
How to use shaders in OpenGL ES with iPhone SDK

I have this obsession with doing realtime character animations based on inverse kinematics and morph targets. I got a fair way with Animata, an open source (FLTK-based, sadly) IK-chain-style animation program. I even ported their rendering code to a variety of platforms (Java / Processing and iPhone) video of Animata renderers Howeve...

D3D10 HLSL: How do I bind a texture to a global Texture2D via reflection?

Ok so assuming I have, somewhere in my shader, a statement as follows (Note I am enabling legacy support to share shaders between DX9 and DX10): Texture2D DiffuseMap; I can compile up the shader with no problems but I'm at a slight loss as to how I bind a ShaderResourceView to "DiffuseMap". When I "Reflect" the shader I rather assu...

Best resources to learn shaders for real-time rending

I am looking for a good introduction and reference for learning shaders for Maya and other 3D applications. I've search around the internet, but seem to have run into problems finding good communities or good resources. Thanks! ...

Opengl Games: Do i have to know 3d related math to create good opengl games ?

Hello. I read about OpenGL and about nvidia-cg-toolkit and other shaders, all contains lots of math problems and math formulas for effects and such. I want to be able to make proper 3d games that use the GPU as much as possible. Do I have to use a 3d Engine if the math related info does not interest me ? if so, can anyone recommend of...

Obtaining minimum and maximum rendered UV values (Direct3D)

I need to calculate the minimum and maximum UV values assigned to the pixels produced when a given object is drawn onscreen from a certain perspective. For example, if I have a UV-mapped cube but only the front face is visible, min(UV) and max(UV) should be set to the minimum and maximum UV coordinates assigned to the pixels of the visib...

Changing shader-code in xcode on iphone opengl es 2.0 project results in an error.

Im new to shaders and I'm trying to learn the basics. But everytime I change some code in my vertex shader it results in an error. "Validation Failed: Program is not successfully linked." Im using the standard openGL project for the iphone as a starter in Xcode ( with a 2d cube moving in y-position). From the beginning th...

Using shader for calculations

Is it possible to use shader for calculating some values and then return them back for further use? For example I send mesh down to GPU, with some parameters about how it should be modified(change position of vertices), and take back resulting mesh? I see that rather impossible because I haven't seen any variable for comunication from ...

NPR GLSL examples

I'm looking for a few NPR (Non-Photorealistic Rendering) GLSL shader examples, mostly sketch or toon inspired. Does anyone have some links? :) ...