
Silverlight3 bind checkbox list to a datagrid

I have a enum, like public enum TestType { Red = 1, Blue = 2, Green = 3, Black = 4 } I want to attach those values to a datagrid as checkboxes in silverlight 3. (I would like to bind to a listview, but its not exists in silverlight) Manage to get the enums to a ObservableCollection, any help to b...

Load SIlverlight 4 components in Google Chrome

Hi All, Is it possible to load silverlight components in Google Chrome if possible can any one tell what are the changes needs to be made in the existing component. I am using Silverlight 4 ...

What are most beautiful Silverlight charts?

We need most handsome Silverlight controls now. It is very important for us to have sexy animated charts. Please, advise. Here is one we found. EDIT: Sorry being lazy while creating this question. Please do not close it. To be more clear I'll list all our needs. We need speedometer-like chart, World-map chart, bar-chart, line-chart. ...

Setting the IndependentRangeAxis in XAML for chart with multiple series and two Y axis

In my chart I have defined three axes, one X and two Y. <Axis x:Name="PercentageAxis" Orientation="Y" [...] /> <Axis x:Name="NormalAxis" Orientation="Y"[...] /> <Axis [...] /> And several series. <LineSeries .... /> <LineSeries .... /> <LineSeries .... /> <LineSeries .... /> I would like to be able to assign a series to a specific...

How do you best make complicated, resizable graphics in Silverlight?

In WPF, it is very easy to make resizable graphics/artwork. You simply create a DrawingBrush and use it as the fill for a Rectangle or a Shape. Or, you can simply use a VisualBrush that refers to Canvas with Shapes/Paths on it. In Silverlight, though, there isn't a DrawingBrush and there isn't a VisualBrush. So, how does one best create...

SL3 TreeView Not Programmatically Scrolling

I have a treeview in Silverlight 3. The treeview is bound to a observable collection - which contains a list of hierarchical data. When the page loads initially, all nodes, by default, in the treeview, are collapsed. I have functionality that allows a certain item in the treeview to be selected programmatically. The problem that I am...

AutoMapper - Mapping objects in a class library to objects in a silverlight class library

Hey all, I am trying to use automapper to map a list of objects in a class library to a list of objects in a silverlight class library. I am getting a security exception as AutoMapper is trying to reflect over the silverlight class library. Does anyone know of a way around this? Thanks. ...

Silverlight 3 and RIA Services and MySQL and Connector 6.22

I building a sl + ria application. I can add a model on project but when I add a dataservices class the tables from model(EF) does not show. ...

Silverlight 3 Business application : How to pass query string from Mainpage to About Page?

Main page consists of a listbox, frame and few hyperlinks. On clicking hyperlink, appropriate page is loaded in the frame. How can I pass the selected item value of the listbox on Main page to page being loaded(ex: About page) through query string in silverlight 3? Any pointers will be highly appreciated. ...

Sketchup (.skp) in flash or silverlight C#

Hey, Can anyone point me in the right direction when it comes to parsing a skp and displaying a 3d model on a website through silverlight or flash ...

Access variables

I have a session variable that I want to access in a Silverlight 3 application. How can I do it in the best recommended way? ...

Silverlight mime-type(s)

I have stumbled across the following issue: Using IIS6, I was trying to run sample Silverlight app. However, I experienced some problems with the mime-types. More specifically, I failed miserably when tried to use the application/x-silverlight-2 type for my Object tag. No content was displayed at all. When I changed the type to applica...

Savefiledialog from a callback on a server

Hi, We have a button that fires a command which goes to the server to do some validation. This is done asynchronously and if the validation is okay (i.e. the user has the correct permission), I want to show the SaveFileDialog. However, this is not a user initiated action which means calling the SaveFileDialog.ShowDialog() method raise...

RIA Custom Authentication via Oracle DataBase in C#

Hi. I'm new to Silverlight and I need to develop some tiny web app with it. My requirements: User always need to be authenticated; Unauthenticated users cannot see any page. Authentication data is located in Oracle DataBase. That's all =) But I can't do it =( Because I've tried RIA and can't change it to Oracle. Thanx very much fo...

Bound Property Setter not getting Called

I have a problem with the following scenario (code cut for brevity). Basically the Setter of my User Control Property isn't being called when the dependency property is set and I need to get around this. I have the following code in my View.xaml <Filter:Filter x:Name="ProductFilter" PrimaryItemSource="{Binding CarrierProducts}" /> ...

Silverlight Issue with Firefox 3.6?

Recently I updated my firefox to 3.6 and the silver light app on my web app has weird behavior. No button click happens in the silverlight app, it just gives it the focus and if we 'TAB' around, we can get the click working. But this is not like the previous behavior in FF 3.5.7. Very inconvenient for the unsuspecting users. This woul...

Defining an extension method for Enum in Silverlight

Silverlight is missing the GetValues for enums, so i thought i would write an extension method to cover my needs in my project. Only thing is, Im not sure what the signature of the extension method should look like. Im thinking something along the lines of: public static IEnumerable<Enum> GetValues(this Enum e) But its not showing u...

Set DataContext of a textbox to the current class in silverlight

Hi, i have a textbox in a UserControl, i created a property in the UserControl, i want to bind the textbox text property to the property created in the usercontrol. The problem is that i dont know how to especify the datacontext to the current class in XAML. Any idea?? thanks ...

Create Properties or DependencyProperties that have Code Completion in XAML

Hi, I am trying to create DependencyProperties that have a nice drop down code completion when using them in the XAML-editor in Visual Studio. Many default SilverLight framework properties have such completion, e.g., Background or BorderBrush. Also, Boolean Properties show the True/False selection in the XAML-editor. The same holds true...

Is there a way to remove the titlebar for Silverlight out-of-browser apps

I assume the window is owned by the is there a way to remove its titlebar? ...