
How to position popup in click event with silverlight 4?

I try to use link button click event to create a popup with some data list.but the default position of popup is top-left of the whole browser window. It seems different control need different way to position popup. like Image control with LeftButtondown/up event would be different from click event for button/link button. How to set the...

silverlight RIA deploy not working on windows azure due to the fact internal role instances are on port 20000.

I have a Silverlight/RIA application that worked fine locally and on my IIS 7 server. Now that I've moved it to Azure, I'm getting EndpointNotFoundExceptions. Can you provide me with any help to try to figure out why this is happening? [EndpointNotFoundException]: There was no channel actively listening at 'http://rd00155d3a15d6:2...

silverlight use Expander Toggle template on Toggle control

Hi, I like the look of the toggle button on the Expander control, when using a theme. How could I apply this to a normal Toggle button? Many Thanks Paul ...

WP7: Save a contact with predefined details

I am doing a Windows Phone 7 project, and is retrieving personal details for a person based on his phone number via a webservice. I'd like to allow the user to save this data as a contact; Ideally I would like to show the Edit Contact dialog with all the fields pre-filled based on the data I retrieve. I know I can do this: var...

How to disable a button which has Command property in Silverlight 4

Hi i have a button which has a Command property . However , i want that button to be disable (user can't click on it) until another button has been clicked. For example, user can only click on the Save button after the New button has been clicked So i do the following <telerik:RadButton Content="Save" Height="22" HorizontalAlignment="R...

silverlight database access problem

For training purposes I created a simple silverlight 4 application which uses ADO.NET Entity Data Model and a Domain Service Class to connect to an SQL Express database to query it. The database is fully accesible in the dev mode if I run the application from the Visual Studio 2010 but after deploying it on a server the database connect...

SharePoint 2010 Reporting Services Integrated-mode Error

I am running SharePoint 2010 and Reporting Services 2008 R2 SharePoint integrated-mode. I am able to browse to the reportserver site : http://DBserver/reportserver which lists my site collections and I am able to get to the document library which holds my reports. However, when I try opening a report I get the following error: Report Se...

RIA using Flash or Silverlight vs JS framework

In creating a RIA, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? ...

Content control contents sizing to fill in Silverlight 4

I have a style for a ContentControl which I want to use in places where I currently have a Border. When I use this, the child controls will not stretch to fill and only take a small amount of space. I've tried applying HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" to everything, but it doesn't work. What's wrong? <Style x:Key="GradientPanel" TargetType...

What is the difference bettwen GoToPlaylistItem and GoToPlaylistItemOnNextTick

Unable to understand the difference bettwen GoToPlaylistItem and GoToPlaylistItemOnNextTick, though GoToPlaylistItemOnNextTick clicked on scenarios where GoToPlaylistItem din't work. If you wonder if there are any differences, Have a look at this Post for a problem solved by using GoToPlaylistItemOnNextTick while it was throwing null...

Porting Silverlight DataGridFrozenGrid to WPF

Okay. I want to transfer a number of templates from an Expression Blend Silverlight application to a WPF one. All was going well until I came across DataFridFrozenGrid which is a Silverlight specific control. See here for more information. The description is that it is a non-scrollable DataGrid. Has anyone any experience of porting th...

WCF Published service in IIS not working

Hi My dev environment is Windows 7 and IIS 7. i develop a silverlight 4 app that used Silverlight-Enabled WCF service. It is working true in IDE (Visual Studio 2010) but after published it in my IIS 7, service not working true. clientconfig is true beacause the published service browse is working true. WCF Service don't fail and does n...

Silverlight DataGrid - Validating New Rows When Have Not Edited Individual Cell

I have a silverlight datagrid. Validation works very well using DataAnnotations. However if I add a new row to the grid I don't get validation kicking in until I actuall try and edit cells. Is there no way to force the grid to validate when a cell has not been clicked on? ...

Blend - PropertyChanges are not getting updated

I have a custom control in Silverlight, the change of property via property window is not getting updated until I build the application once again. What could be the problem? Say for example. I have a control called Shapes. If I select type of the shape as "Octane" it should show a sample octane in blend design-time surface. But, in m...

Use a LinearGradientBrush in another LinearGradientBrush?

Hi, I'm trying to use one LinearGradientBrush in the Definition of another LinearGradientBrush. But I've no idea weather this would even work, and if it works, I need to know how. For Example: <LinearGradientBrush x:Key="ComboBoxFocusBackgroundBrush" EndPoint="0.5,1" StartPoint="0.5,0"> <GradientStop Color="#FFFDEEB3" Off...

silverlight drag image

Hi, I have a custom control and and want to be able to drag the images from the control onto another control on the page. I have mastered the drag but I cant drag the image outside the custom control. This is the code im using within the custom control bool isMouseCaptured; double mouseVerticalPosition; double mouseHor...

Where's the best place to store a commonly-used variable?

What are the best way to store variables in a silverlight application? Need to transfer store a customer ID throught the application but im not sure what is the best way ...

Two-way databinding to POCO without INotifyPropertyChanged

How does two-way databinding work in Silverlight when the data source object's properties don't raise PropertyChanged events in their setters? For example, in code samples, I've seen databinding to instances of the System.Windows.Point struct, which does not implement INotifyPropertyChanged and is mutable. What happens (or should happen...

How to disable silverlight (when creating sites) in SharePoint 2010?

I have a custom site template in SharePoint 2010. It works well when there's no silverlight installed on machine. When there's silverlight on machine, after fill in the information for creating a sharepoint site and click ok it gives error without any explanation. Since there will be many editors I can't ask them to uninstall silverligh...

silverlight receive INotifyPropertyChanged in non UI class hook

Hi, I've a class that raises INotifyPropertyChanged events. I'm quite happy with databinding to UI controls, but I'd like to get these events fired into a non-UI class, but am unsure of what to register or hook into. I know it should be simple, and it probably is, I'm just after a quick pointer down this road. Many Thanks Paul ...