
Create a slanted-tab header in Silverlight

Hi, I wanted to create a slanted tab header using the tabitem control in the silverlight toolkit. I want it to look like the image below but i'm not sure how to accomplish this. Any help and direction would be gladly appreciated Thanks, Keith ...

Adobe AIR Equivalent in Silverlight?

Is it possible to create standalone, desktop Silverlight 4 apps similar to what you can do in Adobe AIR? ...

Silverlight ListBox Drag and Drop issue when "ItemsTemplate" provided

Hi, when i use controlToolkit:LisBoxDragDropTarget with ListBox i am able to do drag and drop... but if i provide ItemsTemplate to ListBox then "drop" is not working... Xaml which is working <controlsToolkit:ListBoxDragDropTarget x:Name="lstddPSGroups1" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1" AllowDrop="true" HorizontalContentAlignment="Str...

Silverlight Listbox design- change backgroundcolor of alternate row

Hello ppl, how to change listbox to set background color of alternate row diff... e.g. Listbox having 6 rows 1st,3rd,5th row having "blue" background and 2nd, 4th, 6th row having "white" background. ...

How to customize CollectionEditor in PropertyGrid to List<String>

I have a PropertyGrid from component one , but unfortunately the support center of that is very poor. i use PropertyGrid of C1 in silver-light and set a ComboBox to SelectedObject Properties. when i want modify Items Property, the CollectionEditor show a ChildWindow that just i can add system.object while i want to add simple string. ...

Prevent Silverlight from scaling line width

When using the ScaleTransform class, Silverlight also scale the thickness of the strokes on the shapes that I display. But what if I don't want this behaviour? Is it possible to disable the scaling of strokes, or will I have to iterate over every shape object and set the reciprocal thickness? ...

Expression Blend 4 - AutoCompleteBox not available for WPF application

It looks like there is an AutoComplete box in Expression Blend 4, but it looks like it doesn't let you use it on a regular WPF application. Can this be true? Is it only available for Silverlight applictions? If so, is there one I can use in a WPF application written for .Net 4? ...

C#: passing parameters to callbacks

I have a fairly generic class (Record) that I have added a callback handler to, so I can do something like the following. record.Save(AfterSaveMethod); Which also returns the identity number of the record created. The issue I have now is that I have this nested save routine in a loop, and I need to use/pass the i variable! for (int ...

How to Assign a Playlist Item to Expression media Player?

Hi, I am able to aassign a playlist to MediaPlayer like follwoing: myMediaElement.Playlist = playList; Where playList is the collection of PlaylistItem. But here my question is how can we assign just a playListItem to myMediaElement. For Example: myMediaElement.Playlist = playList.Items[0]; I don not want to used myMediaElement.Go...

Using DirectShow API from Silverlight

We would like to leverage the codec capabilities of DirectShow from Silverlight. Is this possible? ...

Copy local and system dlls' - what is the point?

Visual studio by default copies all dlls' to each project's bin folder. This also includes system dlls' (with the exception of mscorlib.dll and System.dll), such as System.Xml.Linq, System.ComponentModel.Composition (included since SL4) etc. Since these files are included in each XAP, XAP sizes grow considerably. In my limited testing, ...

Silverlight 4 datagrid and Selecting All Checkboxes when select the Group Header CheckBox

Hi, I have a datagrid with Grouping ON and whose first col is a Checkbox. I'm looking to have the CheckBox on the Group Level so that the User click one checkbox and it automatically select all the checkboxes under that groud and vicevera. I also have a Print button which when pressed should have arary of all the rows with CheckBox chec...

Windows Phone 7 API + SSL

Hi, I'm trying to connect to an API, which is hosted on an SSL connection. This is the crossdomain: <?xml version="1.0"?> <cross-domain-policy> <allow-access-from domain="*" secure="true" /> </cross-domain-policy> That's all there is. Now I try to connect, but I always get a security exception (no more info given). Now the pro...

Silverlight is not fetching data from my WCF RIA service

I just started learning Silverlight by walking through the labs posted on Channel9. When I tried to explore a little bit I found that my queries were not working as I thought they would. To recreate what I have done you would need to create a new Silverlight Business application, create a data entity that is pointed to the Adventurewor...

Silverlight 4 Problem with Out of Browser sllauncher.exe - no paramaters in shortcut

My OOB app was working fine. I stupidly renamed all my namespaces and my project names/filenames. (Eventually) I got it all working again but my OOB shortcut stopped working. I removed and reinstalled it but it will not load and throws an error (see below). It creates the shortcut on my desktop, but if you look at the Target of the sho...

List of silverlight limitations / restrictions

I have seen and heard of various Silverlight restrictions, e.g. file I/O restrictions, some reflection limitations, restrictions on which languages can be used, printing, resolution, etc. Could you please compile a list of all major silverlight limitations, as compared to a full-blown .NET application? This is for the latest version (4....

Passing generic type of webmethod

im passing a array of KeyValuePair<string,string>[] how ever when it get to my sliverlight client it turns into {web service name}.KeyValuePairOfStringString and i cant get the values from it. any one got any ideas how i can access the key and value propties? ...

Unique list of items using LINQ

I've been using LINQ for a while now, but seem to be stuck on something with regards to Unique items, I have the folling list: List<Stock> stock = new List<Stock>(); This has the following Properties: string ID , string Type, string Description, example: public class Stock { public string ID { get; set; } public string Type {...

Is accessible from a Silverlight app?'s crossdomain.xml file is as follows: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM ""&gt; <cross-domain-policy> <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="by-content-type" /> </cross-domain-policy> Can you confirm that this effectiv...

Looking for WPF/Silverlight 'device ring' example

I'm looking for an example of a 'device ring', somewhat like the one used in Live Mesh (anything in a ring will do) in XAML (WPF/Silverlight). Preferably with demo code or open-source so I can have a look at how things work under the cover. Other animations, like resizing of the elements if they move around the ring, are a nice extra, bu...