
SPWorkflowTaskProperties.ExtendedProperties aren’t populating the fields in my task

I am attempting to pass information from a task created within a workflow to its corresponding task form. Prior to the CreateTask activity, I create an SPWorkflowTaskProperties and fill it with the usual info (title, assigned-to, etc). I also add some elements to the ExtendedProperties property. However, those custom properties never ...

Merging and querying multiple lists

I am still new to sharepoint and would like to know if it is possible to make a query that works across serveral lists. My list looks like this Customers (id, name and so forth) Orders ( id, order number, customer and some additional info) OrderItems (id, name, price, description and so on) I would like to create a view that will displ...

Profile User DB error in WebPart

EDIT: Modified title and added update. UPDATE: We no longer believe this is a 64bit vs 32bit problem. We have found that the only people that were seeing this, were people that were set in the farm policy as "full control." (Not acting as System Account) Once we tested regular users, we found none had the problem. Removing the "probl...

SharePoint and Log4Net

I'm looking for best practices to integrate log4net to SharePoint for web request, feature activation and all timer stuff. I have several subprojects in my farm, and I would like to have only one Log4Net.config file. [Edit] Not only I need to configure log4net for the web application, which is easy to do (I use global.asax, and a log...

Permissions problems with Excel Services in SharePoint

I'm trying to implement an Excel Services reporting solution in SharePoint (MOSS). Since the source data is a SharePoint list, this problem is doubly frustrating. I keep bumping up against permissions problems, even though I've enabled virtually everything in sight. The first error is about refreshing external data - it's not (reall...

Moss 2007: Change Label of Search Option (Advanced Search)

Hi there, I've created a custom search page with some defined options in my search scope. I have a metadata mapped (jobtitle), and added the search option to my custom search. I want to change my managed name to jobtitle, because title doesn't hit the dutch word for jobtitle. I changed the managed name to "jobtitle", after applying ...

SharePoint modification forms in state machine workflows

Hello, I've been perplexed lately working on a SharePoint state machine workflow. I was hoping to add some modification forms to the workflow so that I could reassign a task while in its state. Unfortunately, modification forms don't seem to be documented for use with state machine workflows (pretty straight forward for sequence workf...

Sharepoint custom user and document library specific properties

Is there a standard way to assosciate custom properties with a user? In particular I need to store the number of items per page a user selected in a grid of a document library separately for each user and document library. @Edit: sorry about this vagueness, I wanted to do it programmatically. It seems like I've found the solution, it is...

How to detect the current sharepoint pages from the client machine?

On the client machine I need to be able to somehow detect which sites the current user are looking at right now. I know the base URL of the sharepoint app, say but how the hack do I get the last requested url from the server? I have hit a dead stop when trying to iterate the current processes and the casting the...

Defaulting WebParts on a Users MySite in Sharepoint

I am working on a project that is replacing an old portal system (Plumtree) with sharepoint and we want to make the transition as smooth as possible. One thing we are look at currently is taking all the gadgets (Plumtree term for WebParts) and making sure they appear in the same place on the users new MySite. Plumtree holds this inform...

How can you work out the ID of a users MySite

In a Sharepoint WebPart written in c# I need to find out either the ID of the current users MySite, or check if the current site is the users MySite. Ideas? ...

Access Web Datasheet in a webApp

Hello, I am trying to write a web application in C# ASP.NET3.5 and want to include a Microsoft Office Access Web Datasheet in my application. I have been searching for ages looking for an example on how to use it, but I can't see one anywhere. It’s the editing view in a SharePoint grid so I know it’s possible, I just can’t find out ho...

Good articles for Sharepoint Web Part creation?

Does anyone know of any good basic articles for creating Sharepoint Web Parts. I have found a couple, but most of them jumped in a little quick. Thanks. ...

Which CodePlex/Google code project to study in order to learn SharePoint best practices

I am new to sharepoint development but have about 10 years of expirence in C++, VB6 and C#. It is my experience that a great way to learn a new language or coding style is to spend some time "dissecting" one of the open source projects available at CodePlex or Google code. In order to avoid picking up some bad habits without knowing it,...

How do I programatically turn off show pages in navigation for sharepoint

I am progamatically creating a SharePoint site using SPWeb spWeb = spSite.AllWebs.Add(...); What code do I need run to set the spWeb to turn off the "Show pages in navigation" option? Answer: publishingWeb.IncludePagesInNavigation = false; ...

Using a MulitpleLookupField in MOSS '07 Layout Page

Hi there, I have a page layout for my MOSS '07 site that I want put a MultipleLookupField in. The field will point to a multiple lookup column in my custom content type that points back to the pages library so I can have a "Related Articles" field. I've gotten the field to show up correctly--it's even editable when the page is in edit...

Promoting MOSS '07 Sites From Dev To Production

Hello, So, maybe I'm a bit old-school, but when we created websites in the past, we'd develop the site on a development server, then publish or promote the pages and files to the production server. This has always seemed to be a good way to go so that users didn't see messed up pages or (God forbid) a downed server because one of us sc...

Disable MOSS auto import of colleagues

Upon AD Import for SharePoint, MOSS does this automatically: "Office SharePoint Server 2007 automatically adds your manager, peers, and direct reports as your colleagues". How do I disable this automatically so it's a clean list of colleagues? ...

Comments field in SharePoint Issue Tracking list

I've created a list using the SharePoint (MOSS 2007) Issue Tracking List. A "Comments" field is automatically created in this list. The Comments column has extra functionality that provides a sort of history/log whenever an edit is made to a list item. Unfortunately, a comment entry is created even when an insignificant edit is made. ...

Sharepoint: Web Part vs. ASP.NET User Control

When creating web parts for Sharepoint, is it better to create an actual web part, or is using and ASP.NET User Control (.ascx) just as good? I already know how to create the user controls that I need, so it seems like the extra effort of creating a web part is just unnecessary leg work. What are the advantages of using a web part over...