
timeout for method on UI thread

Hi, I have the problem that I'm instanciating an object on the UI-thread (WinForms). This object creation probably takes very long, and I would like to have some sort of a "timeout" for that method (because it's blocking my app). The problems I have are: 1. the object must be created on the UI thread 2. the object is a foreign object,...

Single-threaded apartment - cannot instantiate ActiveX control

I need to get information about applied CSS styles in HTML page. I used AxWebBrowser and iterate IHTMLDOMNode. I'm able to get all the data I need and move the code into my application. The problem is that this part is running inside of the background worker and I got exception when trying to instantiate the control. AxWebBrowser browse...

Can you configure a JBoss web app to be single threaded?

Can you configure a JBoss web application to be single threaded? Ie: only accept one incoming web request (ie: socket connection) at a time? Or is there a way to say max 3 concurrent connections? I know it's an unusual configuration but we were curious.. ...

Deadlock in Single threaded application.

Can a single threaded application have a deadlock? If so, please provide an example. ...

Semaphores in a single thread

Hello, I was wondering whether it would ever make sense to use a mutex or semaphore when there is only one thread?. Thanks for your help. ...

Getting the exit code from a process submitted with qsub on Sun Grid Engine

I would like to submit jobs via qsub on Sun Grid Engine (now: Oracle Grid Engine?). I do not wish to use the -sync yes option or qrsh, because I want my controlling program to be single-threaded and able to launch many jobs at a time. These options would block my controlling program's thread. However, I would like to receive the exit ...

Why can I deadlock in a single-threaded FLTK application?

I have a supposedly single-threaded FLTK application with a popup menu, created with Fluid. I have a class that sub-classes Fl_Gl_Window and implements a handle() method. The handle() method calls a function that creates a popup window on right-click. I have a long operation that I do for one of the menu items. My application has cre...