
Allow global configuration of a SharePoint web part

I have created a SharePoint web part which has custom properties that the user can configure. However these apply only to that instance of the web part. How could I provide the user a place to allow the user to set properties that would apply to every instance of the web part? (I'm new to SharePoint development and am using WSPBuilder t...

Allow users to view items in a SharePoint Document Library, but not open the files

I have the requirement to allow users to view the content of a document library, including browsing through folders, but not actually open the individual files. There doesn't appear to be a permission to restrict users from opening files, but still display them. Naturally it is an option to create a view that doesn't have the 'open lin...

where do i get ebook to study 70 542 for sharepoint certification?

where do i get ebook to study 70 542 for sharepoint certification? ...

How to pull all available documents out of SharePoint (2007) through web services?

I'm trying to do something I thought would be fairly easy (as I suspect I'm not the only wanting to do this) ; For a given user that logs into SharePoint through the web services, list all documents available (I'm interested in documents from document repositories, but anything will do at this point). I'm getting increasingly lost in al...

webpart is working on local server but not working on production when "SPSite" class is uesd in the webpart

webpart is working on local server but not working on production server when "SPSite" class is uesd in the web part. On the production server it throws error. If I do not use that class in the webpart the web part also works on live machine. Any idea what might be causing the error? the code in the webpart is this: namespace CompanyNe...

What account to use for SharePoint 2010 Timer Job

Hi there, what account do you run the SharePoint 2010 Timer Job service under? Do you use the farm account or a separate one or just local service? Currently I use the farm account but the health analyzer says, it's not a good idea to use an account that has local administration permissions. Regards, Alex ...

How many service accounts do you use for SharePoint 2010?

Hi there, we're deploying SharePoint 2010 the first time for production and are not sure how many accounts we need. Currently we plan to use the following accounts: Admin-Account - For use of administration tasks and installation WebApplication-Account - Will be used by web applications ServiceApplication-Account - Will be used by ser...

Wich are SharePoint Server 2010 installation requirements ?

Wich are SharePoint Server 2010 installation requirements ? ...

SharePoint HTML Editor Field Control Converts Relative URL to Absolute URL

Put a relative URL (no server name) into the HTML Editor and save the page. The URL is converted to an absolute URL (http://server_name is added to the beginning). This is posing a problem for moving content from our staging to production environment, as the server names are different. The exact same scenario is common when using the ...

debugging a sharepoint baselayoutpage

is it impossible to debug? I am running 64-bit Windows Server Enterprise, and trying to debug my solution on Sharepoint which includes a dll that has baselayoutpage pages. When I try to atttach the process to the Visual Studio debugger (VS2008) it says break points will not be hit. I have been pulling my hair out on this one, I have trie...

Access the SharePoint API as a named user from an ASP.Net web application using Anonymous Access

Here's the scenario: We have an external SharePoint instance with anonymous access turned on. We want the document libraries open to the public. We do not want custom lists open. That was simple enough to configure. Now we want to use those lists to create an attractive external ASP.Net web application. This web site will need anony...

site column page (mngfield.aspx) displays unknown error

Site > Site Settings > Site Columns site column page (mngfield.aspx) displays unknown error I get an unknown error. This happens when I add custom columns from a console app using SPField. The columns are added with the given properties (verified by SharePoint manager). using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text...

MOSS 2007 - Maximum number of views for one list?

Is there a maximum number of views you can create for a list in SharePoint? I mean views like the ones which are listed in the top right corner o the AllItems.aspx page: Are there performance issues which arise when you add a lot of views to one list, like 50-100? ...

creating custom webapp in sharepoint _layouts folder

I am attempting to for the first time create a custom website on a sharepoint web server, i have created the following Default.aspx <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" MasterPageFile="~/_layouts/application.master" %> <%@ Assembly Name="Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPage...

Control order in which SharePoint workflows are executed

Is there a way to control (e.g., prioritize) the order in which SharePoint workflows (not workflow activities, but entire workflows) are being executed? The set of workflows for a SharePoint list consists of workflows that are either created using SharePoint Designer or are custom workflows installed via WSP. We would like to guarantee...

Changing Discussion Folder Names in SharePoint 2010

Is there a way to change the name of a folder within the discussion area of SharePoint 2010? The folder by default is given the name of the discsussion name when it is created, however, if you then change the discussion name, it does not (quite rightly) automatically update the folder name - I would like to though. ...

Authentication for an external Sharepoint Web Part Page (SSO)

An external hosted app can take the username and password in the querystring and auto login the user. How do I get these details from Sharepoint? I know you can use SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser; if the application is hosted locally however it isn't. How can we achieve single sign on from Sharepoint to the external 3rd party softwa...

How TFS integrates with SharePoint

I am looking to migrate some databases out of Visual Source Safe (VSS) and into Team Foundation Server (TFS). I know I am able to migrate from VSS to SVN, and then from SVN to TFS using a few tools that I have found (either free or purchased). The aim is to get the source code into TFS and then integrate the project with SharePoint so th...

SharePoint 2007 - editing Global Audiences

This is a ridiculous question and I hate myself for having to ask. I have an issue that some users from AD are not able to see some secure sections of a share-point site. the webpart is filtered by a 'global audience' list. where do I need to go on share point 2007 to be able to see and amend this group information. I have full admin r...

where is csharp source code is used sharepoint

please provide the csharp area in sharepoint. what are the part csharp source is used. how can be document loaded in the sharepoint. whether it can be done through by c sharp. ...