
how to get value in this row

i want to get this binding value with Row_Click Events,but it doesn't private void Row_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RadButton b = e.OriginalSource as RadButton; string guid = b.DataContext.ToString(); int type=1; if (((Silverlight.BindableObject)(this.grvinf...

Save MediaElement file source to isolated storage

With a MediaElement using an external source -- is it possible to play an mp3 while it's downloading, and then when it's finished downloading, save it to isolated storage for future use? If not, what's the best way to accomplish this? ...

ListBox.ScrollIntoView() does not seem to work in WP7

Hey guys, I want to move the listbox scrollbar to the bottom whenever a new item is added to the itemssource, but ScrollIntoView() doesn't seem to do anything if I pass it either a reference to the newly added item, or the index of it. Has anyone gotten this to work, or have any other suggestions as to how I could scroll the listbox down...

Does Sketchflow to Production now work in version 4?

Please ignore all the stuff about whether you should or not go from Sketch to Production... Can it be done more easly now in version 4? ...

Why do I get this error : "Domain operations cannot be started at design time?"

Hi, I have created a silver light user control and I want to test it in a new View (MyTest.xaml). I can see my user control in the toolbox. But when I drag and drop it to the design area in I get this error: Cannot create an instance of ctlMyControl. Domain operations cannot be started at design time. Basically, it is a control with ...

Autogenerating columns from empty results in Silverlight

I'm doing some rapid prototyping and is trying to mock out an admin interface for a website and went with WCF RIA Services. I'm able to expose and consume the domain services from server to client, but I'm struggling with getting columns autogenerated in the datagrid when the result of the query on the server holds no data. <riaControl...

Launching a Silverlight app from another or embeeding one?

Hi, I have been tasked with a project which will entail multiple apps, a master apps which will launch child apps. Is there a way to launch another SL application from with a SL application? or embed a SL app within another? OR Am I barking up the working tree, and should I just have the apps as one. The reasoning for multiple apps...

Silverlight 4 custom control binding order is different when inside ContentControl.

I have a custom container control that has a number of dependency properties. One of which requires element binding. Most of the controls logic is within the OnApplyTemplate() method. When I test my control inside a normal panel or ItemsControl, everything works fine. However if the control is placed inside a ContentControl (which it...

WPF - Margin in percentage

Hi, I have just started using WPF. I'm getting my head around styling system since. I come from a CSS background and I would like to set margin in percentage. <Style TargetType="TextBlock" x:Key="workflowNameTextBlock"> <Setter Property="Margin" Value="50"/> </Style> Currently value is set in p...

Silverlight - Smooth visibility change

I have a Grid with 2 rows, where the second has Visibility.Collapsed by default. I want it to change to Visibility.Visible on MouseEnter on the Grid and back on MouseLeave. That's simple and done. However, I would like the transition between Visible and Collapsed to not be instant but smooth. I believe I can do this somehow with the Vi...

Silverlight Prism Event Aggregator not reliable.

Hi, I'm experiencing some reliability issues with Prism/Silverlight. I got couple of modules one publishing events and other subscribing. Every time when I run the application from VS on debug mode by pressing "F5", the events are published and subscribed as expected. However, when I run the application from visual studio by pressing "...

Can I make a custom control similar to a ContentControl editable in Blend?

I'm trying to make a custom control in Silverlight have the same functionality as a ContentControl, notably being editable in Blend. The custom control has a property "AdditionalContent" which holds the Content that should be displayed. It is bound to and displayed with a ContentPresenter in the Xaml for the control's UI. Unfortunately...

WP7 Is it possible to have a two color background without using an image?

I'm looking to create a background with the top 48 pixels one color, and everything below it another color. I've created a style, but it crashes the phone with a "XamlParseException" when I try to use it. <Style x:Key="BackgroundStyle" TargetType="Grid"> <Setter Property="Background"> <Setter.Value> ...

How to make a navigation in Expression Blend 4?

So I created a layout in Expression Blend 4 for my Silverlight application. Now I need to create a simple navigation to navigate between pages. I have a canvas control in the layout (MainPage.xaml) and I would like the navigation buttons to just change the content of the canvas. So if a user clicks on a navigation button for Page1.xaml,...

WPF DataGrid AutoGenerated columns, change header name

I recall in Silverlight the ability to place an Attribute on a given property in the Model for an alternate display name when auto generating columns on a data grid. Is this possible in WPF? I don't want to use the event handler to change the names. ...

Dispatcher.BeginInvoke lambda capture thread-safe?

In Windows Phone 7 / Silverlight, is the following code safe or is it a race condition? //Snippet 1 foreach(var item in list) { Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( () => { foo(item); }); } Surely (?) this alternative is racy? //Snippet 2 Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( () => { foreach(var item in li...

How to give friendly error messages for different kind of exception during SubmitChanges()

Hi I have a gridview which will have Insert/Delete/Update. There are two kinds of exception which i am concerning right now is Concurrency and Unique Constraint Right now i can capture the exceptions by using private void OnSubmitChangesCompleted(SubmitOperation so) { if (so.HasError) { //RadWindow....

image show pixel by code

I have an image control that contain an image. I want to show the image by code, displaying random pixel of the original image. Is it possible? ...

Char.ConvertFromUtf32 not available in Silverlight

I'm converting a WinForms app to Silverlight (VB.NET). What should I use instead of Char.ConvertFromUtf32 as it's not available to use in Silverlight? ...

Navigation in Application Activated Windows Phone 7 (Tombstoning)

Hi there, Whenever my program is closed via tombstoning, when it is reactivated I would like the application to Navigate back to the start screen. I would like to do something like this private void Application_Activated(object sender, ActivatedEventArgs e) { NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Start.xaml", UriKind.Relative)); } but...