
Silverlight 4, RIA Services Multi-step Server Side Validation

Newbie question, I have a simple Silverlight 4 client. I'm creating some methods on the server side to handle new user creation / validation. Before I create the user, I'd like to validate a number of things. Does the user name already exist? Is the email address valid? Does the password pass strictness checking? Etc, etc. I'm not ...

User control default rendering in Silverlight

I'm continuing to learn Silverlight and dependency properties by recreating controls. In this case, it's a scrollbar. My scrollbar works, which is amazing, but with one problem. I have the slider width based on the LargeChange value and control width. The properties themselves correctly reflect the default values, but the slider widt...

Silverlight 4 DataTemplate DataType

Silverlight 4 is out and it seems we've missed the DataTemplate DataType functionality in this release again, which is pretty pivotal for MVVM support IMHO. For my WPF apps, at this point, I'm pretty used to globally adding DataTemplates for my Views to my Application.Resources with DataTypes for my corresponding ViewModels: ie. <DataT...

SL4 datagrid with datapager and gridsplitter

Hi All, I have a grid with two Rows and a GridSplitter. In the first Row I have a StackPanel which has the DataPager and DataGrid in it. In the second Row I have the Expander Control vertically bottom aligned and Expand Direction Upward. The idea that the DataGrid will occupy all the space (vertically stretch) of both Rows but when th...

How to dynamically bind parent element

I'm dynamically creating multiple expandable panel in silverlight. Every panel contains textbox. I need to bind this textbox to parent expandable panel header property. How to do it dynamically? ...

IsolatedStorage createFile not working

Hi, I am getting FileNotFoundException when I make the following call: IsolatedStorageFileStream rootFile = store.CreateFile("abc.txt"); However, if I have a textbox on my page and do: IsolatedStorageFileStream rootFile = store.CreateFile(textBox1.Text) then this works. I am using Silverlight 3. Any ideas why I get the error? JD...

How do I draw animated lines in Silverlight?

Okay, so I'm using Expression Blend 4 and learning SL, and am pretty overwhelmed with it all. I'm working on a simple project to animate an aircraft holding pattern. I want to show things on the screen in a specific order: Draw a holding point (the station) Draw the aircraft's position Animate an arrow starting at the aircraft's posi...

Silverlight XAML databinding to a field

Hi, in the following code, <riaControls:DomainDataSource AutoLoad="False" d:DesignData="{d:DesignInstance my:V_FinanceCalculatorDefaultValues, CreateList=true}" Height="0" LoadedData="v_FinanceCalculatorDefaultValuesDomainDataSource_LoadedData" Name="v_FinanceCalculatorDefaultValuesDomainDataSource" QueryName="GetV_FinanceCalculatorDe...

Where should WCF / WebSerices reside in a Silverlight application?

I'm looking for best practices on where to host associated Webservices/WCF Services for Silverlight applications. One approach I see quite often is to host these services in the same web application project that is used to host the silverlight application. This seems convenient because it unions the two pieces together. However, with ...

What is the point of using Storyboard as timer?

I've seen some examples of code where StoryBoard is used as Timer, such as: void Update() { if (_sb == null) { _sb = new Storyboard(); _sb.Completed += _sb_Completed; _sb.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); } if (_sb_completed) { _s...

Silverlight control goes black in FF during fullscreen (SL 4, Firefox 3.6, multiple monitors)

If I click to make my Silverlight object fullscreen in Firefox 3.6 it works successfully, but then if I select a different window (I'm running two monitors so can do this) then a new window appears in my Windows taskbar titled 'Microsoft Silverlight' which is where my fullscreen Silverlight application now lives. So it's moved out of Fir...

Ria Services: Synchronous DomainDataSource.SubmitChanges()

Hey guys I'm trying to upload images (byte arrays) from the client to a database - this works like a charm. The thing is, I'd like to show the progress of this operation to the user, but the DomainDataSource object doesn't provide any sort of progress-event. If I call SubmitChanges for each entity it somehow starts to overlap and thin...

DataGrid and GridSplitter in Silverlight 4

Hi All, I have a grid with tow rows splitting with the gridsplitter. In first row I'm showing the datagrid with datapager and its Vertical Alignment is set to stretch. In the second row I'm displaying the DataForm as Child in the Expander Control. What I want is to occupy all space(vertically) by DataGrid when there is No Expander (Data...

Is there a way to re-use Styles for Shapes in Silverlight 4?

I'm trying to create a resource Style for a Path (Shape), however, when creating several Paths that use the Style, only the first one is rendered. //In resources xaml <clr:String x:Key="path">M 50,50 L 35,15 A 8,10 0 0 1 65,15z</clr:String> <Style TargetType="Path" x:Key="pathStyle"> <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Black"> </Style...

What is the DataContext of a DependencyObject in Silverlight4?

I have read that SL4 introduces the ability to data bind properties on objects that derive from DependencyObjects, where previously data-binding only worked on FrameworkElements or FrameworkContentElements. However, I am not clear on how the binding source is determined when binding properties of DependencyObjects. In the case of Frame...

Silverlight 4 OOB blank screen

Hi all, I have a working web application which I want to use as OOB; However, when I install it, all I get is a blank screen and nothing more... I also tried without any javascript or HtmlPage.Methods invokes, but still the same Please help ...

ASP.NET MVC vs Silverlight for an internal application

Hi, I'm in the early planning stages of an internal application and I'm considering ASP.NET MVC and Silverlight 4 as my possible platforms. The Environment We're a Microsoft shop and we're in the process of migrating desktops to Win7 (from XP) and servers to W2k8, I'll be able to get Silverlight 4 installed as part of our baseline Win...

media element playback a portion and wait

How can I set my MediaElement (Silverlight) to play an audio file when it has some data (for example 10 % of the streamed file) ? I want to start playback immediately after a little portion has buffered, then, if the application had no data, just pause the playback and wait. Is this possible? Thanks in advance, Regards ...

How to have more than one silverlight application in an ASP MVC project?

I have an ASP MVC application which uses some silverlight applications in the View. By now, I hava a map, that, when a State is clicked, redirects to the related page. Now, I need a silverlight application in which state, with the state map and the location of the harbors on this state (you chose a state in the first map, than you get re...

Good architecture for consuming a REST web service in an MVVM app for Windows Phone 7?

I'm having a bit of trouble deciding on the best way to get the data from the web service to the UI. Given the asynchronous nature of WebClient how would you build this? Model uses WebClient to talk to webservice ViewModel asks model for data View is databound to ViewModel On the Async complete event I need to get that data back out...