
wxPython -- Bash shell

Hey I want to create a bash-shell in wxPython, the only thing it should be able to do is run a python file and be able to offer user_input on the fly. (I know there is a Python Shell, but that is something different) Can someone help me with this? thanks in advance ...

Guaranteeing every line is received in full from multiple PIPEs (STDOUTs)

Hello, I asked the other day if data integrity (of flushed data) is kept even when there are more than one PIPEs streaming into localhost's STDIN. The answer is NO if the data flushed is large. But I would like t...

How to customize the windows shell to display files from a remote source and allow custom drawing?

Is it possible, (via some shell extension or similar) to customize the Windows shell (explorer.exe) to accomplish the following? Make it, upon navigating to a predefined path: draw over its surface - custom background, or even add custom forms for data input display custom listview items based on the "virtual" path provided (something...

Creating a shorter version of a bash command

i am novice to the Linux shell and had to recently start using it for work...i have now got used to the basic commands in bash to find my way around...however there are a lot of commands i find myself typing over and over again and its kind of a hassle to type them every can anyone tell me how can i shorten the command syntax f...

extract sub expression with sed

Hi, I have a list of directories starting from /root. Eg random text /root/dir1/files random end delete me /root/dir1/files/2dir I am waste /root/examples/source alalalala /root/example/header some other text I want to use sed to take from every line the directory and remove everything else. My final output must be /root/dir1/f...

Get the newest file based on timestamp

I am new to shell scripting so i need some help need how to go about with this problem. I have a directory which contains files in the following format. The files are in a diretory called /incoming/external/data AA_20100806.dat AA_20100807.dat AA_20100808.dat AA_20100809.dat AA_20100810.dat AA_20100811.dat AA_20100812.dat As you ca...

Why don't my bash shell scripts execute consistently?

I encountered some weird bahavior on my linux system. I created some bash script files, and changed their mode to be executable. However, some can be called and executed, while others can not (with err msg of command not found). As a result, I had cp a file based on the one which was able to be found and executed, then replaced the newly...

Using Linux redirect to overwrite file from Python script

I have a simple python script that just takes in a filename, and spits out a modified version of that file. I would like to redirect stdout (using '>' from the command line) so that I can use my script to overwrite a file with my modifications, e.g. python test.txt > test.txt When I do this, the resulting test.txt does not c...

What are the most important shell/terminal concepts/commands for novice to learn?

ALthough I've had to dabble in shell scripting and commands, I still consider myself a novice and I'm interested to hear from others what they consider to be crucial bits of knowledge. Here's an example of something that I think is important: I think understanding $PATH is crucial. In order to run psql, for instance, the PostgreSQL fo...

parameter for shell scripts that is started with qsub

Hello how can I parametrize a shell script that is executed on a grid (started with qsub) ? I have a shell script, where I use getopts to read the parameters. When I start (qsub -r firstparam -s secondparam ..) this working script with qsub I receive error messages, qsub: invalid option -- s qsub: illegal -r value ...

Process spawned through Process.Start in .NET hangs the thread

Our application has a background thread which spawns a process through System.Diagnostics.Process: Process.Start( new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = url, UseShellExecute = true } ); This used to have no issues at all. But now, the background thread is silently dying; it never returns from the call to Proces...

iphone redirect shell command

I am working on an jail broken iphone app that calls a shell command. To read the output I redirect the output of the command to file. That is where my problem lies. When I attempt to do the redirect sh reports that the operation is not permitted.this is the exact output of gdb: sh: ./tmp/tmp.out: Operation not permitted Also I call my c...

How to compare versions of some products in unix shell?

Format of versions - X.X.X.X. Where X - number. What is the best way to compare two versions? I use following code: compareVersions() { VER_1=$1 VER_2=$2 print -R "$VER_1"| IFS=. read v1_1 v1_2 v1_3 v1_4 print -R "$VER_2"| IFS=. read v2_1 v2_2 v2_3 v2_4 RESULT="0" if [[ "${v1_1}" -lt "${v2_1}" ]] then RESULT="-1"...

Bash - Hiding command (preventing from bad manipulations)

Hello, I was wondering if they was a way to prevent some commands from being executed in order to prevent from bad manipulation sometimes (for exemple you execute "rm *.py" when you wanted to execute "rm *.pyc" or something like that). People will say that it's the user's responsability to check his inputs and it's right but I would li...

Avoid gnome-terminal close after script execution?

I created a bash script that opens several gnome-terminals, connect to classroom computers via ssh and run a script. How can I avoid that the gnome-terminal closes after the script is finished? Here is an example of my code: gnome-terminal -e "ssh root@ cd /tmp && ls" thx for your help ...

How to check existance of the CVS tag?

I need to write a shell script to check the existence of certain CVS tag in the repository, and do different things depending on the result. So hence is my question: How to check for CVS tag existence and parse the result in shell script? ...

Can colorized output be captured via shell redirect?

Various bash commands I use -- fancy diffs, build scripts, etc, produce lots of color output. When I redirect this output to a file, and then cat or less the file later, the colorization is gone -- presumably b/c the act of redirecting the output stripped out the color codes that tell the terminal to change colors. Is there a way to ca...

Makefile with multiple targets

Hopefully this is a very simple question. I have a makefile pattern rule that looks like this: : %.f %.pyf f2py -c -L${LAPACK_DIR} ${GRASPLIBS} -m $* $^ ${SOURCES} --opt='-02' --f77flags='-fcray-pointer' >> silent.txt I want the makefile to build a number of .so files, so I tried to get it to build two files ( and...

sendmail time option

is there any option to sendmail linux command on particular time . I want make or sending email on particular time . ...

Accesssing bash completions for specific commands programmatically

I'm trying to write a small command launcher application, and would like to use bash's tab completions in my own completion system. I've been able to get a list of completions for general commands using compgen -abck. However, I would also like to get completions for specific commands: for instance, the input git p should display complet...