
Cannot Delete List Columns

I am having problems deleting columns from a form library in MOSS 2007. When I go to the form library settings, the columns are listed and the note in the column header says "click to edit" (and delete). However, only certain columns are even clickable. Why is that and how can I delete the ones that are not clickable? ...

How to show ID field as readonly in Edit Form, of a sharepoint list ?

After a lot of discussion, my client still want to show the ID field in the Edit Form of a sharepoint list. There is a way to do it ? I tried a calculated field and nothing. I know that I can see the ID field in the view, and if I show as a Access Mode. I'm using WSS3.0 ...

How to make a Column Type in Sharepoint List behave as a password field?

There is a way to use a Single Line text field when creating a column in Sharepoint Services 3.0 and that field behaves as a Paswword field (hiding what the user entered) ? Thanks in advance! ...

Using sahi to test sharepoint application.

We're trying to test sharepoint application with NTLM authentication using Sahi web testing tool. We have problem with access to the sharepoint using Sahi proxy server - we can't sign in. So if someone know this problem or know how fix it, please anserw here. I think that problem is delegation of credentials but I'm not sure. Thanks i...

authenticate file in _layouts folder

I have a public facing website .. I have added a file "Authenticated.html" in _layouts folder of it. so now when user is going to this url ... one can see all the content in it. I want this particular file to be only shown to authenticated users and asks for authentication. If there...

What is the maximum number of users/size a Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 can support?

What is the maximum number of users and data size a windows sharepoint services 3.0 can support? I'm planning to deploy a WSS 3.0 on a 100gig harddisk with 2 gig RAM for 100 users. Does that sound reasonable? ...

Sharepoint 2010 List, calculated value

Hello everybody With a sharepoint list, is it possible to calculate a column value basing on other columns of the list value using a C# Method ? My list contains start and end dates and i want to show business days of these dates intervals by using an home made c# method. I would prefer to do that in real time when showing the list, bu...

How to get the site collection search results page in Sharepoint 2010?

If you go the Sharepoint's Search Center -> Site Settings -> Search Settings. There's Site Collection Search Results Page which is used for configuring the search results page used for contextual searches (such as "This Site"). The default value is /_layouts/osssearchresults.aspx How can I retrieve and change this value through the...

Changing Document Library Default View

I basically have quite a large site collection with various site and sub sites that all contain their own document libraries. I need to change the default view of each document library to include the following fields: Checked out to. Check in comments. This is ok as I have written an app that will loop through all existing lists and ...

custom css file in sharepoint online won't update

Hi all, I am working on an intranet in Sharepoint online. I have added a custom css file and included it in the masterpage, after the default stylesheets. In the sourcecode I can see it clearly and I can follow the path to its intended file. Earlier I had no problems to check it out, edit in Sharepoint designer, save it, then check...

Deleting through Datasheet view of SharePoint List

I have an event handler set up to handle ItemAdded, ItemUpdated and ItemDeleting on a list. I know 2 of the 3 above are async events and these are causing no end of bother. When I add 7 items through the datasheet, the event handler copies each item to another list in a subsite. If I then go to the datasheet view of the Master list ...

Office 2010 SharePoint Multiple Upload - Translate header

Hi, we've got a SharePoint (WSS3) site where users use the multiple upload functionality in Office to upload documents. Users that have upgraded to Office 2010 can no longer upload multiple documents - each document is reported as failed. Our WSS3 site is locked down with urlscan, and one of the headers it is disallowing is 'Translate'. ...

Using JQuery to enlarge the text input boxes in Sharepoint 2007 Blog forms

I have a site set up as a Blog Template. I want to use JQuery to expand the size of the text boxes for blog posts in both Viewing and Edit mode (and new mode). Viewing mode is easy. I edited /Lists/Posts/Post.aspx and added a CEWP containing a reference to Jquery and Code: jQuery('.ms-PostWrapper').width(800); I tried to do the same th...

SharePoint most clicked links

Hi guys, I am trying to make a web part that will display what links got clicked/viewed the most across the whole site collection. These links come from a SharePoint list. Is there a mechanism in the object model that can be used to accomplish this? Any thought would be helpful. ...

How to obtain users from Active Directory using the Contact Selector control of InfoPath 2007?

We have a SharePoint2007 web site. There is an InfoPath form with the Contact Selector control (ActiveX) on it. When I open the control I see a list of Sharepoint users and groups. Is it possible to populate the control with users from Active Directory? Or maybe there is another control/solution to solve this issue? Thank you in advance...

Is share point working for php

Hi, is it possible to working with share point with php? I want to keep a application developed in php on share point is it possible ? Regards Prabhakar ...

How to pass credentials in defaultProxy config setting?

A client is unable to use my webpart because he is behind a proxy server and they need to specify a username and password to get past the proxy. I have this in my config file right now: <> <defaultProxy> <proxy usesystemdefault="False" proxyaddress="" bypassonlocal="True" /> </defa...

How can I access 'Direct Reports' within the UserProfileService.asmx web service?

I'm building a browser-compatible InfoPath 2007 form which uses the UserProfileService Web Service hosted on a MOSS2007 Team Site as a secondary data connection. I'm having no problems pulling all of the standard properties out of the User Profile (Name, Manager, etc.), but does anybody know of a way that I can access the 'Direct Repor...

How to get information from a list that is on another site collection, on SharePoint 2010?

Using SharePoint 2010, how can I get the information on a list that is on another site collection? ...


Hi, I wonder if it is possible to integrate the CKEditor with sharepoint (WSS 3.0). Could it be possible with Visual Studio and deploying such as a Web Part?? Thanks. ...