does not seem to be a straight forward SHA1 of the file data. How is this value calculated? ...

SSL encrpytion, SHA1 and SHA2

Hello, I am trying to implement SHA2 encryption instead SHA1. For this, I know that bit number between these two hash algorithms are different and it confuses me. How can this be achieved and at what parts do I need to make required changes. I can use any open source library from Java, Python and any other major programming language....

Numeric operations over SHA-1 generated keys in C#

I'm trying to implement a Chord distributed hash table. I want to use SHA-1 as the hash function to generate node ids and map values to the DHT. However, I'll need to use numerical operations on the SHA-1 generated key, such as a modulo, for example. I wonder in which type of variable should I put the array of bytes I get, and how can I ...

Open SSL without SHA1

Is there any way to use Open SSL without any SHA1 hash functions and using one of SHA2 functions instead of it? I think firstly, I should find all the functions that call SHA1 algorithm, and I should understand why SHA1 is still used. While changing the hash function, the bits are different in SHA1 and SHA2 so it may cause some problems....

Does having an unencrypted sha-224 checksum create a vulnerability?

If I have a packet of data that is encrypted yet also includes a sha-224 checksum that is not encrypted, am I creating a security vulnerability? Or perhaps the checksum should be produced after encryption? ...

Find the git branch or branches from commit id

Hi All, Actually am try to get a report on merge conflicts. I used 'git blame' to see who has changed what line, but i couldn't find the branch and repository name information. Is there a way to find the repository name, branch name and author name of a file from 'git blame' or from commit ids' so that whenever a merge conflict occurs ...

Distributions and hashes

Has anyone ever had an incidence of downloading software from a genuine site, where an MD5 or SHA series hash for the download is also supplied and then discovered that the hash calculated from the downloaded artifact doesn't match the published hash? I understand the theory but am curious how prevalent the problem is. Many software pub...

Does LuaCrypto run on Windows?

I need to run LuaCrypto on win platform. Does anyone know how to do it? ...

how to compare the checksums in a list corresponding to a file path with the file path in the operating system In Python?

Hi all, how to compare the checksums in a list corresponding to a file path with the file path in the operating system In Python? import os,sys,libxml2 files=[] sha1s=[] doc = libxml2.parseFile('files.xml') for path in doc.xpathEval('//File/Path'): files.append(path.content) for sha1 in doc.xpathEval('//File/Hash'): sha1s.append(...