
Getting the index of multiple selected items in a listbox using Silverlight

Hello Stack Overflow, I have a ListBox which is made up of Grid Items in Multiple SelectionMode in Silverlight 3.0. When I use ListBox.SelectedIndex it only returns the first item which is selected. I would like to be able see all of the selected items such that it would return all of the selected item indexes' such as; 2, 5, and 7, e...

How do you change the Silverlight loading screen's background?

I'm trying to avoid the default Silverlight loading screen displaying before my applet and was trying to show a blank coloured background, the same colour as my applet's. The aim is to avoid the jarring white and make it look like it's all part of one app drawing. I've discovered SplashScreenSource but I'm not sure how to hook that up ...

Recording Screen Interactions using UI Automation for Silverlight controls.

Hi, I am trying to use UI Automation to record screen interactions in my Silverlight app. I have the Automation Peers for my control setup but am not able to figure out how to track these controls. For my WPF app I would get hold of AutomationElement.RootElement and then navigate down to my App and setup Automation event Handlers on th...

XNA Game in ASP.Net web site.

Hi all, I was wondering, though I have got quite a few articles in this regard and all of them are for previous versions of XNA or not what I need, is it possible to embed an xna game in a website??? Means like there are several websites (game portals) having several games of may b flash or java. But is it possible to embed your...

Silverlight Http Post to upload images

I have been trying to perform an HTTP Post request to upload an image in a silverlight application for a windows phone 7 application. The sample codes online do not get me the desired response from the API. Could anyone please provide a working code which does this? By desired response I mean that the API responds saying that the upload...

How to create template for Silverlight 3 custom DataGrid RowHeaderGroup?

Hi All, Thanks for reading my question! I have a problem with customizing a DataGrid RowGroupHeader, the situation is: I need a way of taking control over a DataGrid RowGroupHeader as I want to display some databound values in it. The values will be generated at runtime so the RowGroupHeaderStyle needs to be generated and added to DataGr...

Capturing trace/debug information from a Silverlight OOB app running on a Mac

I'm having a problem with a trusted Silverlight 4 OOB app when it runs on a Mac. In order to debug I'd really like to be able to capture the debug/trace information output by the app. (The problem is in in code running in a background thread so outputting debug information to the screen isn't practical and risks creating new issues.) I...

Dynamically configuring screen in silverlight

Hi, I have a complex form that can exist in 30 odd different states depending upon a couple of selections made on the screen. In the different states, the controls / section displayed are different. And the values in some of the controls can also vary. I obviously don't want to hard-code these conditions in. Any frameworks / approache...

Help me choose a topic for my graduation thesis with NAO

Hello, I would like to get some advice about my graduation thesis. The professor has already gave me some basic guidelines and I have two weeks to decide. My graduation thesis should be coding "something" for the NAO robot. The "something" should be coded using the Silverlight technology. Now I just need to decide on what the "somethi...

Silverlight Web App MVVM

Hi, I am trying to create a multiple user control silverlight application with MVVM pattern. Here is sample of my first page User control <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="GhostWhite" > <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="100" /> <ColumnDefinition Width="*" /> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <Bor...

How do I display Custom Error Message in MediaElement

When MediaElement is unable to play a media file then it displays the error "Could not open mediaFile someFile.avi". Can we customize this Error message or display a link instead of message so when user clicks on it will be redirected to player site. Edit: I am creating custom MediaPlayer and updating the requirement onApplyTemplate as...

3D chart in silverlight4

how to create 3D pie chart using silverlight 4 toolkit ...

Silverlight MVVM Combobox Binding getting broken

I have a combo box defined as such <ComboBox Name="RoomDropDown" Visibility="{Binding Path=RoomDropDownVisible,Mode=OneWay,Converter={StaticResource BoolVisibilityConvertor}}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=RoomList,Mode=OneWay}" DisplayMemberPath="display" SelectedValuePath="display" SelectedValue="{Binding Path=R...

Is it possible to add a crystal report to a tabcontrol in Silverlight ?

I have to add a crystal report to a tab item from a tabcontrol in Silverlight. Is it possible to do this without using 3rd party controls, just with usual controls on Visual Studio ? And if it is possible, how do I do this? ...

How to get a specific Grid's Row or Column Width and Height value?

Hello, In my application I have a Grid that is divided in two columns: instance_room[room_guid].Room_grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition()); instance_room[room_guid].Room_grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition() { MinWidth = 130, MaxWidth = 250 }); To which I add I add a Canvas in the first one: Grid.SetColum...

Silver and WCF Service Behind Firewall

I have a Silverlight 4.0 (ASP.Net 4.0) application on our website for our customers once they authenticate. The program loads fine but can't talk to the WCF service created. Internally everything works great. The Silverlight application is hosted on IIS 7.5 with an internal IP of with teh firewall redirecting the real world app...

Mocking Asynchronous Calls in Silverlight WCF Proxy using Moq

I have a typical Silverlight application with a WCF service and I am using slsvcutil.exe to generate the standard client proxy to communicate with the web service. I am trying to write unit tests and I'm attempting to use the Silverlight Unit Testing framework and Moq to mock the proxy and remove the service dependency for testing. I am...

Problems deploying Silverlight PivotViewer

I have a Silverlight PivotViewer application that is working perfectly in Visual Studio. My problems occur when I try to deploy the application. The application starts as usual with a "Loading" animation and the path to the CXML file in the upper left. The problem is when the Loading animation is finished, it simply disappears and not...

Is it possible to dynamically choose which Control to render based on bindable attribute in Silverlight 4?

I have a ListBox with an ItemTemplate which renders a Grid with two columns. The first column is a TextBlock and the second is a ComboBox. The idea is to present to the user a list of questions and a Combo from which the user can choose an answer. This works ok with this xaml: <ListBox x:Name="QAListBox" ScrollViewer.VerticalS...

Listbox binding - delayed by one source

hey. I'm trying to maintain an MVVM model, but am tripping up somewhere when trying to bind to a listbox. The first time I run the application, I set ItemCatalog (ObservableCollection) to be a certain ObservableCollection list. The listbox is empty, but if I try again it works. However, there is a lag between the datasource and the displ...