
Project Types in SilverLight VS2010

HI ALL, Can anyone explain in brief, What are all the various Project Types in SilverLight VS2010 Thanks Kishh ...

Silverlight: App.Current.Resources is empty

What I have doen has been based on this article: I am trying to get a string from a merged dictionary that is loaded in app.xaml. I am trying to do this from a class that is not a code behind file. I know that the resource file can load in principle because page elements are being st...

MVVM Light - using ViewModelLocator - properties hit multiple times

Hi, I'm making use of the MVVM Light ViewModelLocator. I have a class called GlobalViewModelLocator which is hooked up in the resources in the App.Xaml. This class has a static property called Main which returns an instance of the MainViewModel. Then in the MainView.Xaml, I set the datacontext of the usercontrol to bind to the path of ...

Binding property inside nested class in Silverlight

Is it possible to bind property of the nested class in Silverlight? I have code that looks like this: public class A { public class B { public String Prop1 { get; set; } } } I want to assign a key for class B in xaml but I don't know how to do it. I tried something like this, <controls:ChildWindow.Resources> <loc...

Authentication Webservice in Silverlight 4

I'm newbie to webservices.. I have a Silverlight 4 application, with a login page created be me. I have created a webservice: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Services; using System.Web.Security; namespace MagNET.Web.WebServices { /// <summary> /// Summary des...

Silverlight: Give focus to a parent ListBox item when clicking a child button

I have the following XAML code, having removed the styling and formatting tags: <ListBox Name="ManageImageList"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel> <Image Name="ManageImageThumbnail" Source="{Binding ImageName}" /> <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" > ...

Do I need VS 2010 professional or is Express version enough?

Possible Duplicate: Developing Silverlight in Visual Studio Express? I would like to learn to develop Silverlight applications. But I am not sure what software I need. I got Expression Studio 4 Ultimate, I also know I will need Visual Studio. But which version. Is Express version enough for Silverlight apps or do I need Profe...

Why is the use of Triggers discouraged in Silverlight 4?

The MSDN documentation for Silverlight now states in several places: The entire Triggers syntax is a discouraged technique in Silverlight 4. [1, 2] Expression Blend seems to happily support and encourage their use, though, and there are plenty of blog posts extolling the use of Triggers and Actions without any caveats. What is th...

Silverlight/XAML Design Question - Horizontal Alignment (Docking?)

I have a question regarding what XAML to use to achieve my design. I currently have an Image area on the screen, the width can vary. Above the image, I have two toolbars, each with numerous buttons. One of them I want to float/dock to the left edge of the image, and the other one I want to float/dock to the right edge. Of course, as ...

Performance problem with multiple ItemsControl inside a ScrollViewer

I need a single scrollable surface that contains two bound lists. At first, I used a ScrollViewer with two ListBox inside, each having their scrolling disabled, so I could still have item selection. Seeing the poor loading time performance, I changed my ListBoxes to ItemsControl, but the performance is still terrible. In total, my two li...

Silverlight MVVM Combobox Binding getting broken

I have a combo box defined as such <ComboBox Name="RoomDropDown" Visibility="{Binding Path=RoomDropDownVisible,Mode=OneWay,Converter={StaticResource BoolVisibilityConvertor}}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=RoomList,Mode=OneWay}" DisplayMemberPath="display" SelectedValuePath="display" SelectedValue="{Binding Path=R...

Large Prism/Silverlight application - multiple modules talking to single data service

I am developing the framework for what will be a large data-driven Silverlight application using Prism. I am creating multiple modules for different pieces of the application, but all modules need to access data from the same REST webservice. So my initial plan was to create a separate module for the data retrieval and use EventAggregato...

How to get app version in Windows Phone?

In C# one can use System.Version.Assembly to get the version of a running app. However this doesn't appear to exist in Silverlight for Windows Phone. Is there an alternative? ...

Silverlight 4 OOB running against local SQL Express Instance

Right now I have a Winform app with a SQL Server back end. The DAL is comprised of Linq to SQL. One of the complexities of this app is it's need to function offline. I have accomplished this by using Merge Replication to keep there local SQL Express instances in sync with a central SQL Server. I have some logic that detects there c...

how to wrap the Ienumerable into something that can make the Gridview have Insert/Delete row function

Hi, right now i try to implement the Inheritance property of the Entity Framework. I have two table in the database : DocumentLine and DocumentLineBudget. in EF designer, I will make the DocumentLine as a base class. The DocumentLineBudget as a derived class from the DocumentLine. Because of the Inheritance, there will have no availabil...

Is the Prism dll's for Silverlight and Desktop the same set of dll's?

Are the prism dll's the same for both platforms? If so, im assuming them to be Silverlight assemblies since Silverlight (the last i checked) can not reference non-silverlight assemblies. ...

WCF RIA Services link dropdownlist not present in project properties (Visual Studio 2010)

I committed a project to VSTF and then pulled it down locally on another machine. It works fine on my dev box, but on the other machine, the WCF RIA Service link appears to be gone and there is no option to re-add it in the project properties. See image for clarification: What's missing on the other machine? ...

Zordering with custom items in a listbox - Silverlight.

I'm cooking up a custom button. This screenshot will be helpful. There's no problem with the button as seen in the image because the badge is hanging off to the left. But if I want the badge to hang off the right then the next item in the listbox will obscure the parts of the badge that go beyond the bounds of it's container (the width o...

Silverlight tabcontrol with external Page as content

I am new to silverlight. I'm trying to convert a jquery tabcontrol page to a SL 4. on my previous page each tab was containing an iframe with its URL to an external page. Let's say, the first one is, the second one is etc.How can i make in SL. ...

RIA Authentication from a Web Services project

Hi All, I have a silverlight app using RIA services. I want to reuse the RIA services component and call it from another web service. The web service and the RIA services component will be on the same server. I have got quite far along, my web service project has a 'service reference' to the RIA services project which is all good. But ...