
Bread crumbs with url rewriting

In database I have a list of hierarchical list of categories so i construct a Custom Sitemap provider (by extending StaticSiteMapProvider ) with this list of categories. Now, the page that display articles /ShowArticle.aspx?id=" + Eval("ID") is rewrited into: /id/article-title.aspx. So it's not physical exists. I want the following:...

What would be an ASP.NET MVC route to a static Sitemap.xml?

If I want my url to look like,, how would my route look in my Global.asax file? What is the simplest way for me to route and return that static Sitemap.xml file? ...

How to bind SiteMap to a dynamically created TreeView?

How to bind SiteMap to a dynamically created TreeView at runtime? ...

Getting Sitemap is HTML from Google Webmaster Tool

[Note to the wise: jump to last EDIT] I have a very simple txt sitemap (named sitemap.txt) that looks like this: When I load it up on webmaster tools I get: Sitemap is HTML - Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Plea...

Update Xml Sitemap

The project I am working allows users to create pages in a CMS type system. I would like to use an sitemap to reference these pages. So when a page is added or moved the Xml sitemap would be updated. Is this a practical solution and are there any solutions available that work similar to this? ...

Custom xmlsitemapprovider can't set Title of sitemapnode?

I created my custom XmlSiteMapProvider. Works out great but I want to be able to change the Title of the SiteMap also in there. However I get exceptions that Title is suddenly readonly while the property has a setter when viewing in the Object Browser. Anyone can explain this behavior? I've been trying to create a new node, use the Remo...

How to configure a custom SiteMapNode for a sitemap?

I created a class which inherits from SiteMapNode and overrode the Title property of it. However how and where do I configure it so that my sitemap (and custom sitemapprovider) takes this custom SiteMapNode implementation instead of the default one? ...

Does the url order matter in a XML sitemap?

For search engines and website crawlers, does the url order matter in a XML sitemap? Currently when the sitemap is generated, I order the website urls sequentially using a unique id, in the database. Should I order the urls in date order? Sequential Sitemap <urlset> <url> <loc>;/loc&gt; <lastmod>2009-08-1...

Cocoon - Pipeline: Transform XML with XSL twice ?

Hey there, My problem is to setup the Cocoon sitemap.xmap in a way, that it first makes a transformation of an XML file with XSL, which I can then use for my own transformation. I have following files: start.xml : Contains references of files which are put together applying combine_start.xsl transform.xsl: This is my own XSL file whi...

How to set CSS for <td> background-color in a sitemap

Hi, I have the same problem as The problem is that i'm using a sitemap and not sure how to set the css for the td tags. (This works fine in firefox and IE8, but not IE7) I'm using the following CSS: .subMenu { z-index: 100; min-width: 11...

ruby-on-rails routing-filter google sitemaps

Hi, I'm generating sitemap.xml for google. I have also the Sven Fuchs' routing-filter excellent plugin. But all links look like this one - http://localhost:3000/en/posts/54 Is there any way to switch the locale in the same "view"? Thanks. ...

Django Google News Sitemap.xml

I'm trying to build out a Google News Sitemap in addition to a normal sitemap.xml to avoid having to put additional numerical characters in my URLs. I've build out the sitemap.xml using Django's contrib system and it works great, but I'm having trouble passing the context to the (unverified) patch updating the framework to gererate a ne...

Typo3 Extension Alphabetical site index - How to add additional wrap?

Add extra wrap in Alphabetical site index Situation described in the code. I think my problem is the right scope, but i don't how to solve it. Thanks a lot. # # Alphabetical site index # # @see # @note typoscript/templates/ext/cl_...

Sitemap for dynamic content?

I am developing a webapp using codeigniter (mvc) and php. I was wondering how do I create a sitemap for search engines when my contact is dynamic? Are there best practices for this, or is there a way to automate the process? I ask because content will be constantly and rapidly added so I'd like the sitemap be recent. Thanks Update: to...

Drupal Access Control List

To make sure my site is secure and all the permissions are set correctly, I am looking for a way to generate a list of every page that a specific user has access to. (So... every menu callback where user_access() returns TRUE for a given uid). Something that would look like this: $user->uid == 0 Home Photos Contact Us $...

Site navigation for an 'Admin' application in ASP.NET MVC

I've made an Area project for my ASP.NET MVC application called 'Admin'. This will contain all the logic for the Administration section of the site, where the users can add/remove pages, etc. There's a menu at the top, of things the user can manage. (E.g. 'Content', 'Users', etc) For each of these, I'm making a controller ('ContentCon...

Pinging google sitemap after every new article submission?

As you may know, by using the following url, you can 'ping' google to update its record of your sitemap: I made a script to do this programmatically after every article submission (I am making a user submitted blog type site). Do you think its a bad idea to do th...

What are the benefits of having an updated sitemap.xml?

The text below is from What are the benefits to do that versus the crawler doing their job? Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling. In its simplest form, a Sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a site along with additi... Mvc: List all the actions on a controller with specific attribute

Hello, I am trying to list all the controllers and their actions with specific attributes to create a dynamic google sitemap. So that I can "mark" certain actions with an attribute so they show up in the sitemap. Here I found out how to get all the controllers. But I am not sure how to get all their Actions with a particular attribute. ...

What is the most performance effective way to create a sitemap.xml for any CMS system?

We want to implement a sitemap.xml feature in out CMS system. There is some argument within our developers that this feature will impact performance due to each time a change is done in the Content a full list of links of the site needs to be created and placed in the sitemap.xml. The idea is that each time a public viewing page is e...