
How stop to going to new line in Shell script

For Ex : echo "adsa " >> a.txt echo "asdad " >> a.txt in my file adsa asdad But i am looking for adsa asdad ...

Calling a shell script from java hangs

So I'm trying to execute a shell script which produces a lot of output(in 100s of MBs) from a Java file. This hangs the process and never completes. However, within the shell script, if I redirect the output of the script to some log file or /dev/null Java file executes and completes in a jiffy. Is it because of amount of data that the...

Best way to make a shell script daemon?

I'm wondering if there is a better way to make a daemon that waits for something using only sh than: #! /bin/sh trap processUserSig SIGUSR1 processUserSig() { echo "doing stuff" } while true; do sleep 1000 done In particular, I'm wondering if there's any way to get rid of the loop and still have the thing listen for the signals. ...

Globbing/pathname expansion with colon as separator

How can I convert a string containing glob characters such as /var/lib/gems/*/bin into a colon-separated string of filenames (i.e. PATH compatible) matching the pattern? i.e. echo /var/lib/gems/*/bin will return /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/bin I want /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin:/var/lib/gems/1.9.1/bin instead. The obv...

[zsh] Remove entry from array

Hi, I want to do sth. like this: foo=(a b c) foo-=b echo $foo # should output "a c" How can I remove an entry from an array? foo-=b does not work. The removal should work no matter where the entry is. ...

How to change the default behavior of the [TAB] key while calling an application from the shell?

The default behavior for the [TAB] key in the shell is to automatically auto-complete or list the files in the current directory. How to override this behavior in the shell for some chosen applications? Edit: This is not related to the application that is being used, rather, it's the shell environment that needs to be customized! (Thank...

bash - how to pipe result from the which command to cd

Hi all: I know this must be a stupid question, but how could I pipe the result from a which command to cd? This is what I am trying to do: which oracle | cd cd < which oracle But none of them works :( Is there a way to achieve this (rather than copy/paste of course)? Thanks a lot in advance! Edit : on second thought, this command...

shell script -o operation is not working

DISPLAY_HEADER=1 if [ "$1" != "test" -o "$1" != "test2" ] then if [ $DISPLAY_HEADER == 1 ]; then DISPLAY_HEADER=0 echo "sdasa " echo $1 fi fi its display sdasa and -o is not working ? what is wrong ? ...

awk search on multiple fields of a multi line record file

Hi I have a file with records that are of the form: SMS-MT-FSM-DEL-REP country: IN 1280363645.979354_PFS_1_1887728354 SMS-MT-FSM-DEL-REP country: IN 1280363645.729309_PFS_1_1084296392 SMS-MO-FSM country: IR 1280105721.484103_PFM_1_1187616097 SMS-MO-FSM country: MO 1280105721.461090_PFM_1_882824215 This lends itself to parsing via a...

Escaping in test comparisons

In the following, I would like check if a given variable name is set: $ set hello $ echo $1 hello $ echo $hello $ [[ -z \$$1 ]] && echo true || echo false false Since $hello is unset, I would expect the test to return true. What's wrong here? I would assume I am escaping the dollar incorrectly. TYIA ...

shell scripting for token replacement in all files in a folder

HI I am not very good with linux shell scripting.I am trying following shell script to replace revision number token $rev -<rev number> in all html files under specified directory cd /home/myapp/test set repUpRev = "`svnversion`" echo $repUpRev grep -lr -e '\$rev -'.$repUpRev.'\$' *.html | xargs sed -i 's/'\$rev -'.$repUpRev.'\$'/'\...

Shell Script - How to get stuff between two separators

Hi, I've got something like that: xinput --list ⎡ Virtual core pointer id=2 [master pointer (3)] ⎜ ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer id=4 [slave pointer (2)] ⎜ ↳ Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse id=8 [slave pointer (2)] ⎣ Virtual core keyboard id=3 [master...

How do I send multiple results from one command to another in bash?

Hey guys and gals, I'm not sure if this is possible in one line (i.e., without writing a script), but I want to run an ls | grep command and then for each result, pipe it to another command. To be specific, I've got a directory full of images and I only want to view certain ones. I can filter the images I'm interested in with ls | gr...

bash execute a shell function after a change directory (cd)

Trying to find a way to execute a function within BASH after changing into a directory. for example, # cd code/project/blah "Your latest modified files are blah.hpp" (~/code/project/blah) # _ With the above I'm hoping to be able to wrap other functionality around the bash command. Was hoping to find something along t...

Cron error with using backquotes

The following works fine from command line /usr/bin/mysqldump -uUser -pPass Db_name > /var/www/db_backup/db.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`.sql but when I try to do that in cron, I get the error: bad ` sign errors in crontab file, can't install I saw someone else on the net solve the same problem by escaping the percent signs, but that didn't...

shell scripting default value

I am trying to learn shell scripting and I am kind of confused with the idea of := or default value #!/bin/sh echo "Please enter a number \c" read input input=$((input % 2)) if [ $input -eq 0 ] then echo "Th...

Sorting a comma separated list of values

What's the easiest way to sort a comma separated list of values in Mac OS X: Input: "a, b, aaa, bc" Output: "a, aaa, b, bc" I'd like to do this from the terminal so that I can pipe the output to another command. ...

Enable/Disable Fn keys from the command line on the Mac

I hardly ever use the function keys on my macbook pro. I mostly just use them for volume, brightness, etc. Now that I've started playing Starcraft 2 a bunch, I want to use them without having to press the fn key down. I want to write a little shell script that will flip the "Use all F1, F2, etc keys as standard function keys" check box...

multiple commands are not working in git post-receive

I'm using git with trac. After push I want two thing to be done: Sending email to development team with diff If there is some special phrase in commit message (like "see #1"), then I want the commit message to be placed in trac ticket. The first thing is solved by git-commit-notifier. It works perfectly after I have created post-rece...

Is it possible to make a bash shell script interact with another command line program?

I am using a interactive command line program in a Linux terminal running the bash shell. I have a definite sequence of command that I input to the shell program. The program writes its output to standard output. One of these commands is a 'save' command, that writes the output of the previous command that was run, to a file to disk. A...