
ListBox.ItemTemplate with a custom control template inside DataTemplate

Hello. I'm developing a Windows Phone application. I have defined a ListBox.ItemTemplate's DataTemplate as follows: <ListBox Margin="10,10,8,8" x:Name="ChoicesList"> <ListBox.ItemsPanel> <ItemsPanelTemplate> <StackPanel /> </ItemsPanelTemplate> </ListBox.ItemsPanel> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <G...

Object Reference not set to an instance of an object on MouseMove

Hello- I'm using Silverlight 3.0 with ArcGIS Server and when my application is loading if I hover my mouse over the map control I get an "Object not set to an instance of an object" on the MyMap_MouseMove function which is supposed to return X,Y coordinates to a label. That makes sense because my map hasn't fully loaded and I'm asking ...

Silverlight WebClient Accept header being overwritten in Firefox 3

I've got a Silverlight app that talks to a REST web service using the WebClient class. It runs fine in IE 8 and Chrome 5, but the web service call fails in Firefox 3. I've narrowed down the problem: Firefox 3 is changing the Accept header of my HTTP request. here's my simplified code: // Use the ClientHttp stack. WebRequest.RegisterPr...

accessing a visual element in code

I would like to do the equivalent of the following xaml in code, but I don't know how to grab that text block element: <local:DayOfTheWeekColumn ... <local:DayOfTheWeekColumn.Header> <TextBlock Text="{Binding ...}, ToolTip="{Binding ...} /> </local:DayOfThe...

XAML button question?

I have this for a hyperlinkbutton: <HyperlinkButton x:Name="Home" NavigateUri="/Home" TargetName="ContentFrame" Content="Home" Style="{StaticResource HyperlinkButtonStyle1}"> Trying to accomplish the same using <Button>, any ideas? ...

How to dynamically set the server name of wcf service in silverlight

I need to deploy a silverlight 4 soltution where it consumes data from a WCF service. The challenge is this will be a production install and so I have no way of controlling the server name of the service and the silver light app will not be installed on the same server as the WCF. Starting down this path here is what I have come up wit...

What makes Silverlight an engaging and compelling technology?

There seems to be increasing demand for Silverlight skills, but out of the many new technologies that Microsoft has punted, I've never felt as if it was the next big thing! Am I wrong? Should I be gaining those skills? There's obviously a well-established competitor in Flash, and there's a host of other Rich Internet toolkits out there,...

Run a silverlight unit test inside of nunit-console.exe

What is the best way to do this? I want to get this working with nCover. ...

Bind Silverlight's DataGridRow.IsEnabled to property on data bound object?

I need to disable a row in a Silverlight datagrid when that row is being refreshed from the database. This 'pseudo code' of course doesn't work, but I can't find a way in Silverlight 4 to do this. With WPF there's triggers but I can't use those in Silverlight. If I just wanted to set the background that is easy with an IValueConverter ...

Expression Blend 4 and VS 2008 SP1

Good Day everyone!! One question.. or two.. Is it possible to use Expression Blend 4 and Visual Studio 2008??? if it is... how?? I did this: Install VS2008 Install Expression 4 Install VS2008 SP1 Install Silverlight 3 Tools Remove Silverlight 4 registry key Install Silverlight 3 Developer (Silverlight_Developer.exe, to enable Silver...

Get the Windows Phone 7 Application Title from Code

I want to access the Title value that is stored in the WMAppManifest.xml file from my ViewModel code. This is the same application title that is set through the project properties. Is there a way to access this from code using something like App.Current? ...

How do I change the timeout constraint when calling a WebService from a Silverlight 4.0 app?

How do I change the timeout constraint when calling a WebService from a Silverlight 4.0 app? It doesn't have a Timeout property attached to it like it seems to have had before. Edit: Anyone? ...

ListBox Disabled state in Silverlight 4

So I'm styling a ListBox and I've got to the part where I need to do a greyed out style when the ListBox is disabled. However when I look a the states tab in Blend, there's only Validation States present - no sign of the usual Common States which include the Disabled state. I tried creating a vanilla project with no custom styles and ju...

how to read config from xml in silverlight?

Hi I use Silverlight 3 and .net 3.5 I have a config file in xml which is the the following format <applicationlist> <application> <el1>test1</el1> <el2>http://localhost/1&lt;/el2&gt; <el3>http://localhost/2&lt;/el3&gt; <el4>http://localhost/3&lt;/el4&gt; </application> </applicationlist> I want to store this config fi...

Silverlight membership authentication is messed up by upgrading sql express to sql standard.

I have messed up my membership authentication in SL4 Business applications by upgrading my development computer from sqlexpress to sql-standard. Here's how I did it: Installed win 7/64 bit, installed VS2010, installed Ria services on a new development computer. Upgraded SQL express to SQL standard (I invited problems by doing...

Google Adsense equivalent for a long-running Flash/Silverlight apps

I'm looking for Google Adsense alternatives for a long-running Flash/Silverlight applications. It doesn't necessarily need to be hosted directly in Flash/Silverlight (although this would be sweet) but I cannot use Google Adsense because: a) by default Google Adsense requires ads to be opened in the same browser window which involves nav...

Bindings in two diferent Datatemplates for the same control

Hi, I'm doing a generic controller, right now is one button from telerik with two direferents datatemplates. Each dataTemplate has an specific key to id and in code-behind i change between them. My problem is i cannot do the binding to my properties. For example: My Xaml looks like: <telerik:RadButton x:Class="Itim.Framework.Silv...

Silverlight open file from server

I have task to give in my application possibility to open document that is located on server, but I dont know at all how to implement this. Please give the main idea how can i do this? ...

Is passing DependencyProperty which gets updated to a ViewModel a good practice?

Hi, I have a custom user control, and it has a dependency property. That custom user control is kind of complicated so I decided to make a view model for it, but I haven't implemented it yet. I'm thinking of making the view model having some properties which are bound to the custom user control. Here is my code sample, -UserControl....

Using PagedCollectionView for four ListBoxes which support drag and drop = Index Errors when a filter is applied

Hi, I'm using Silverlight 3 and I have a dropdown menu which is used to filter four listboxes. These listboxes are individually wrapped within a ListBoxDragDropTarget (from the silverlight toolkit). The idea being that a user can see all available items or filter their view (all four listboxes) by a specific category. One listbox sho...