
Change SharePoint scope at runtime.

I have a requirement where based on a users SharePoint group, there search should be a specific scope. My question is, is it even possible to change the SharePoint search box to use search a particular scope at runtime? ...

Implementing advanced search in sharepoint 2007 wss

Hi, These days I have been developing a sharepoint site where I have implemented some custom web parts, and now I need a advanced search feature where I can search wikis, forums, blogs, document libraries, etc... I heard that there exists a rich advanced search web part in MOSS 2007, is there a similar web part in WSS 3.0(which I could...

Why can't I access the items in a List even if the SPList.ItemCount is > 0 ?

I have the same code running against two different SharePoint installations, to iterate through the items in a List and display the data. Against the first SharePoint installation, SPList.ItemCount == SPList.Items.Count == 4. Against the second SharePoint installation, SPList.ItemCount == 4 while SPList.Items.Count == 0, and the fore...

Sharepoint page content aggregator for FAQ

Hi, I need to set up a FAQ with show/hide answers functionality all in one page. Answers should be rich text with image... like a page. My option to set up my FAQ as a site with pages for answers. Is the good way or should i use a list instead? If i opt for FAQ as a site, is it possible to aggregate site content into one page? How can i...

SPContext.Current.Web is not latest

I am creating a list with a deployed list template. with the following code: SPSite site = new SPSite("http://servername"); SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(); web.Lists.Add(listName, listName, listTemplate); web.Update(); SPList List = Web.Lists[listName]; I am able to access the list with the web object which is used to create it. But, SPC...

Sharepoint won't search Sub-Site

We have a Sharepoint Intranet which has many sub-sites. Search boxes in sub-sites can search through the intranet but I want them to search only in their own sub-site. I tried to change search page url in search box web part properties but it didn't work. Thank you. ...

Sharepoint upload image and pdf from one form

I have a Sharepoint 2007 process where the user uploads an image to a Picture Library and then uploads a PDF to a Document Library. The Document Library list contains a hyperlink column where the user can specify the URL of the corresponding image in the Picture Library. What I want to do, however, is have one form where the user can u...

Retrieving user input in Sharepoint workflow

I have a list called Projects. I want UserA to fill in all of the project data except for the code field. I allow this to be done by copying the NewForm.aspx and removing the code input box (and making it non-required) so they can't put in a code value. I have a workflow that is triggered off of a new item being created for the Projects...

How to restore MOSS 2007 intranet site into share point 2010?

I have my company intranet portal in Moss 2007,i need to implement it into 2010,What are the possible way to do that possible to restore the content data base in 2010 portal. ...

Adding a ListItem to a list in Sharepoint 2007

I am trying to add an item to a list in Sharepoint. At the moment I am trying to add the item via CAML I can read the list, and query the list but I have not been able to add to the list. All the examples that I have seen update the list, I would expect that it should be reasonably similar process to add an item. this is how I am te...

What is the point of Sharepoint?

My company have started to use Sharepoint. Now as a software developer I simply can not understand the advantages of such a system. To me it just looks like a browser based application through which you access/edit files; has windows not allowed this for 20 + years? I can understand it is an intranet for messages etc. so why not just a...

Not all SharePoint lookup fields updated when synchronizing MS-Access

I have an MS-Access 2007 database with links to SharePoint 2007 lists, I run XP professional. The lookup fields are not all updated when I synchronize after I create records offline . I built a test with the following result: I created 3 SharePoint lists A, C, D. C has a lookup to A and D has a lookup to A I created an MS-Access databa...

Sharepoint web service(UserGroup) addGroup function

I tried using the addGroup() web method from web service from userGroup web service offered by Sharepoint Server. As stated by MSDN, the following codes were required (using visual studio C# programming platform Web_Reference_Folder_Name.UserGroup usrgrpService = new Web_Reference_Folder_Name.UserGroup(); usrgrpService.Credentials= Sys...

How to programmatically filter a picture gallery by keyword in sharepoint?

Hi guys, I'm wondering if there's a way for us to programmatically filter a picture gallery by keyword in sharepoint using C# in visual studio? ...

Sharepoint 2007: User name changed in ActiveDirectory. Old name still shown at top right of portal page.

I now have 2 users whose names are not correctly displayed in the 'welcome' menu at the top right of the page. The first user married and her surname changed. The new name was entered in ActiveDirectory but her maiden name is still displayed. In the second case, a LAN id was reallocated to a new department member. The name of the prev...

SharePoint extend ALL fieldproperties with custom settings

What is want is pretty simple. I want to add settings to all field-properties (oob and custom) in a custom listdefinition, say "E-mailform". Thus, I create a "E-mailform" and I add a OOB-textfield. At the settingspage (where you can set length, required yes/no, etc.) I want to add a custom section with custom settings. When I add a OOB-...

Hiding built-in field in "Edit Properties" form trough Content Type definition xml file

We need to hide some of the built-in field of our Pages in the "Edit Properties" form. I tried to hide the fields in the content type file using Hidden="TRUE", ShowInDisplayForm="FALSE" etc, but it does not seem to work. Also, we have a content type hierarchy, so the fields would be "hidden" in our main content type that all concrete c...

How can I filter a Sharepoint 2007 libarry list based on current user login?

Hi all. I would like to know how I can filter a SharePoint library list based on current user login. Suppose I have created the followings: 1) A SharePoint form library containing bunch of uploaded InfoPath form data. 2) The InfoPath form template contains a promoted text field called "TargetUser" to store user domain login (ex: DOMAIN...

Sharepoint 2007 date time in a list

We are using a custom list on Sharepoint where we require users to enter data with a date and time field. We have been facing huge issues in data validity when generating reports due to this field. Following are the kinds of mistakes: Selecting AM instead of PM or vice verse. Changing to 24 hrs format doesn't help much because then the...

What are the main uses of SharePoint server? Please send me any e-books about share point server

Hi friends, What are the main uses of SharePoint server? By using SharePoint server we can develop only intranet applications or we can develop enterprise applications?, like social networks sites. if possible can you please send me any e-books about share point server. ThankQ ...